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Naveen Joel, Belle / Kuwait
30/01/2010 22:35:41

Very interesting coverage thanks Dr Eugene you’re really doing wonderful job, there is many things came to know through your articles, proud to you with bellevision. Keep up the good work

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
30/01/2010 11:37:40

Great work Anil. You are a wonderfulman!

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
30/01/2010 10:17:55

Very informative reports from Dr. Eugene about Attur Fest.Lots of changes in Attur Fest. Since 15 years i have not been to Fest. This time i got an oppertunity to know about the feast celebrations of all 3 days. More over one more additional inforamation about the distribution of food and alms to the beggers. That too 1700 numbers. It is quite amazing. Thank you bellevision for this wonderful coverage.May patron Saint lawrence shower his blessing you all for your hard work.

Ivan, Moodubelle / Dubai
30/01/2010 08:37:05

Hey Loreen.....Well Sung...suppperrr...Mind Blowing....History....!!!!

denzil D sa, attur / bahrain
30/01/2010 01:42:27

its really!!! thanx to site...

Denzil D sa, attur bahrain
30/01/2010 01:38:01

thanx for bellevision

Herman, Belle / Dubai
29/01/2010 07:10:42

Well done Kenneth. Great Job! Keep it UP!!! :)

Asha Dony Correa, Pernal / Dubai
29/01/2010 06:37:39

Loved the pictures, too good. Made my journey through the church and the saanth...

Simon Francis Lasrado, sullia/Bangalore
29/01/2010 01:19:09

I am one of the devotees to visit this world famous church after the gap of 45 years.Last time I visited this church in 1965.Good arrangements but lot of improvement.

Robert Castelino, Moodubelle/Bahrain
28/01/2010 09:10:54

It is nice to view all the images of St.Lawrence Shrine on this festive occassion.It brings back old memories of our childhood days where we used to visit the holy shrine enjoy the food stalls specially the watermelom stalls.SPECIAL THANKS TO DR.EUGENE for the well narrated report on this feast activities.I WISH ALL THE DEVOTEES OF ST LAWRENCE A HAPPY FEAST GODS BLESSINGS.

28/01/2010 08:35:42

this is really very nice and useful me and our people

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
28/01/2010 02:15:51

Anil, this is beautiful. Superb pictures. May St.Lawrence bless you.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
27/01/2010 22:45:40

Nice pictures and good coverage. I felt fo some time that i am in Festa Saanth. Thank you Dr. Eugene.

vijay dante, Canada/ Moodubelle
27/01/2010 20:45:05

Congratulations Dr. Eugene for your informative article. Hats off to you and entire team of Bellevision team. Unbelievable changes in the web site. Keep up your good job and God bless entire team.

John Pereira, Kulshekar, M lore/Ghatkopar, Mumbai
27/01/2010 19:22:54

Since both the Churches at Moodubelle and Attur are dedicated to St. Lawrence, it is in the fitness of things that some of the Belle parishioners have taken the initiative and feel privileged to go on foot to Attur Church from Belle Church after being blessed by the parish priest wishing them a safe journey, particularly, since Attur is a pilgrimage centre. Also, it showcases the communal amity between the Christian and Hindu communities.
Similarly,in Mumbai the annual walking pilgrimage is undertaken by the Devotees from the nearby parishes of Vakola, Kalina, Kurla etc.to Mount Mary s Basilica, Bandra on the occasion of Feast of O.L. of Nativity

Ranjeeta Nayar, USA
27/01/2010 07:14:15

Great! I have always want to be in INdia and watch it in person this great day of our nation. I am true indian who still believes "there s no place like home."

26/01/2010 23:55:16

This sort of functions are really worthful....and leave beatiful massages to every one s life.....helpful to bring our youth in to future as very harmonious.

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
26/01/2010 23:00:25

Great, what a speed. We have report on website within 2 hours of program held in Moodubelle school. Hats off to you Bellevision team and Fr.Paul Sequeira

Francis Noronha, Mumbai
26/01/2010 21:38:51

Congratulations to you Mr. Raymond Lobo. You are inspiration to the budding Enterpreneurs.

Simon Dsouza, Shirva/Doha
26/01/2010 20:58:33

Well done Raymond. All the Executive Committee members of St. Mary s Old Students Association join me in Congratulating you.
We are proud of you.

Nirmala Nayak, Ratannagar Jabalpur
26/01/2010 11:15:50

Fit and perfect but it was also necessary to add this , what is republic? and why this is special? because number of students not knowing this.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
26/01/2010 11:02:24

Wishing you all a Happy Republic Day.

Victor D’almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
26/01/2010 08:56:54

Our well known Melpete friends got together and took a humanly humble action to support the needy handicap boy with a wheel chair, really it is appreciable. Thanks to our Melepete friends, your honesty and simplicity always remembered. In future if anybody needs this kind of help please appeal through Bellevision

Suraj-Belle, Moodubelle/Dubai
26/01/2010 03:48:27

Eugene Sir Attur feast starts from 26th - 28th not 25th - 28th.. am I correct?

