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Sathish Nayak, Moodubelle/ Dubai
04/02/2010 08:49:55

Good work done. keep it up..

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
04/02/2010 08:20:23

He was a good friend of mine besides being relative. I still remember the day in primary school Fr. Vincent came as assistant Parish Priest of our parish. He used to take youth to Malpe beach picnic. Once he drove a modified Willys Jeep from Bombay to Moodubelle. He was a good driver. He was physically fit and would have seen another 20 plus years easily. But Gods plan is different. I personally know his helping nature towards poor, immaterial of religion. Deep believer, a great visionery and dynamic personality. We are missing him! May his soul rest in peace!

Alban D souza, Kunthalnagar/Bangalore
04/02/2010 06:44:49

Really appriciate the Govt of KARNATAKA.Happy to say that atleast our village Moodubelle is now getting the benifits of Govt.Schemes.Congrats to all those who work behind this hoping that we will get more benfits in coming day s.

Alban D souza, Kunthal nagar/Bangalore
04/02/2010 06:35:27

Happy to say that we are presnt the FKCA programe witness the award function. Shri Wilfy Rebimbus is truly deserve the "LIFE-TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD".Lot of people are doing lot of things to keep our KOKKANI alive.HAts of to them.Sri Wilfy is one of them.Good work by FKCA.

Alban D souza, Kunthalnagar/Bangalore
04/02/2010 06:25:48

It is nice to see that our parish (moodubelle)member Mr.Akil Along with Mr.Winston(urva) hosted the entire programe.I came to know that Akil hosted the Koramangala Konkani association programe too.i feel proud that our parish talent is exploring in Bangalore wish akil all the best.may God bless his talent..

victor dalmeida, bahrain
04/02/2010 06:21:45

When we looking into the pictures of Fisherwomens Assocation we can recognize few of our local fish selling womens Baby, Girija others not seen may be they are old like Akani,Sindu, Gulabi, etc. They are polite in dealings, and words They used to call younger once Bale, when we see them I remembered those childwood days. They are so emotional. This is a real humble humun nature. Thanks for the covergage

Ashok M., Dubai
04/02/2010 05:39:49

In this land of sand and dust, longing to see such a greenery. what a clam ...........

Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain
04/02/2010 05:05:54

Nice way of encouraging 8th. STD sudents of St. Lawrence High School Moodubelle to do well in their studies. As always good work by Mr. Gerald Fernandes.

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
04/02/2010 02:57:05

A very affectionate, simple, quiet and down to earth person. I will always cherish the days we spent together years back. My heartfelt condolences to all his family members and to all those who loved him so much. May his soul rest in peace.

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
04/02/2010 02:52:48

Good move by the government. Environmental friendly, easy to maintain, inexpensive and above all very good for health.

Godwin, D Souza
04/02/2010 02:02:58

Glad to know your accomlishments Fr. John Baptist Mendonca. Your initiative each one teach one truly impressed me where you helped uneducated people to get the basic knowldge of writing/reading. Wish that your concept of ‘forming and shaping integrated human beings with a total balanced personality’ may be successful in building a community where everyone live in love, peace and brotherhood. May almighty give you strength and contentment in your mission.

nirmala dsa, moodubelle
04/02/2010 01:59:03

cogratulations and great job

philip dsouza, daddina katta house shirva
04/02/2010 01:34:37

Those are living in Shirva these people get blessing from our Lady of Health

Jessie D Cruz, Belman / Kuwait
04/02/2010 01:21:13

Beautiful Scenery. No doubt to prove that Nature is Beautiful
Thanks for sharing Eugene.
BTW, when this paalponos will ripe?
Hope no monkeys bounded!!

Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore
04/02/2010 00:55:38

Great work by Mr. Gerald Fernandes his team. God bless u. Keep up the good work in and around Moodubelle.

wilson sequeira, pamboor
03/02/2010 23:25:10

It is shocking to hear the tragic death of Fr Vincent Martis, May his soul rest in peace

Dennis Machado, Belle
03/02/2010 21:40:33

I am sure these type of programs can be conducted only when you have able leadership. I have see Mr.Simon Dsouza in several ICYM activities when I was a small kid. One thing is very clear, youth organisations like ICYM, YCS really shape the future of our children. Good going Bellevision Muscat Simon ... you rock.

