Muscat: Bellevision celebrates 10th Anniversary
By Simon DSouza
Pics by Mr Prashant
Bellevision Media Network
Muscat, 19 May 2013: On 11th May 2013, Bellevision Muscat celebrated its 10th Anniversary cum Annual Day at Rehab Hotel Apartments in Bowsher, sharp at 8PM. Programme started with a prayer song by Ida Castelino, Precilla Alva and Lawrence Noronha. Glenda Castelino was the compeer for the evening.
President Sylvester Alva welcomed the gathering and thereafter called upon the chief guest Mr. and Mrs.Denis Alva on the dais with a brief introduction about them. Felcy Frank, presented a flower bouquet to them. Thereafter, he called upon on the dais past presidents, Lawrence Alva, Simon D Souza and Edward Mendonca with a brief introduction about them. After lighting up the lamp by the dignitaries on the dais, Lawrence Alva, showed a power point presentation of few of the glimpses of the past events of Bellevision Muscat. The past presidents were felicitated with Shawl, Garland and Momento by the chief guests and the present president. Prescilla Alva, a guest from India was honored with a flower bouquet by Reshma Rodrigues. The secretary, Reshma Rodrigues, read out the Annual report for the year 2012 – 2013. Lawrence Alva, in his brief address urged Bellevision members to maintain unity and get more active members for its survival.
The cultural programme started immediately thereafter with a dance by Baby Cleona Rodrigues. Two comedy skits stole the show. One was played by Peter and Lawrence Noronha. Second one was played by Simon and Edward. Rianna Lobo and Veona Matthias danced to the tunes of Hindi songs gracefully. In between the cultural programme, hilarious jokes and songs were said by Peter and Lawrence Noronha and Glenda Castelino, MC of the programme, conducted many spot games and games such as musical arms for chidren, lucky dip, couple game, ladies game of bursting the balloon and putting the belt with left hand for men.
Grace before meal was led by Lawrence Alva. Gurkar, Ignatius lobo, raised water tumbler for Dinner. Everyone was served with sumptuous dinner and dessert.
After dinner, Tambola game was conducted by Edward Mendonca and Glenda Castelino and prizes for the events were distributed by Philomena Mendonca and Arun Rodrigues . Final baila baila dance marked the end of the programme.
Mr. Prashant, captured photos of the full programme and was well appreciated by all.
To achieve this great success, Bellevision Muscat is thankful to all its founders.

Comments on this Article | |
judith lobo, belle | Mon, May-20-2013, 12:32 |
Congratulations to the bellevision Muscat Team for completing ten years of sucess. It is good to see you all. May the motto of stive for togetherness continue and keep the people of the native united in spirit of brotherhood. Best wishes from Valerian judith lobo fly | |
Rita, Muscat / belle | Sat, May-18-2013, 11:21 |
Really it s looking very nice .but igee is missing in this. Any how Nice event nice achivement .even good snaps . |