Udupi: People are curious about the hidden wealth in Temples
By Snehalatha, Udupi
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 07 July 2011: When the details of the hidden wealth in Ananthapadmanabha Temple in Thiruvananthapura, Kerala, became public, it caused curiosity among the general public and people began to discuss between themselves that similarly there could be wealth hidden in many temples nationwide with crores of rupees value.
Udupi’s Shrikrishna Temple also is on among those temples where the wealth is hidden. But here the wealth is hidden because it is buried. But the matter that the wealth is there is not a secret, because it is written on the wall of Subhramanya Gudi, that the wealth is there.
It is a four century old story. Shri Vadiraja Swameeji who is also known as Bhaveesameera, has buried this gold wealth in the ground and to protect the wealth, he established Subhramanya (Naga) God’s Gudi above it, says the writing on the wall of the Gudi.
Sodhe Mutt Seer Shri Vadiraja had gone to north India on a journey. There at a place he was offering prayers to Bhuvaraha. At that time the solders of Delhi’s Mogul Sultan (Akber?) came there and told him that prayers should not be offered at that place because it is the place of the grave of Sultan’s son. But when Vadiraja continued his prayers, Sultan came there himself and made the request. At that time Vadiraja with his spiritual strength made Sultan’s son alive from the grave. Sultan was very happy with this and he gave huge amount of gold to Vadiraja.
Vadiraja decided to use this gold to build roof ceiling to Shri Krishna Mutt. But Shri Krishna in the dream told Vadiraja that this is Kaligala, so keep this gold safely away from anyone’s hands, instructed Shri Krishna. Accordingly Vadiraja buried this gold on the north side of Shri Krishna Mutt and to protect it, he established Subhramanya (Naga) God’s Gudi above it.
There is also a debate on this, that the wealth is given to Vadiraja by Achyuthdevaraya of Vijayanagara and not Delhi’s Sultan. Even today the Paryaya Seer offers daily prayers to this Nagadeva who protects this wealth and every year on the day of Subhramanya Shashti, he performs Nagamandala (High Offerings in worship of Nagadeva) thanking for protecting the wealth.
This Gudi was renovated by the present Paryaya Shirooru Mutt Shri Lakshmeevara Theertha Swameeji during his Paryaya in 1962 – 63. The wealth below this belongs to Shri Krishna and removing it, counting it, is not necessary and no one has the right to do so, in the time of the difficulties this wealth will be useful for the betterment of the humankind, says Seer of Paryaya Shirooru Mutt.
There is also history that the Kings of Vijayanagara, Kings of Mysore have given huge amount of gold wealth to Shri Krishna Mutt. But there is no information that where it is at the moment.

Comments on this Article | |
Philip Mudartha, Qatar | Wed, July-13-2011, 4:31 |
Like men and gods, nature hides its treasures. Those who find it are called scientists. Our scientists at Dehradun s Keshava Deva Malviya Institute of Petroleum Exploration had in January 2011 announced of success in finding shale gas under rocks in Burdwan-Durgapur region in West Bengal. With this India became third country, besides USA and Canada, working to explore shale gas plays. Due to exploration and production technological innovations in USA and Canada, the breakeven cost is down to $3.50 per mmBTU. The communists, environment fundamentalists and anti-development intellectuals will soon have lot on their plate to argue that nature had hidden these reserves for difficult days for betterment of humnaity, and not to be exploited!! | |
Suresh, Udupi | Sun, July-10-2011, 5:56 |
Now is the real need to use this treasure for the humanity. Roads to so many villages, bridges to so many rivers, hospitals, educational institutions etc. all these are the basic needs deprived to poor people. So, instead of keeping the wealth better to use it. | |
Vincent, Belle | Fri, July-8-2011, 3:59 |
I agree with Mr. Akshay Shetty, why we all are saving money and property? God has his own plans, so better to preserve it. People should work hard and earn money. | |
Naveen M., Udupi | Fri, July-8-2011, 2:47 |
Government can use part of these huge wealth for repaying loans and debts, so that people can live a better life thus we can see a better tomorrow. People are educated and knowledge is enhanced. So certain amount of risks(calculative) can be taken. Moreover we are now independent country, we rule ourselves. So after knowing the amount of hidden treasure better use of our own benefit. Thanks to our ancisters who strive to preserve these wealth for a better tomorrow. | |
Akshay Shetty, Udupi | Fri, July-8-2011, 2:24 |
Mr Dsouza and Mr Mudartha, I do not agree with you guys,take your own examples, did you guys see tomorrow? Then why are you saving money, wealth, expectations for tomorrow?. Similarly god knows why he has kept these gold, when time comes he will show it or give it to people. Guys, first write these comments to get the money from Swiss bank if you are a true Indian. | |
Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore | Fri, July-8-2011, 1:23 |
Mr. Philip, I fully agree with your opinion. There is no point in hiding this huge wealth and go waste or wait for some Sultan to come and grab it, instead that can be used for the betterment of humankind. Thanks to Snehalatha for exploring this hidden wealth. Any estimation on this hidden wealth(worth Billions/Trillions/Qudrillions)??? | |
Philip Mudartha, Qatar | Thu, July-7-2011, 5:42 |
Please tell the Paryaya Seer that these are difficult times when the gold is required as spednable wealth, for the betterment of humnakind. Let him not wait for another sultan to come, conquer and plunder us. (History repeats and the only lesson we learn from history is that we do not learn a lesson from it) |