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Robert Castelino, Moodubelle/Bahrain
10/02/2010 21:26:12

Many congratulations to Fr.Paul Sequeira for all the good works done towards the progress of our beloved St.Lawrence Junoir college.This great news is the fruit of your efforts the people of Moodubelle specially the Management,staff,current stuents old students.May our Patron obtain Gods blessings on all.

Alwin, kabyadi/Pamboor
10/02/2010 21:05:51

Great news, congrats well done Mr Jerry co. all the best and keep on doing good things to our society.

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
10/02/2010 20:37:43

After a long time it is heartening to read some "APUT KONKNI" from Sannu and Wilson. At the same time let it be user friendly and try to avoid making it too literal.

Praveen Crasta, Abudhabi/Siddakatte
10/02/2010 20:26:06

Beautiful program conducted by our I.C.Y.M (diocese of Mangalore).This is great opportunity to all join together and showing our unity . so I congrats to all and I wish this type of program going well in future also

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
10/02/2010 20:24:46

Superb sketches and wonderful work! Try to become a professional. You have great potential!

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
10/02/2010 20:15:04

After a long time it is nice to read "APUT KONKNI" from Sannu and Wilson. Keep it up.

Shamith Shetty, Edmer
10/02/2010 19:37:51

Congratulations great Job by Mr. Chandrakant Rao.The report and pictures Excellent. Congratulations to the Bellevision Team

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
10/02/2010 18:00:03

Concratulations to Fr. Paul, staff members and the student. Proud moments for Belle.

John Peter Fernandes, Moodubelle/Nottingham U.K
10/02/2010 17:35:00

Congratulations Joy on being re-elected as President of Kanajar Association. You are talented Guy!!!! Keep up good work and all the best!!

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
10/02/2010 17:11:51

Excellent news! Congratulations to The Principal, staff, students and to all those who made this possible.

Lavina D Sa, Bahrain-Mumbai
10/02/2010 16:47:27

Superrrrrbbbbb!!!! You ve made all of us proud.. Waiting to see you reach great heights with your paintings.. Wish you all the very best and God bless..

Peter Mendonca, Moodubelle/Alain(uae)
10/02/2010 16:41:49

Congratulations to thhe Management,Principal,teaching staff and students.Keep up the hard work.Good Luck and all the best.

Clifford Fernandes, Thottam-Kalmady / Mira Road Mumbai
10/02/2010 16:41:37

Thanx to bellevision the team for the wonderful coverage of the feast.
Belated wishes to all the parishioners

10/02/2010 16:05:10

Dev Boro Dis Divum Godwin,

You have summarised all your KONKANI dreams in a nutshell. Your fear for the FADING FOOT PRINTS is obvious. But remember when warriors like you are ever present to keep Konkani alive, the PAVLAM will be SASHVIT

Joba Alva, Moodubelle/Dubai
10/02/2010 15:44:56

Congratulations Fr. Paul. you are really GREAT.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
10/02/2010 15:24:30

It is like people damaging their own houses. The theatres provide bread to so many of their own brothers and sisters. Low thinking by the sena men, this act will take them no where.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
10/02/2010 15:13:36

Congratulations to the Principal, staff and students. I have a strong belief " Hard work always pays". Keep continue the hardwork and excel in entire state.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
10/02/2010 14:20:22

Congratulations and Best wishes for the early completion of this project. Moodubelle needs many such projects so that people need not travel far for any facilities. Thank you Mr. Anil and Bellevision media network for providing all the news.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
10/02/2010 14:13:39

This is the fruit of the hard work and contributions by the Management, Pricipal, Staff, Students, donors and well wishers. Congratulations to all, especially to Fr. Paul who led the Institution to great heights.

10/02/2010 14:03:48

Mr Oscar Rego and uswas team dubai wish u happy shirva feast celebrating on 12th Feb

10/02/2010 14:00:57

Congratulations to Paul Sequiera principal and students and Belle Parishioners.

norbert, kattingere
10/02/2010 13:55:44

Congratulations to the Principal, staff and students!!

Shipra Saxena, Delhi
10/02/2010 11:34:10

Truly inspiring!!

Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore
10/02/2010 11:17:54

Congratulations Joy!!! Wish you Best of LUCK All the Very Best to your mission...

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
10/02/2010 11:17:39

Congratulations and all the best to newly elected office barers of Lourds Kanajar Association of Emirates and All the best to JB, he was a helping hand to all the community works for more than two decades.

Ashish Singh, New Delhi
10/02/2010 09:28:08

This article makes for great reading. I am a friend of Austin Alick from his days at wipro bpo. Indeed a wonderfull person to be associated with. I too am inbetween jobs and looking for a good break. I wonder if at age 36, i am elligible to apply for any govt jobs . The facts above represents great achievement and the struggle which middle class families go through. Truly inspiring. God Bless

Godwin D Souza, Moodubelle / Dubai
10/02/2010 09:08:48

Dear Wilson, welcome to bellevision...! love for your mother tongue shows in the article. It was like a beatifully written poetry. Expected much more in this article, but it ended soon to my disappointment. Would like to see a series of articles from you about the roots/origin of konkani. Keep up the good work. Tuka sorv boren magtham...!