Suraj -Belle, Modubelle/Dubai
26/01/2010 03:30:50

Great Job from Melpete Friends. Good to sea senior leader and well wisher of St. Lawrence church Mr. Mukundamam among the young team. This is where you can show your true image. May God bless you all. Hats off to the one who took the initiative. Also good to see Raju. Pai, Rajesh, Sachu, Ali, Shathish and many others in the picture. Thank you Anil for your report.

Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore
26/01/2010 02:47:37

A grand salute to Melpete Friends. Keep up the good work in and around Moodubelle. God bless u all...

Stephan, dubai, kattingeri
26/01/2010 02:21:15

Dear melpete friends,good job!!!!!. God bless u all. hai raju mukunda i am missimg u yaar...happy to see u all in bellevision

Naveen M., Moodubelle
26/01/2010 01:03:29

Really a noble work from Melpete Friends. They lead by an example to others. Please do continue the good works for the benifit of less fortune people.

Manoj, Moodubelle/Dubai
26/01/2010 01:00:04

Hats off to Melpete Friends. Keep up the good work. May St. Lawrence bless all of you.

Therese dalmeida, Moodu belle/ Qatar
25/01/2010 07:55:23

Congratulations Fr. valerian and Fr. Denis on this special occasion.Wish you both good health, peace and happiness throughout your life.

Therese Dalmeida, Moodu belle/ Doha-Qatar
25/01/2010 07:41:10

A warm welcome to Fr.Maxim.we wish you all the best for the future progress and development of our English Medium school.

25/01/2010 06:14:59

very nice video of picnic wish u all the best

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
25/01/2010 05:24:40

Welcom Fr.Maxim D’Souza. The whole Moodubelle was waiting for a able Headmaster for the English school for last few years.
English medium High school is the future of Moodubelle. We wish you all the best

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
25/01/2010 05:21:36

Goodone Godwin, you have the talent to write poems. Looking forward to read more poems in coming days.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
25/01/2010 03:18:14

Hearty welcome to Fr. Maxim to Moodubelle. Let the English medium grow to a greater hight under your able leadership. Waiting to see lot of changes in the institution in coming days as far as academic and co-curricular activities concerned.

Francis Noronha, Mumbai
24/01/2010 22:38:14

Thank you Dr. Eugine for a very detailed and enlightening article. Parents must think in broader angle.If the situvation continues like like sooner the inbalance of the society will occur thus leading to several problem. Let us join together to put a fight agaisnt all these social elements and protect our children irrespective of gender so that tomorrow we need in our society a balanced existence of men and women. Happy Girl Child Day !

Victor D’Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
24/01/2010 10:53:27

Great to see Bellevision Muscat back into action. The weather is perfect for an outing. Get together in full numbers and have a fantastic day of fun.

Valerian D’Souza, Moodubelle
24/01/2010 08:25:35

Tats great to see my daughter Mahima getting a reward as a champion above.I’m really so happy to see her photo published in a belle vision website and feeling good to watch especially from overseas - London.

Thanks for Everyone
Valerian D’Souza.

ravindra h s, kumerabettu
24/01/2010 07:59:29


jeevan, belle
24/01/2010 07:05:54

hey good one! words telling everything! yaad thuji!!! keep it up!

LCutinha, Kulshekar/Dubai
23/01/2010 21:37:34

Very nice poem...keep it up Godwin...we need to c more from you!

santhosh prakash mendonca, padubelle / pamboor
23/01/2010 07:40:03

congratulation Fr.Vally and Fr.Denis on this great occasion.

Manoj, Moodubelle/Dubai
23/01/2010 00:35:05

Goodone Godwin.
Very thoughtful poetry.

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore
22/01/2010 18:00:57

Dear Suraj,
Thank you for the compliments.Your pleasure is our happiness.May God bless you

Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
22/01/2010 17:55:12

Well done Godwin. This is a very meaningful short poem from your pen. Let there be many more such lovely poems and other writings in Konkani from you in Bellevision.

Bellevision Qatar, Doha
22/01/2010 11:59:00

Congratulations Fr. Valerian and Fr. Denis on this special occasion. We wish you good health, happiness and peace for the years to come. May God guide you, guard you and keep you under his loving care today and everyday of your life.

Victor D, Moodubelle / Doha
22/01/2010 11:56:16

Five members to the service of God and church from one family, is rarest. Congratulations Fr. Valerian and Fr. Denis on this great occasion and wish you good health and happiness throughout your life. Thanks Dr. Eugene, for the great report and pictures.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
22/01/2010 10:38:07

Godwin thuje kavan maka bore rusle. Muklya disani thuji kavithachi zar barpoor volovndith mulli muji asha.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
22/01/2010 09:26:15

Congratulations to Fr. Vally and Fr. Denis. Let almighty god grant you good health and peaceful retired life.

Sathish Suvarna, Moodubelle
22/01/2010 05:40:29

Robberies in the village made the people more anxious. People should be more careful in the future. Police needs to be take very strict action in this matter and give protection to the people. People are advised to inform the police priorly when they leave home for long time to keep vigil on their home.

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