Mr. Ravi Dsouza, with due respect to your concern, I clarify that the site was given years ago and Lions Club Moodubelle has remembered my parents Late Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Florine D Souza (not Flavia as you mentioned) in many of their functions. It is not necessary that they have to remember them in every function. With the efforts and contributions of many of their leaders, today Lions Club Moodubelle has grown into a successful unit. Let us support the noble work they are doing in various fields for the community.
Thank you for publishing the report of our grotto-Our Lady of Lourdes Fest. It s now almost long ago that I have attended this fest, lighting the candles in procession with great faith. You know Shirva and it s sorrounding parish people are peace loving. This celebration is one example among our non- christian brothren, who gave utmost respect by lighting candles in front of their shops and residents and thus showing a great deal of unity among ourselves. Thanks BV for focusing the rural parts of Mangalore and publishing the report pictures. Great Job.
Dear Denis if you claim that SRS unit is good and literate then don’t threaten with your sarcastic comment. Do not forget that Moodubelle is peaceful and beautiful place and If you think that they get power after 8pm then let them do the job of NEPALI GURKHA and serve our village in a better way rather then bothering innocents. Let us not threaten or put fear in the hearts of the people with all these names SRS or whatever…
Congratulations to all office bearers of Lions club. I could say this is one of the beautifully arranged functions at Moodubelle. But every time do wrong by Lion club Moodubelle that original who give site free to built the Lions Bhavan in moodubelle at least remember them there are Late Mr. Lawrence and flavia Dsouza- Florence.
Dear suraj , we are not worry about our belle SRS unit they getting power only after 8 pm .and they are not illatreat they know how to live in soceity without making trouble to other, they are peacfull SRS workers .THEY KNOW HOW TO LOVE EACH OTHER AND CELBERATE VALENTINES DAY !!
hey! good sketches ya,all the best for ur future,take care.
I wish all Lovers "a happy Valentine’s Day" and other s "Happy Muthalik Day"
What a beautiful function! Small and big, young and old, rich and poor, able bodied and not so able bodied, students and teachers joining together and making this event so memorable! MJF Ln. Commodore Jerome Castelino, VSM, retired Naval Officer has shown to us that even in villages like Moodubelle people can do wonderful work and shine. Amazing photographs!
Congratulations to all office bearers of Lions club. I could say this is one of the beautifully arranged function at Moodubelle in recent past. Display of heritage and cultural related items. More over wide coverage through report and photography. Special thanks to Commodore Jerry.
My friend Dennis, do not come our from the house, take your blanket and sleep at home because there is Ram Sena in Belle.
KALLYWALLY Ramasena Ravanasena and toher sena s...REMEBER...
pyaar karane vaale, pyaar karate hain shaan se
jiite hain shaan se, marate hain shaan se
I Agree with you Eugene Sir it is needless controversy over the film only for name ‘’Khan’’ as Victor rightly mentioned in India there are many jobless people and Helpless politicians. They can not be happy unless they trouble others and this is their daily bread. If they do not do it they have nothing to do in their life. Bombay is a biggest market for Film industry. Even knowing all these Shahrukh Khan also made a mistake in giving title for his film for which he is expecting now National Award. One of the TV interviews he says that “ I expect National Award for this film or I steal it’’ if he is so ambitious he should have been bit diplomatic and smart in titling his film. Instead of ‘’My name is Khan’’ he should have been titled ‘My name is P**KHAN†and avoid such controversies.
Thank you Arul and Michael for your updates and photographs of Shirva Feast. It is good to know the happenings not only in Belle but also in our neighboring parishes like Pamboor, Shirva, Pilar, Kanjar, Shankarapura, and Katapadi. Today we have many medias in which they are more focused on major cities and you find the maximum coverage of these cities like Mangalore Bangalore and sometimes Udupi. But when you get to know the happening of your own place rather than around the world it makes you to feel something different and keeps you bonded with your own place. We look forward more BV media reporters in our neighboring parishes. God bless you for your time and dedication towards
hi happy valentines day to all! but be very carefull there is Ram sens also in belle.
first of all i wish u all the best.very happy valantine day u and ur team.all success in urs good job
This type of troubles are there in India due to selfish motive of few leaders.Problems giving birth to more problem because of these fundamentalist leaders.
We in India having freedom without discipline. This will lead to dangerous end. All educated and like minded people should unite and defeat these communal and anti-social groups/elements.
