Abu Dhabi: Toastmaster Area 9 Speech held at NMC successfully
By Sunil D Kottarathil
Bellevision Media Network
Abu Dhabi, 18 Mar 2014: Toastmasters program in AbuDhabi has witnessed many great moments since its formation way back in 1995. NMC Group headed by Dr. BR Shetty has been a key supporter of the program considering its service and benefit to society. In 2001, NMC Group chartered its own toastmasters club and formed NMC Corporate Chapter with Sudhir Kumar Shetty as charter president. 2003 witnessed toastmasters program expanding to Al-Ain also with formation of Al-Ain Toastmasters Club. Today, Abu Dhabi and Al-Ain together has 28 clubs structured into 6 Areas, all under one Division (Divsiion-H). Area 9 house four clubs – NMC Corporate Chapter, Al-Ain Toastmasters, Mussafah Toastmasters and Petroleum Institute Toastmasters.
Friday, March 14th was a special day for Area 9 clubs – winners at club level speech contest took part in Area level contest held at NMC specialty hospital basement conference hall, to decide the best speakers in International, Humorous, Evaluation and Table Topics category, who will proceed to Division level contest to be held during April. The event was sponsored by NMC healthcare.
Area 9 annual speech contest - another wonderful event made memorable by quality performance of contestants, role players, organizers and the 86 members attended. Team work by all four clubs (NMC Corporate Chapter, Al-Ain Toastmasters, Mussafah Toastmasters and PI Toastmasters) was very visible in this successful event, specially active participation from members of Al-Ain Toastmasters who traveled 150 kms in spite of sand storm and rainy weather to attend the contest. Contest Chairs TM Ramesh Taurani, TM Swaminathan S, TM SujithVijayamohan and TM AshokkumarMPensured smooth flow of function with support of chief judge TM Pratima Mishra.
All winners were honoured with memento eachnamely: (First, Second and Third place winners listed in order)-International - TM Deepa Shetty (NMC), TM Hana Abdulhafiz (NMC), TMSamar Emara (PI), Humorous - TM Hana Abdulhafiz (NMC), TM Robert J Shingare (NMC), TM Wayne Freeth (Al Ain), Evaluation - TM Wayne Freeth (Al Ain), TM Peter (Al Ain), TM AakantTaurani (NMC), Table Topics - TM Vernon Federico (NMC), TM Peter (Al Ain), TM MumtazHussain (NMC)
Area 9 Governor TM Dr. KatrakMerezban organised the event very successfully with full support of NMC Healthcare (event sponsor), showing great coordination works among all the clubs and active participation of division leaders. Club Presidents DTM Sunil Kottarathil (NMC), TM Swaminathan S (Al Ain), TM Rajesh Pallikere (Mussafah) and TM Samar Emara (PI) coordinated the event lead by Area Governor TM Dr. KatrakMerezban.
Event was also attended by Division Governor DTM Bharat Mehta and other Area Governors TM ManmohanSreedhar, TMAnoop OK, TM Bhojraj Mane, TM Pandari V Thomas.