Bitter Gourd Salad
By Cynthia DCunha
5 pcs of Bitter Gourd
1 cup grated coconut
4 – 5 tablespoon of lemon juice (more the better)
3 green chilies (sliced round)
2 large onions (finely sliced)
¼ inch ginger (cut small pcs)
Salt (as per your taste)
Wash the bitter gourds thoroughly and cut in half lengthwise and remove the seeds with a sharp spoon or knife and discard. Now cut again into lengthwise by 1 – 2cm and cut these into small pieces. (should be very thin pieces.)
Keep a medium deep frying pan on gas and add two tablespoon of cooking oil. Once the oil is heated pour all the pieces of bitter gourd into the pan and fry on low fire adding little salt and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Fry until it is fully brown. Once fried enough, take out just biter gourd leaving fried oil in the pan. Once bitter gourd is cooled down, add grated coconut, lemon juice, salt, green chilies and sliced onions and mix them properly.
Have it with Rice and Dal or Rice with any other curry.