Moodubelle: Children’s Day celebrated in Church Higher Primary School
By Anil Alva
Bellevision Media Network
Moodubelle, 14 November 2010: Children’s Day every year has been celebrated on the birthday of the first prime minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 14 November. However, this year as 14 November happens to be Sunday, in many of the schools the Children’s Day was celebrated on Saturday, 13 November 2010.
In the Church Aided Higher Primary School, Moodubelle, the Children’s Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The acting headmaster, Sylvester Mathias presided over the Children’s Day celebration. Mrs. Jacintha Aranha, president of Belle Grama Panchayat was the chief guest. The school teacher, Mrs. Lalitha Prabhavati welcomed the guests. Mrs. Jacintha Aranha was honoured by the acting principal, Sylvester Mathias, senior teacher, Mrs. Lilly Sequeira and Sr. Vineetha by offering her shawl, flowers. Mrs. Jacintha Aranha was one of the past students of the Church Aided Higher Primary School.
In her message to the children of the school, Mrs. Jacintha Aranha conveyed her best wishes to the children on the occasion of the Children’s Day. Recalling her own school days, Mrs. Jacintha expressed gratitude to the staff and students for honouring her on being elected as the president of the Belle Grama Panchayat. Further she said that, 14 November is a very important day. As the day being the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru who had great love for the children who considered them as the future of India. Developing the love of the nation from the childhood is very important s that the children can grow as responsible citizens of India.
As part of the Children’s Day, students of different classes had participated in the flower arrangement competition. The winners in this competition were given prizes during this occasion by the chief guest-Mrs. Jacintha Aranha.
The winners were:
1. First and second standards: Gracian, Gaurav and Royston
2. Third and fourth standards: Loy Fernandes, Niriksha and Supritha
3. Fifth and Sixth standards: Gauri Nayak, Josvita Mendonca and Ramya
4. Seventh standard: Renita Mathias, Shreya Shetty and Favin
The judges for the Flower Arrangement Competition were: Maxim D’Sa and Mrs. Shanthi Alva. Seventh standard students of last year were also given prizes for their academic achievement. The students of different classes presented various cultural programmes.
Mrs. Maria Anitha Mendonca, the teacher of the school compeered the programme.
Loreto Convent Nursery School
Children’s Day was celebrated in the Loreto Convent Nursery School on 13 November 2010 at 10.30 am. Fancy Dress competition was organised for the children. Sr. Elnora and Mrs. Shanthi Alva acted as judges for the competition. Sr. Vineetha, Superior of the Loreto Convent complemented the children and their parents for their good performance. The programme was organised under the supervision of Sr. Ileen Joy D’Souza.
The winners of the fancy dress competition were given prizes: Stefroy D’Souza, Gaurav and Venyase. Sweets were distributed to all children.