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dilip kumar singh, NASHIK
28/02/2010 20:39:52

your article is really very informative useful.

Francis K., Katapadi
28/02/2010 12:51:15

Excellent! Sannu, hats off for your skill, we need many more like this.

Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
28/02/2010 11:54:47

Very interesting to read the article about Prof. Wilfred D Souza, I remember my childhood days I have been to his grand wedding at his fathers house.I know that time his wilson industries very famous for his steel cupboard scheme, very talented individual professor, businessman, agriculturist plus history researcher, we all wish him success in his business and good health and long life.

Pascal, Moodubelle
28/02/2010 07:30:02

In my opinion, there is no comparison to Mr. Shanbhogue. All the Belleans always talk about Mr.Shanbhogue for his smiling and warmth service and his activities. Actually, we missed a lot.We expect same will continue. Hats off to Syndcate Bank Moodubelle for their present heights.

Arun Mendonca, Belle
28/02/2010 00:54:58

Sannu is one of very talented poet and konkani activist. This poem is having very good meaning. I liked it. Hope to see more such pooems in the coming days

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
28/02/2010 00:45:23

Hi Sannu Monis, great work. Keep it up. You are capable of writing many such poems having great meaning.

Thomas D Sa, Moodubelle/ Dubai
28/02/2010 00:09:04

Prof. Wilfred D Souza pride of Belle. Man with multiple visions and determination. Congratulations for your achievements and keep doing social welfare programmes.

Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
27/02/2010 20:58:34

Dear Sannu, very meaningful poem. Let many more such relevant poems flow from your pen.

Ancy Paladka, Mumbai
27/02/2010 14:12:49

Good one Sannu.
Keep it up and do continue writing poems in similar tone.
Best of luck

Victor DSouza, Moodubelle / Doha
26/02/2010 18:24:38

It is amazing how they wear that make up for such a long time. Interesting article Dr. Eugene.

Victor DSouza, Moodubelle / Doha
26/02/2010 16:47:30

Nice pictures and details. This is surely an attractive event and Dubai is one of the favorite tourist destinations.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
26/02/2010 12:51:59

Few months back I visited Syndicate Bank Moodubelle, I was pleased with warmth of then Manager Shanbhogue. Since then it has been a habbit for me to deal with this bank! Services provided by Shankar Patwal, Mario and all the staff is of Top Class!! Keep it Up!

Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
25/02/2010 23:20:55

What about N.R.I. people. Are we entitled to have a Ration card I mean not for the ration for the record, to book a gas cylinder or mobile new connection etc. I have land in my name plus house tax land tax everything paying. Last time i check with concerned authority i got different opinion even though i submitted my papers i need an explanation from our village accountant or Panchayat President, we know we don t have voting right yet.

devadashebbar, kattingeri
25/02/2010 22:01:12

Mr Shankar Patwal Wish you all the best.

devadas hebbar, kattingeri
25/02/2010 21:51:25

Dear Wilfy Philip please note,march 2nd is the 9th call to take the picture for a ration card.6 in belle,2 in kaup now in udupi.The authority already gave 6 chances in belle only.This is for your information.Thank you.

B G Shanbhogue, UDUPI
25/02/2010 16:36:30

Mr.Shankar Patwal - Wish you all the best and every success in your endeavour.

Thomas, Belle/Doha
25/02/2010 13:03:43

Am really surprised! only very few people are attending this Grama Sabah meeting and most of them are womens, but the staff and panchyat members are sited like a big conference is going on there!it is a only waste of time of the people .

wilfy, pamboor
25/02/2010 12:43:59

I will request to VA ,please don’ t make arrangements to take people to to Ajjarakad, instead of that do one thing ask these panchayath members in their particuler area to prepare the list of people who are still not taken the pictures and then send the cameraman to their home and click pictures .When pictures are taken in Belle panchayath people have not come ,then what is the point to ask them to go Ajjarkad ??

