Fed up with the negligence of officials on the Mangalore-Bikarnakatte National Highway, Stany Bantwa
Media Release
Bellevision Media Network
Mangalore: There was a zebra cross near the U-turn opposite the entrance to the Bala Yesu Punyakshetra on the Mangalore-Bikarnakate National Highway. It had been eroded for many years. This was brought to the attention of the National Highway Engineers. They were not caring if there were any people here.
It was becoming very difficult for people to cross the road. Stany himself also informed Nanthur about this. He went to the National Highways Office in and brought it to the attention of the officers there. They said that if we don’t have any people, just give us 20,000 rupees and we will do it. Without giving any answer, He went straight to the traffic police officers and told them that he would install the zebra crossing himself. They said that they would cooperate with him. He said, "I bought paint and made a zebra crossing.
Jerry Lobo, Mihir Dixit and the traffic police personnel cooperated with him. This will make it very convenient for the public to cross the road. The National Highway Authority has received so much from the people." They should be ashamed of themselves when they ask for money to do this work while collecting tolls. I have done something that they cannot do.