Once again well done Dr. Eugene, I ve heard a lot about His Grace Archbishop Albert from many of our Delhi priests, and i feel so happy and proud that he is from Moodubelle. I wish him all the best and pray for God s Blessings. Bellevision rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kethlay bore distath phote dudiyache, vangche, boblache, tomatoche, thanks Dr. Eugene
dear reymond sir,i personally met you in dubai.you are such gem of a crown. i heard many people are saying,whoever got so much in their life they are very good in their sorroundings.thats true. i was just 2 hours with you and i pound what a simplisity and care for others.really great sir .hats off to you and all very best to great job.jessy dubai.
hey there. im your dad s work mate. i just went thru your art and i must say they r beautiful. u r really blessed with a gifted tallent, i really need to see more so do upload some more of your work but do keep studies in mind too, i wish u all the best and ur always gonna be in my prayers to reach the highest success in life god bless u. keep showing the world ur tallent u never know when things would click ;) take care Shernon, good luck.
It was really great to hear your speech Sir.Wish u good health and all the happiness in life.
It does not matter if your parish is Big and Small, Old or New but most important is that the Respect what you give to the elderly people of the parish….I am obliged and I must congratulate the parish priest and the organizers for conducting such a wonderful day. Thank you Sanjay Andrade for your nice pictures and updates.
To celebrate Eugene s bountiful crop, and the eye-catching pictures, I will write about them at my blog www.cplash.com/lostpatrol. I hope you approve.
Marvellous pictures seems like real in front of you, thanks to Dr.Eugine for this article, which made me remember my younger school college days in belle . I used to do this vegitable gardening with my father in our fields. we used grow many types of vegitables it was fun to see these grow day by day. inspite of warning from father we used to eat tender cucumbers plucked from the plant, I miss those days, but to day after reading this article all the memories came back and had a good laugh.
thanks bellevision for publishing this.
How somebody can insult other religion and thier sentiments. This is rediculous. It should be condemned strongly .
I feel very happy to hear the tulu speech of my most favourite teacher Mr. P.D.Kamath. He was teaching us English and Biology in the high school. And the speeches he is to give those days, i still remember. He was one of the best teacher and good orator of high school of those days. Still i can see same style speech even today. Thank you very much sir, wish you good health and peaceful retired life.
Dr. Eugene, thank you for sharing your gardening experience. It is a wonderful feeling. I think everyone should have a kitchen garden. Eating our own grown greens is the way to health and happiness. Whenever we take up any creative activity we are bound to be happy and gardening is one of them. Kitchen gardening adds so much spice to ones life. Our elders laid much emphasis on the importance of garden produce for good diet, well before doctors started advising us about vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
The article is eye opener for all of us . There are many advantages of growing vegetables at our place. We can contribute to the economy, helping the nature to generate more oxygen, physical exercise to body and moreover mental happiness.
So let us give a serious thought on this and start working.
Very nice article about mother language. We all love our mother tongue konkani. Long live Konkani.
Dear Eugene Really superb Picture and a great news, your a Star of Belle, Nowdays we feel like a we are in native place, These all credit goes to you and Bellevision
Thanks for giving us great feelings
Anil, fantastic coverage! This is one of the most important issues in social life! Keep it up!! Eventually more people will be aware of such programmes and more people will attend such awareness programmes. You have done your contribution to the social cause and sure will keep doing so!!
Skin care and hair care were in practice in India from ancient times, so it cannot be against Indian culture. The beauty secrets of Indian women have fascinated the West for ages. Indian beauty treatments based on the ancient principles of Ayurveda are being practiced all over the world.
What is the use of such programs if they are attended by only 50 odd people ? Also by looking into the pictures published, it is very clear that the majority of people attended are well educated people then what result these street plays will have.
There is no doubt such street plays are very informative effective, but there need to be enough people to witness such acts. The local authorities should have made enough publicity so that much more people could have attended and the real results could have been achieved.
What say local authorities ??
Thanks Bellevision for bringing this news. Hi Mario, thank you too, for covering this news with pictures and all your help at home during this tragady. The timely action and help from all the kind people of Sorkala, saved our home from total distruction. May Almighty Bless you all.
The article is informative and gives important message. Thank you Dr. Eugene.
Dear Robert Belle,i agree with your comment Is it not against Indian culture but "Kya karega bhai Kuch pane keliye kuch khona padhta hai,issliye unka madhad karna haar insaan ka faarz hotha hai....
Really nice painting, good talent, keep it up.
Dear pundlika,tusi great ho! keep goin.....
Dear Eugene thanks for the good work
Nice Article Eugene. his friendly nature, smiling face attracts every one. off course he is doing good today, its just because of his hard work. Pundlika keep it up and keep smiling always.
I found this article informative and belonging to the class of positive reporting.
The proliferation of coconut plantations may be one of the reasons for lower prices of copra (inflation adjusted), but the propaganda against its consumption may be another.
In my view coconut oil is healthier than most mufa-pufa oils we use these days in cities.
Dear Vikas I saw Mr Pundalik driving his Rickshaw Moodubelle to Deveragudde This is the part of his carrier business, I agree what you said, if you know something more about his hardwork please do write, I appreciate it, please don t wait for somebody to write and you to comment on that.
hey nice to see your talent like this.. its a reality drawn by your hand.. god bless you.. keep it up all the best..
Hence I request our correspondent and parents to give serious thought on it and give then moral support, Guide them in proper directions for betterment of their own future and the parish. They are the pillars and future of Belle. I have served ICYM many years actively during my young days and today I know the Value of ICYM. With my experience and seeing the present condition of ICYM this is just my piece of advice and take it in Positive spirit. God bless you all.