Shashiprasad, Ankudur/Bangalore
25/02/2010 08:25:39

I wish to see few scientists emerging out of our Instituion..
Being your senior, my sincere suggestion to all of you is Strive for Sound Knowledge.
All the Best

Philip Mudartha, Mesaieed, Qatar
25/02/2010 01:34:08

I am appalled to learn from the VA that the villagers have to go to Ajjarakad only for a pciture to be taken for a ration card. Come on, this is global village times. A cameraman can come to Belle Gram Panchayat office certainly..

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
24/02/2010 20:32:30

Gem of a person; always approachable and humble. I am really saddened by his death. Good bye my friend.

Jessie D Cruz, Belman/Kuwait
24/02/2010 20:02:05

Inspiring write up Dr Eugene. I am very much interested in
gardening and always used to pick up the rare plants including seasonal fruits Vegetables from the nursery for my collection. I must visit this place once in my life time as I haven’t been to Belle yet, nor seen the new built Church.

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
24/02/2010 19:44:33

The numerous and beautiful photographs show us how enriching the festival is. This should encourage the people plan their trip to Dubai next year.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
24/02/2010 19:03:02

Global Village is the focal point of Dubai Shopping Festival. One can really enjoy the heritage stalls those have been set up in the global village. Since only few days have left for the closure of the festival, fun lovers can make use of all the facilities .

Francis Noronha, Mumbai
24/02/2010 18:56:50

Welcome Mr. Shankar Patwal. Over the years the service providing by Syndicate Bank has improved drastically. The friendly nature of all staff approaching the customers is created good image about bank among all the Belleans. Hope the same will continue during the tenure of present Manager.

RTN MICHAEL MATHIAS gurkar pilar lower ward shirva, PILAR SHIRVA
24/02/2010 18:47:14

very sad news .may his soul rest in peace

Philip Mudartha, Mesaieed, Qatar
24/02/2010 01:00:31

Capitvating pictures tell the glittering story

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
23/02/2010 22:53:09

Beautiful choreography. The dancers have done very well. I felt as if I was watching a TV show. Very good work. Keep it up.

joel D sa, Moodubelle, Bahrain
23/02/2010 22:28:58

Nice to see the co-ordination between students and teachers. I pray for all the students appearing for the coming examinations, may the lord lead them to success and make our college proud. I have full faith in our teachers and also students. under the able guidence hard work of Pricipal Fr.Paul our college has achieved so much. Students go and make your future a bright one. good luck to all.

Alban D souza, Kunthal nagar
23/02/2010 19:48:15

May the sufferings of Jesus,lead us to live a better life and let us do something for his sake as he suffers for our sins..Have a blessed LENT season to all

Fr Francis Crasta, Nityadarnagar
23/02/2010 12:01:24

All the best all the students. we hope that this year we get 100 percent in Science section. May God bless you all.

Fr Francis Crasta, Nityadarnagar
23/02/2010 11:56:24

I wish all the best for all the parishioners of belle as well as the devotees of St Lawrence. The Church of St Lawrence has grown under the inspiration and intercession of St. Lawrence. The peoples life has been shaped through his intercession. May this jubilee year be a precious opportunity for all of us to follow more closely Our Lord Jesus Christ as St Lawrence did. All the best to all parishioners.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
23/02/2010 11:50:51

St.Lawrence pray for us.Wish and pray all the programmes those planned during for the centinary year be successful one .Almighty god keep all of us united and bind us spiritually.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
23/02/2010 11:26:24

Best way to start the centenary year of the parish of St. Lawrence of Moodubelle with the journey of the ‘Pilgrim Statue’ of St. Lawrence to all 22 Wards of the parish. This spiritual program will also bring unity and peace among the parishioners. Thank you Fr. Joswey for the nice report.

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
23/02/2010 10:54:44

This is a good move by the parish priest on the occasion of Church centenary. With the able leadership of previous priests with the help of parishioners, today Belle is having best of infrastructure like church, schools … etc. Hence in this centenary year it is better to concentrate much on spiritual social aspects than going for new buildings

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
23/02/2010 10:51:22

Congratulations and All The Best to our future Engineers, doctors, technologists and scientists! May God bless you and may you score high in the qualifying examinations.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
23/02/2010 10:35:13

All the best to the outgoing P.U. Science students in their forthcoming exams and also in their future studies / career.

