First Zone Advisory Meeting and First Zone Social held at Lions Seva Bhavan, Moodubelle
By Eugene DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 25 Sep 2016: The First Zone Advisory Meeting and First Zone Social of Lions District 317C, Region VI, Zone III was held at Lions Seva Bhavan, Moodubelle under the auspices of Lions Club, Moodubelle on Saturday, 24 September 2016 at 7.30 pm. Ln. Elias D’Souza, President of Lions Club, Moodubelle presided over the meeting. Ln. Inna Udaya Kumar Shetty, Zone Chairperson was the chief guest. Rev. Fr. Clement Mascarenhas, Parish Priest of St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle was the guest of honour. Other dignitaries on the dais included Ln. Elias Lobo- Zone Secretary, Ln. Devdas Hebbar-Secretary of Lions Club, Moodubelle, Ln. Henry Fernandes-Treasurer and presidents of Lions Clubs of Belman, Mundkur and Pernal which are included in the Zone along with Lions Club of Moodubelle. Office bearers and members of these clubs as well as from the neighbouring clubs of Shirva-Manchakal and Subhashnagar also attended the Zone Social.
Following the prayer by Sharlin D’Almeida and group from St. Lawrence PU College, Moodubelle, and Flag Salutation by Lns. Avani Vinod, one minute silent prayer was offered to world peace and for the souls of 18 Indian soldiers martyred by terrorists at Uri recently.
The Secretaries of Lions Clubs of Belman, Mundkur and Moodubelle presented activities report highlighting the service activities undertaken by their respective clubs during the last three months.
The Zone Chairman, Ln. Inna Udaya Kumar Shetty was introduced by Ln. Elias Lobo.
In his address, Ln. Udaya Kumar Shetty expressed happiness about the various activities conducted by the Lions Clubs included in the Zone. He appreciated the fact that Lions Club, Moodubelle took initiative to host the First Zone Advisory Meeting and First Zone Social at their own building Lions Seva Bhavan. He stressed on the fact that Lions International has been an organization that has been working for the betterment of humanity in various ways irrespective of religion, region, language or caste.
On this occasion, Vijay Ranchod Das Patel, a native of Gujarat running a small business at Guruvayana Kere, Belthnagady was honoured by the dignitaries on the dais for his noble and honest act of returning a packet of gold ornaments costing around five lakhs of rupees belonging to a lady from Moodubelle who had lost them during her train journey. Vijay Ranchod Das Patel who had boarded the train at Goa found this packet and for two days contacted the railway officers and found out the contact number of the lady through PNR number and saw to it that the ornaments were returned to the rightful owner.
In hiss felicitation address, Rev. Fr. Clement Mascarenhas appreciated the service activities of different Lions Clubs and that of Moodubelle in special. He also lauded the gesture of Lions Club of Moodubelle in honouring Vijay Ranchod Das Patel for his noble deed.
Ln. Elias D’Souza welcomed the guests, Ln. Henry Fernandes proposed the vote of thanks and Lns. Lilly Sequeira anchored the programme.