Austrin Alick, New Delhi
10/02/2010 01:13:22

Dr. Eugene, Sir. I would like to take this moment to convey my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for sharing with us this highly inspiring article. Though I would be honest to disclose my feeling of being a proud son at this moment, I wanna express my primary feeling of being a proud belle youth who has just been motivated and encouraged with the message you have communicated through this wonderful post. I look forward to more such interesting and stimulating information. Quoting in sync with Mr. Anil, "Don t believe the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon". Thank you Sir and God bless.

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
09/02/2010 23:02:01

Very nice dance and choreography. Would have been better if the dancers stuck together all the time. Incoherency was glaring.

Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
09/02/2010 22:20:54

Hello Fr John, This is your classmate Victor D Almeida from Bahrain, Sorry i didn t recognised you when i read article about you in our Belle media. I never thought you become a priest, you are the only one in our batch became a priest Really we all proud of it. When i saw Joel s opinion about you, it strikes me you are my classmate.What you are doing it is great, not a easy job. Educating those poor people and helping them God Bless you and wish you success in your mission.

Babita, new delhi
09/02/2010 21:59:18

Dr. Eugene, that is indeed a wonderful write up... the Flair with which you have written is highly appreciative. It is quite motivating. Thanks once again

peter, Pamboor
09/02/2010 20:48:06

I do agree with pamboor road we cannot go with auto.Even they are not comming until our home.Pls repair the road world change but pamboor will not change

Suraj-Belle, Moodubelle - Dubai
09/02/2010 19:45:53

Bari onji porlukantda dance..Good dance from Belle School Girls...all of them maintained perfection.
I liked this title name lele padga ...Genarally Lele padun kali pard tight athinakulu...dani panpar???

santhosh prakash mendonca, padubelle / pamboor
09/02/2010 19:37:41

welldone ,very nice job ,go ahead.

Anil Martis, Moodubelle
09/02/2010 19:31:27

Very interesting to read the profile of Mrs. Veronica. She is the inspiration and role model for all youths who all striving for better future. If there is will there is a way.

Daphne, Delhi
09/02/2010 19:25:57

I know her personally and truly speaking, she is a great woman with a humble heart. Keep up the good work..we re proud of you..:) also thank u in a special way to Dr. Eugene, for bringing her story forward. All the best to bellevision!!

Flora D souza, Kalmady - Jerimeri (Mumbai)
09/02/2010 14:41:19

Beleated Vhodlem fest wishes to all Kalmadians. Hearty Congratulations to the Parish Priest. Nice to see you all by colourful photos.

joel d sa, Modubelle/ Bahrain
09/02/2010 14:38:06

Very dear Fr.John.
I am so happy to read about you in our own website. we have been good friends for so long but we couldn t meet in recent past. I am very proud of you Fr.John (brother John), I hope you remember our good old days in belle. I wish you the best for your future assignments and thank you for making Belle proud with your good work. Hope to see you in my next visit.
Good wishes from:
Joel/hilda/Hazel jason

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
09/02/2010 12:12:54

Amazing talent! Wishing you a great career in this field.

Rita Concesso, Mangalore/Dubai
09/02/2010 11:14:15

Great job! Fr.John well done. Keep it up. All the best for your future assignments.

Naveen Joel, Belle / Kuwait
09/02/2010 10:09:57

Congratulation!!! wonderful painting keep it up Shernon. I am a big fan of paintings you really got bright future wish you all the best.

Raj, Dubai
09/02/2010 09:18:34

Congratulations, your paintings are excellent. Hope u take part in national level competition very soon. All the best.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
09/02/2010 09:11:58

Inspiring and informative. Thank you Dr. Eugene for exploring such achivers and presenting their experience to readers, which is very useful.

Fr.Gerry, Niddodi/Jamshedpur
09/02/2010 07:41:31

Thanks Mr. Eugene for highlighting about Veronica Alick - From Belle to central government service at Delhi, whom i had met in delhi during my studies in 2005-2006. Since then had not much contact..she did help us many ways in Delhi and she has been a great source of inspiration to many to strive for a better life. Thanks.

Philiph Martis, Riyadh - Moodubelle
09/02/2010 10:16:09

Dear bellevision team, thanks for publishing our parish magazine "suvaad" online, it is a good move and you are helping belle parishioners across the world to unite through this wonderful site.

Robert ,Pramila, Moodubelle ( Sharjah,UAE)
09/02/2010 09:43:20

Congraulations! Shernon,you have done a very good painting,all the bestin your future carrier,and all your wishes come true.God bless you.

William, Pamboor
09/02/2010 09:38:17

Congrats to u Jerry for the wonder ful thought of Pamboor-Belle Dam Project. May God bless this Project and lead to it s Success.there will be always Criticizers behind a good deed. never let ur self down Go ahed!!!!

Prakash Dsouza, Panjimar
09/02/2010 09:24:02

Congarts to the whole team of Belle Panchaiti.River The Dams are the back bones for the development of Villages.this dam project will surely help the needies which help them to come up from the water problems. Requesting all the concerns and Good hearted people to support this big event/Project insted of diging out the old unsolved issues and wasting valuable time.Cheer up Guys.. at least some good things are happening now in our Village!!!!

wilfy, pamboor
09/02/2010 06:29:45

yes , it is good work ,This is the dream of pamboorians and belleans from last 25 years ,but as Mr Wilson told can these people take more intrest to repair the road from Pamboor school to kabyadi till the river, the condtion of this road is very wrost only big stones are in the middle of the road so it is beter to reapir this road ,and then go for the big vented dam .all the best.

Victor D Souza, Doha
09/02/2010 06:18:40

Thank you Mr. Albert D Souza for the correction.

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