Celine, Muscat
23/02/2010 00:09:13

Hi Bavoji, I also have a dream after my retirement to follow your foot steps - grow all possible vegetables, fruits and flowers. This way we can avoid buying from the shop which contains more of chemicals. God bless and keep up the good work !!! Congrats to Bai also ....your efforts are really paid off.

Nandanan, Kerala/Qatar
22/02/2010 19:58:30

That is great!
I also grow similar vegetables, but in very small quantity, in my small piece of land back in Kerala. Someday I will also publish a small article on it. Till that time, let me be envious of you.
Best regards…..


Asha Dony Correa, Pernal / Dubai
22/02/2010 18:32:46

Wow!! Amazing stuff, loved the article and lovely pics. Its a wonderful experience to cultivate a land and grow vegetables, fruits etc. But my observation is that people are no longer wanting to grow vegetables in their garden rather love to fetch them from the market. I think Eugene, u r a true role model for all of us. I hope many more will be enlightened after reading your article. I am completely nostalgic after looking at the pics (specially VAINGEN)....... AWESOME!!!!

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
22/02/2010 16:45:39

"Bende, badane, alasande; hirekai, kumbala; modalada beejagallu; mollakege bandavu" was the first song I learnt from (late) Duje Master in my first standard. I think, Dr Eugene also sang this song during his early school days and now he is ejoying it in reality. I too have a few pots in my balcony here in Dubai, one with "valchibhaji", another with curry leaves (bevaso) plant, another with "thimaro" (kareno), another with "Jidde" flowers and another with a lemon (limboo) plant! I would have done more but for my better half who wants place to dry laundry! Earlier, I had rose plants and "bende" plants. It all boils down to: "Huttu guna gatta hattidare....". Of course, Mr Puranik should take at least some credit for it.

Victor DSouza, Moodubelle / Doha
22/02/2010 16:33:53

Rightly said Mr. Valerian. Mr. Eugene is truly a role model. As Mr. Eugene and Mrs. Benny DSouza are celebrating their 39th Wedding Anniversary today, Best wishes to them from all the Bellevision.com Readers.

Ronald sabi, Moodubelle
22/02/2010 15:56:16

Dr. Eugene, It was pleasent to read the narration of home grown vegetables. You are more than a poet! Great work!!

Valerian Alva, Kattingeri
22/02/2010 15:33:40

One should learn the art of Time Management from Dr.Eugene.
He is a busy person. He devotes much of his time to Bellevision.com. Also he is having several other social commitments such as church school issues. Still he manages to spare time and able to grow the vegetables at home. Its not an easy job.

He is a real role model. One who knows him personally will accept this. Nothing is impossible to our dear Dr.Eugene. Wishing you all the best sir

22/02/2010 15:22:05


zita, New Delhi
22/02/2010 14:55:06

Once again well done Dr. Eugene, I ve heard a lot about His Grace Archbishop Albert from many of our Delhi priests, and i feel so happy and proud that he is from Moodubelle. I wish him all the best and pray for God s Blessings. Bellevision rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Franky D Souza, Bonnajalay mattar
22/02/2010 13:31:52

Kethlay bore distath phote dudiyache, vangche, boblache, tomatoche, thanks Dr. Eugene

jessy, manipal
22/02/2010 12:31:05

dear reymond sir,i personally met you in dubai.you are such gem of a crown. i heard many people are saying,whoever got so much in their life they are very good in their sorroundings.thats true. i was just 2 hours with you and i pound what a simplisity and care for others.really great sir .hats off to you and all very best to great job.jessy dubai.

Shaun, Jeddah
22/02/2010 11:36:16

hey there. im your dad s work mate. i just went thru your art and i must say they r beautiful. u r really blessed with a gifted tallent, i really need to see more so do upload some more of your work but do keep studies in mind too, i wish u all the best and ur always gonna be in my prayers to reach the highest success in life god bless u. keep showing the world ur tallent u never know when things would click ;) take care Shernon, good luck.

Nirmala, Moodubelle
22/02/2010 11:34:33

It was really great to hear your speech Sir.Wish u good health and all the happiness in life.

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