I am glad to see young talented youths and their activities in Siddakatte Church . Thank you Tinnu Pinky Studio for your report. As per my knowledge Siddakatte is small parish comparing to Belle Parish. Even though ICYM members of Siddakatte conducted such a good program and it is admirable. I am showing my concern about our Young youths of Moodubelle. Their involvements in Church activities are very limited unlike before. I was there during my last vacation in December. They collect good amount if money on Christmas cake auction like every year they do. After then they had musical night and which was also not up to the standard and expectations. I am also disappointed to notice the involvement of ICYM Moodubelle during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of high school. I think they are missing Golden opportunities of their life. May be they require more motivation from the Parish or from their Parents. We can not blame President or committee members because good president alone can not make miracles unless he/She gets support and commitment from their teammates. Belle Church has got very well talented youths.
Good Article. By the way who is the other person ? (bald head in green shirt). Is he Mr. Shettigar who used to work in Shirva Manchakal.
Dear Gracy , I have a strong feeling that somebody is commented in your name , it seems there are no gentle men in Pamboor and only those few left are cowards ,and they don ‘t have guts to write their own name , and throwing stone standing in the dark. Listen all, without giving the land how they can start building the vented dam ??? And nobody can stop to go anywhere in our country. We all are Indians have constitutional rights to go anywhere in India. Moreover you have to appreciate those who already left the Pamboor and settled elsewhere, instead of feeling jealous. If you have any land problem you talk to the right person and sort out the problem, not just by using this column unnecessarily .Finally can the readers know about the contributions from you to Kabyadi in first place before pointing at others.
Beautiful photos by Anil. Thank u Anil Bellevision Team. I wish u all the best.
Hi,Mr.Victor D almeida,Baharain, I read your comment about Pundalik Nayak, he started his carrier not as a rikshaw driver before that he woekrd as shop helper in belle angady(now we cal that place Padubelle), then he used start ice kandy buissness by bicycle, after sometime he became a rikshaw driver. Why am informing you this because Pundalik was since his childwood very hard worker person in his family. wishing him best of luck his buissness.
Congratulations to all Lions club members supporters, weldone, when i see this pictures realy i miss this event,anyway Lions club members are doing very good job and all of members are hardworkers. keep it up............
Our childhood days we used to take our copra all the way to udupi to extract the oil, Now it is easy for the villagers to make use Mr Pundalik coconut mill facility. We all know him from his childhood very hard working smart guy, He started his carrier as a Rickshaw driver now he become a big merchant at Moodubelle nobody can beat him in his grocery business, it is like a supermarket at Moodubelle, just make one telephone call everything will be on your door except non veg items.We all wish him best of luck.
Hallo, Nice and imfomative article,good to see pundlika and some nice photos.Good job,keep it up...
I always liked Pundalika for his cheerful nature and smiling face. Wishing him all the best in his day to day business activity!
Pundalik maam, kassi asa thumgele karobar. polevn laaik zalle. Thumgele voyvat chaang javndhi mun amgeli avus zavnasa.
Dear Suraj and thomas,
There is confussion am not pullening , belle vision , bellevision as a media they are doing good job, what i meant say that Belle unit of SRS(not belle vision ) start this work rest will follow . I don t have fear of this stupid RAMSENA OR SITA SENA Even am not bother about that in belle .
St Anthony s Shrine at Kerekatte is a sacred place famous for its miraculous,only few people knows this place,we came to know through Anil Alvas mother after that when we go for vaction every time we are visiting this holy place, really it is in a remote area doesn t matter faith is more important, I witnessed many truck drivers stops their vehicles no matter which religion they belong, whether there is rain or wind they bow their head put some flowers to the statue and moves on. Thanks to Belle vision and Anil Alva because you made us to know that Glory of that miraculous St Anthony statue at Kerekatte. God bless you all. ST ANTHONY PRAY FOR US
Congratulations Dr Sujatha..!
And All ICYM youth for organizing competition of
traditional age-old household accessories including agricultural tools etc of native Konkans...
nice to see all those collection
The selfish people are responsible for the present status of Pamboor- Kabyadi road. When good things come on their way they just can\'t take it. Few people of Pamboor who commented in this column work abroad and their family stays in Udupi and elsewhere, right? They don\'t even come to Kabyadi. So i request them to kindly donate small portion of their land so that they can make the road upto this dam at least. First you take some initiative to improve the road and then point out other people. Feeling jealous is not going to help anybody. These people are the only sadistic persons in entire Kabyadi. If you donate some land then our area will naturally improve. So please do not poke your nose in unnecessary things.
St. Anthony Pray for us. Its amazing to see such a huge number of devotees coming in from far and near though this shrine is located in a very remote area. I heard about this place long ago, but did not get a chance to visit. Quite interesting to know about the history and inter religious faith.Praying for blessing of lord through St. Anthony to all the hands involved in the renovation work of this shrine.
Those are the sentimental moments when the students leaving the institution. But never forget your college and staff. you will realize the importance of this institution after few years. School is like temple and teachers are like gods so sacred. Also wishing all the students success in thier exams and future career.
Dear Denis,Why you are pulling bellevision in between. You have fear of these Sene, you only lead from front to console these your friendly sene.
Hey Dannis ‘DIL PE MATH LE YAAR’ I believe you have better things to do in life…let us close the topic here of SRS. I hope you are not the member of SRS and for your kind information Bellevision is independent and neutral media. Let us not involve in this topic.