"Bele danti achary baleda peenkann kethdege!" - thus goes the Tulu saying. People who have no clear ideas how to develop a country and make it prosperous but still want to rule it will go to any length to grab power. They are even ready to desecrate the constitution. By the way in Tulu, I was told by my headmaster late Shri Deju Uchil, the word "bale" has two meanings - a baby or a plough. Surely, the achary was after the plough and not the baby!
Soft spoken, always cheerful and caring His Grace Archbishop Albert was a friend of all during our school days. I wish him long and fruitful life. I was just wondering why there was no mention of His Grace during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of our school. May be because his life history better fits in during the centenary celebrations of Belle Church. Eugene you have done a wonderful job. Thanks.
Monnu Mastram s family is a biggest Gods Gift to this whole world. May God bless every one of his family members.
Eugene Sir, you have given new life As a well wisher of Bellevision and regular viewer of this website My special thanks to you, Anil, and our Webmaster Sigfred.
Those who oppose valentine s day should learn from this couple!
This simple and well researched article explains the origin of this ancient tradition symbolising love and affection. It is not nessary that it should be bewteen opposite sexes. Even gay couples can exchange cards. So why envy hetero sexuals? Happy Valentine Day to every one!
Congratulations to team USWAS for the grand celebration of Shirva Fest 2010. Thanks,Valerain Alva and Godwin for the wonderful coverage and pictures.
Happy Valentines Day to All. The article is very informative. Thank you Dr. Eugene.
Mr Jereld what is the importance of this book in our Udupi dist, udupi is highly eduacted city in the karnataka state , what do mean by illiterate and uneducated people ????? i don t think so it is useful in udupi dist, it is better to send Bijipur and Gulbagg.
Really enjoyed your paintings..Nurture your talenta nd you will surely make it big
Congratulations to Sr.Wilberta on your appointment as superior general of bethany sisters congregation.May God shower His blessings guide you in your works.
hi shannu.. great work.. have a wonderful future ahead... all the best n gud luck...
Seems the event was very well organized. Events like this get all the expatriates together in a foreighn country and give an opportunity to interact with each other. Great report and pictures by Mr. Elias D Souza
It is wonderful celebrating the annual parish feast of Shirva in Dubai. Nice report and pictures. Thanks to Mr. Valerian Alva and Godwine D Souza
Congratulations to the winners. It was a well organised tournament. Organisers put lot of efforts for the success of the tournament. Lunch was very taste, weather was fantastic. All teams displaced thier good game. Concluding function could have shortened.
Beautiful MANDDO, sweet music and nice dance. Thanks "Bellevision" and the Jubilee team. I enjoyed it immensely.
Another noble work by Mr. Jerald Fernandes. Information is one of the important tool for development. Hope everyone will make use of this hand book and avail the benefits under these schemes and programmes.
Dear Alwyn,
we are happy when the good things are coming in our place , and really we have to appricaite that ,but i hope u know about this road (pamboor school to till kabaydi ) it is still same today from our grandfather time ,(50 years ago) , coz of some internal poltics and i think u agree with this my point, you people coming once in a year for A Month and how many days you stayong in pamboor ,you have flat in udupi , we are the people suffering most wea are using this road all the 365 days !!! ,without critise society cannot develop , as there is positive u have accept negative also .am not againist that dam i just request this people to repair this road first then go for this big vented dam.
Dear Badagumane subhash shetty, We all Edmer people thanking for your kind generosity and your great contribution to the Edmer school. your father is a respected person at Edmeru, we all appreciate that, you sons kept his name shining. your father is close friend of my Dad,(Bosthu Parbul) we always remember him and also he is a very active person at Edmer Sana . God Bless his soul.
really it is a good news to all the students studied in this great institution. Actually i am not the student of this institution but i saw all the activities conducting in this institution. This helps the students all round development. This helps them to come forward in their future life. I heartly Congratulate to the Principal, Staff, Management, students and all those who have worked really hard to achieve this.
Dear Anil, commmon man...its is easy to critise blame xyz, ask yourself wht efforts did u put for the emprovement,be happy good things r comming up at our place finally.
Congratulations ! It s really nice to know that our beloved St. Lawrence P.U. College has been promoted as "A" Grade college. Hat s off to The Management, the Principal, all the staff members Belleans.
Congratulations to the Principal, Staff, Management, students and all those who have worked really hard to achieve this.
Hey Guys , that good news not for us, when u came pamboor last time ?? from past 10 years the rods condation is same(pamboor school to kabyadi) and it is going day by day wrost .so i know nobody is take intrest to develop this road ,you guys in duabi, and it is easy to say good work,we know how we strugle to go by this road for our daily work .