Suraj-Belle, Moodubelle/Dubai
03/02/2010 21:12:35

WOW.I must congratulate Respected President and active committee members of Bellle Visison Muscat for organizing such wonderful program. Good to see very active UNITED belleans in Muscat. I think after many years BVM had such a good program. Very well done guys and Simon looks very active among the crowd. After viewing your report and Pictures I feel that there is lot of hidden talents and potential among the Belleans in Muscat. We must have at least one good stage program like this and a Picnic every year just to keep our belleans active and united. We are happy to join from Dubai for your next program and give our support to you. We want to build up strong Bellevision all over the Globe. There are still many active faces missing in Muscat (I could not find them in the picture) We are very proud to our young talent playing Keyboard on the stage and also many active kids. They are our future of Belle so parents please support them and let them take active part whenever they get such opportunities. Now we have new website where you have separate column for KIDS (KIDS CORNER). Let them also write some articles or carton pictures etc and send to our webmaster.Keep it up Guys and have more such programs.DON’T forget to invite us next time. REMEMBER WE ARE JUST FOUR HOURS AWAY FROM YOU AND JUST GIVE US A SHOUT AND WE ARE THERE NEXT MOMENT…..!!!

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
03/02/2010 20:51:16

Nice to see such a huge gathering, no doubt success lies in unity. Beautiful pictures by Anil Alva.

I could even recognize few fisher women who serve Belle public for years, well done.

Ajay, Bangalore
03/02/2010 20:47:36

All Shirva parishioners, wishing you happy Feast.

Fr. Edwin D Souza, Kattingere/Toronto, Canada
03/02/2010 19:11:12

The sad news about Fr. Vincent came to me just this morning before Mass. It was a shock. I offered my Mass for Fr. Vincent, my cousin. All through the Mass I felt strong presence of Fr. Vencent as he was with me celebrating Mass. We have one more saint in heaven to pray for us. Dear Family members, I am one with you in your grief. May God give all of us the grace to accept his will.
Fr. Edwin

Simon Francis Lasrado, sullia/Bangalore
03/02/2010 18:41:07

Well done Mr and Mrs Gabriel Vaz for your excellent report.Indeed this Federation day was arranged systematically. Thanks to Charles Gomes and his able team.Good photography.Thank you bellevision.com for publishing this report.

Cyril (Benny) Monis, Moddubelle (USA)
03/02/2010 10:52:56

It is shocking and sad, words can not explain what Alva family and Martis family lost today.

"What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget"

May Fr. Vincent s gentle soul rest in perfect peace with the Lord.

Cyril (Benny) Monis, USA

Bellevision Qatar, Doha
03/02/2010 10:51:32

Shocking to hear untimely and tragic demise of Fr.Vincent Martis. A simple priest, very helpful and above all a wonderful human being. May his soul rest in peace.

Victor, Connie, Carol, Moodubelle / Doha
03/02/2010 10:48:54

It’s really shocking to hear the sad demise of Fr. Vincent Martis. We pray Almighty God to Grant his soul everlasting peace. Heartfelt condolences to both Martis family of Belman and Alva family of Moodubelle.

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
03/02/2010 10:36:41

great job Simon, Felcy and team. It is not easy to bring so many people from different parishes under one roof. Bellevision Muscat is blessed with able leadership, keep up the good work.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
03/02/2010 10:36:30

Seems the get together was very well organized. Fantastic to see the Belleans and neighboring parishioners together as one family. Congratulations to Bellevision Muscat for organizing this event. Thanks to Mr. Simon D Souza for the nice report.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
03/02/2010 10:04:13

It is shocking to hear the tragic death of Fr Vincent Martis. He was a simple and humble priest.He served in Moodubelle when i was an alter boy. Hearty condolences to his family people and the people of Sastan Parish. May his soul rest in peace.

