Ample opportunities for students: Capt. Ganesh Karnik
By Pundalika Marate
Bellevision Media Network
Shirva, 03 March 2012: Student have ample opportunities in the field of sports. They should not limit their activities to merely reading of books, instead they should focus their attention on the field of sports. Through sports they can shine like stars, can attract society attention towards them. All that they have to do is to choose, identify an area of their interest, said Cap. Ganesh Karnik, member of Karnataka Legislative Council. He was speaking as chief guest on the occasion of a UGC sponsored national seminar on ‘Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation’.
Chief Guest of the inaugural function Prof. Mathew C. Ninan, Principal, Little Rock Indian School, Brahmavar opined that through sporting events students learn certain lessons of life. They come to know of life values, stress management, success-failure management and similar matters that have a significant impact upon life of students.
Very Rev. Fr. Stany Tauro had chaired the inaugural event of the seminar. Prof. Vincent Pinto profiled the college over the 31 years of its existence. Dr. C.S. Jayaprakash delivered the key note address. College principal Dr. J.C. Miranda welcomed the gathering. Physical director Mr. Venugopal Nonda proposed vote of thanks. Prof. Nisha D’souza mastered the ceremonies. Mr. Rajender Singh Saini, Indian Athletic Team Coach, Dr. Kishore Kumar,Mangalore University Dy.Director of Physical Education and Mr. Chandrashekhara Hedge, President, Mangalore University, Physical Education Teachers Association were also present on the occasion .