Dubai: Archbishop Moras Raises Gulf Curtain for World Konkani Convention
Media Release
Dubai, 01 October 2010: Archbishop of Bangalore Diocese Rt. Rev. Dr. Bernand Moras officially raised the curtain for a celebration through convention to all Konkani speaking community in the Gulf, on Friday September 24, in a programme held at Creek Sheraton here. By offering traditional ’Paan-pod, Udak’ to the audience archbishop Moras invited everyone to the mega cultural event to be held at Kalangann from Nov 25 to Dec 19, 2010. In his message archbishop Moras said, all Konkani speaking people around the world to unite and attend the mega world convention organized by Mandd Sobhann.
He urged for protection of the Konkani language by using other languages only when it is deemed necessary. He expressed the concern that, many parents do not teach their mother tongue to their children, and felt the need for every Konkani parents to teach Konkani as the first language at home. He hailed the efforts of Mandd Sobhann in organizing ’World Konkani Cultural Convention’, and urged Konkani community to support the event. He congratulated Eric Ozario, gurkar of Mandd Sobhann and his team for the tremendous achievement in the field of Konkani culture and language. Ronald Colaco, president of World Konkani Cultural Convention Welcome Committee in his keynote address said that, for any community their language and culture are the assets, and everyone must strive towards preserving the same. While hailing the mammoth task taken by Mandd Sobhann in organizing the event, he urged generous support from community entrepreneurs and others.
In his opening address, Eric Ozario, gurkaar of Mandd Sobhann briefed about the achievement of Mandd Sobhann in past 25 years, he highlighted the marathon efforts put in to take word ’Konkani’ into the Guinness Book of World Records through 40-hour non-stop marathon Konkani singing at Kalangann. He invited all Konkani speaking people to attend the mega event, as there is no barrier of caste or creed, with event open to all Konkani speaking people. ’Vojem’ - coupons to support the event was launched by the archbishop. On behalf of Mandd Sobhann Ronald Colaco honoured archbishop with shawl and memento. The traditional ’Vovlik’ was handed over to all the gulf country representatives present. On behalf of Bahrain, Anoop Moras accepted the invitation. Also two troupe from UAE who will participate in the World Konkani Cultural event were also presented the invitation. Dayan D’Souza of Daiji Rang Mandir and Dramatist Francis Fernades Cascia accepted the invitation on behalf of participating troupes.
Lokesh K , ambassador of India to UAE was the guest of honour, and representatives from various Gulf countries were present during the official ceremony. Arun D’Souza from Riyad, Felix Lobo from Qatar, Stanley Fernandes from Muscat, Pascal Pinto and Rudy D’Souza from Kuwait represented their respective countries. M Veerappa Moily, the union minister for law, India who was expected to grace the event as chief guest could not attend due to emergency cabinet meeting called by Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh to deliberate on Ayodhya issue. Felix Lobo assured the support to the event on behalf of Konkani community of gulf.
Roy Castelino, president Konkani Prachar Sanchalan, Louis J Pinto, president Mandd Sobhann, Young politician and community leader Dolphy D’Souza, and local co-ordinator James Mendonca were also present. Walter Nandalike compered the official event. An entertainment programe was organized prior and after the official event. Eric and Joyce Ozario entertained the audience with popular Mandd Sobhann numbers. James Mendonca proposed the vote of thanks. Stany Alvares compered the entertainment event.