Manoj, Moodubelle/Dubai
03/02/2010 09:47:09

Long live Bellevision Muscat

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
03/02/2010 08:39:28

Very good coverage of the event. This reminds me of those days when our regular fisher women used to supply good quality fresh fish daily carrrying all the way from Kaman (Katapady) and many a time stay with us over-night. They were like our family members. I still remember the names of some of them - Situ, Peentu, Girija, Maire etc etc. Thanks Anil for rekindling the old memories.

Paul Dsouza, manibettu-belle now kuwait
03/02/2010 07:06:00

Whishing yu all happy pariesh feast and the Saoud Mai keep yu all in good blessing.

udaya basker, chennai
03/02/2010 02:21:51

the government should ban all blacklisted universities and allow students of the unrecognied universities to study under distant mode of government universities so that studnets can continue their study .The government should take a fast step to provide high quality education to all.

Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore
03/02/2010 00:05:23

Hats Off to FKCA, Bangalore for honouring the great legend in konkani music world, Konkan Kogul Sri Wilfy Rebimbus with "Lifetime Acheivement" award. He really deserves many more of such(especially from the Government of India) awards.

Sunil Martis, Kattingeri
02/02/2010 23:35:02

Wish you all Shirva parishioners a happy Feast.

ajith, ninjoor /dubai
02/02/2010 10:45:35

very very good pictures .. 0503647648

Suraj-Belle, Moodubelle/Dubai
02/02/2010 08:38:16

I heard that the last day of the function (Old Students Day) is very well organized. And now i believe it when i see and hear such a wonderful quality singers and Musicians on the stage. I like this tulu song which is old but very popular. Thank you bellevision and request you to upload all the songs and if possible whole program (Part by part) People like me who missed it could enjoy through this website.

Francis Noronha, Mumbai
02/02/2010 06:09:25

Let the Word Of God Bring Unity Among all the christians. Wishing all Shirva parishioners a happy Parish Feast.and the Saud Saibeen keep you all in good spirit.

Sathish Suvarna, Moodubelle/Dubai
02/02/2010 03:08:36

Whah its realy wondorful pictures, The real beauty of nature lies in this. Thanks for the great pics

Manoj Kumar, Belle
02/02/2010 00:48:52

superb singing, I really missed this function in Belle.

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
01/02/2010 23:44:20

The beauty of nature in this place was there from time immemorial. We just looked at it and enjoyed it. There were no cameras to capture it. Now that we have sophisticated equipments to capture the nature, websites to circulate the pictures and people to feast their eyes and appreciate. Dr Eugene s contribution to Bellevision has made the website informative, facinating and eye catching. Wonderful work!

Jyoti Britto, Moodubelle
01/02/2010 23:01:24

Nice Pictures

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
01/02/2010 22:35:27

Great mind always think bigger. This is one s beyound imagination. There are unlimited things in everyones day to day life. But we are always ignorant about these. This article really motivates to take out hidden things in our mind.
Really great!!!!!

Ajith Fernandis, Moodubelle/ Dubai
01/02/2010 22:29:48

I always love to join SMKC s picnic every year.Looking forward for this funfilled day. All the best to Vincy and team.

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
01/02/2010 22:01:51

Very interesting article, what we fail to see and understand, is observed by Mr.Eugene. thanks for all the beautiful updates

Ronson D Souza, Kallianpur/Pune
01/02/2010 19:34:18

All the best to u Mrs. Christabel Snehalatha.
It was a well organised progeramme.
She was my teacher in Milagres Kallianpur.
May God Bless her.

usman, bradford 3
01/02/2010 10:07:05

did it happen???

Sandeep Fernandes, Moodubelle
01/02/2010 02:57:01

Very good job Kenneth........Keep Up the good work going......>>>>

Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
31/01/2010 10:24:34

We never know days of the annual feast of the Saint of Miracles there was a alms giving tradition at the shrine. Only we came to know that through Bellevision. our kind hearted reporter took some nice pictures of those poor people, God bless you.

G Russell, Bangalore
31/01/2010 09:39:00

There is no evidence whatosever to link full moons to any kind of behaviour. It is a total myth.

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
31/01/2010 04:52:21

Very informative article, the teachings of St.Lawrence were truely followed.

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