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Vincent Fernandes, Moodubelle/Kuwait
09/11/2018 09:37:06

Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May her soul rest in peace.

Reema, Mangalore
08/11/2018 06:13:56

Your South Africa tour written very good informative .photos are excellent.wish you good luck keep on traveling.veenaworld arranged it very good with good staffs.

Reema, Mangalore
07/11/2018 22:11:43

Your African tour photos are very good. Keep on traveling and let us enjoy reading your experience in traveling.well done tauro.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
28/10/2018 12:49:41

Mind blowing article on Alva s genealogy! Extremely happy to know history of Alva s of centuries. Thanks to Dr. Eugene for this wonderful article.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
28/10/2018 12:02:14

Wonderful compilation bt Dr. Eugene. Congratulations to all making this celebration happen. Certainly this club has helped thousands of people from and around Belle to shape their career and future. It was a stepping stone for many successful entrepreneurs too. Extremely happy to read history of this club. Awaiting eagerly to read about the celebrations shortly.

Philip Mudartha, Nerul
28/10/2018 03:56:17

Dr. Eugene takes us through the 100 years of history of Vhoddlem Kood at Pinto House, Byculla.
Though I am not a member, because I organized a small residence on my own at far away Kanjurmarg, I used to visit to meet its residents. MY eldest brother Anthony D Souza, was a resident member who as Joint Secretary is seen in the photo of Golden Jubilee Celebrations. In 1996, I converted his membership to life and enrolled our brother Albert as a life member too, in order to assure membership to their sons. MY father Bauthu Mudartha of Kurudai and three of my uncles from Dinndottu were also members.
In 1976, I surveyed all Mangalorean Resident Clubs in Mumbai for a feature article published by Cha. Fra in his Udev. I met Presidents of all three Clubs of Belle including the Krla one where by second brother Ladru was a member. In those days, the Pangla Club (Mutri Kood) was second among membership behind Vhoddlem Kood.
Please accept my congratulations on the occasion of its Centenary Celebrations. As I am out of town, I could not attend the event, though invited as a guest.

Francis J Saldanha, Moodubelle/Bahrain
25/10/2018 15:53:29

Heartfelt condolences to the family members. May the departed soul rest in peace

Vincent Fernandes, MoodubelleKuwait
25/10/2018 12:26:08

Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.

Lilly Martis, Palimar/Belman/Mumbai.
25/10/2018 12:25:37

Dear Urban, Maggie and all the family members please accept our heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of your dear father. Pray to Lord Jesus to grant him eternal rest.- Praveen/Jola/Catherine/Sonia/Lily martis

Dolphy/Felcy Frank, Mangalore/Muscat
25/10/2018 11:50:59

Dear Urban, Ignatius all family members,
Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of your beloved Dad. May God give you strength to bear this loss.
May his departed soul rest In Peace.

Francis J Saldanha, Moodubelle/Bahrain
25/10/2018 11:29:50

Absolutely gorgeous build and landscaping in the middle of a city like Mangaluru. The beauty of the house depends upon its garden and surroundings. Mrs Lilly Pinto s creative container garden at Karangalpady/Mangaluru is an awesome site for the garden lovers. Beautiful landscape.

Victor Castelino, Sydney/Boliye
25/10/2018 00:24:57

Our heartfelt condolences to Urban, Margaret, Neeta and Stany and all the relatives and friends. May the Lord grant him eternal rest - Victor, Eveline, Vidya, Gavin, Fiona, Laura and Vinod.

Victor Sequeira, Marne/USA
24/10/2018 20:49:44

Please accept our deepest condolences on the same demise of our dear Bappu. May his soul rest in peace.

Francis J Saldanha, Moodubelle/Bahrain
22/10/2018 09:34:51

This Article from Dr Eugene Dsouza, on the happy occasion of St Lawrence Club Mumbai s Centenary celebrations, is literally a profile of this great association and its members connected to it since its existence. It gives an in-depth history and its existence, the struggle and how it has shaped up the lives of many and the values of community living irrespective of the differences under one roof. Some of the stalwarts and famous personalities associated with this club and their brief introductions hitherto for the new generation who are somehow connected is very interesting,
Wishing all the members past present, especially the living legends of this great club, huge Congratulations and to the upcoming the centenary celebrations all the success.

Norbert Lobo, Mangalore
21/10/2018 16:15:34

Great to read. Thank you Dr Eugine Sir. These Clubs have played a very very important role I m the empowerment of the community by facilitating migration of a large number of youths from.our Parish and neighborhood. Till 1990 s they were the main pull factor and provided the initial security. The vision of the founding members and also the successive leaders is highly commendable. You are also one of the very prominent members of the club who rose to greater heights. All the best to the current leadership and members.

Belle, Belle OCI
21/10/2018 14:27:02

Most relevant when relating to history of your native; how To purchase a copy of the book?
God bless late Belle Robert Alwa..and his caring friendship..

Maurice Menezes, Belle/Udupi/DXB
21/10/2018 13:05:14

Congratulations all members and office bearers of Original St Lawrence Club Mumbai on Centenary Celebrations and am a proud member of Belle resided few months in 1963 and wish the Club glorious years serving its members.

Boniface D Souza, Moodubelle/Bangalore
19/10/2018 19:59:42

Congratulations Wilfy. We are proud of your achievements. Your simplicity and friendly nature is noteworthy.We will pray for your continued success in your future endeavor. May God bless you.

Stany J D Souza, Dubai, UAE
18/10/2018 09:48:32

Very interesting and inspiring journey of Wilfred Menezes, wishing you all the success in your future ventures. We are very impressed to read the article proud of your achievements.

Roshan Dsilva, Vamanjoor/UAE
17/10/2018 09:57:03

Very inspiring Story, congratulation dear Wilfred for your achievements, your simplicity and ever smiling nature always a real boost for us, may God bless you always.

Umesh Narayanan, Bengaluru / Dubai
17/10/2018 08:39:14

Wilfred Menezes name means to many of us, is a man just born with mission, vision, aspirations & accomplishment.

For us he is more than a friend, whom we always see him with a positive frame mind throughout, with lots of energy, enthusiasm,, joy, an excellent party fellow. Also by nature one can visualise his simplicity, humbleness, down to earth, easy going character, & a complete family oriented fellow, carrying with an extraordinary smile, which keeps even the environment happy.

I know Wilfy since 1999 as initially I met him with a common friend “Bhatmam”, in Dubai & since then I am somehow connected to Wilfy, his family & his many of his common friends to a surprise wherever I go, which reminds us “world being small (specially in UAE)

Umesh Narayanan, Bengaluru / Dubai
17/10/2018 04:00:20

Me & Wilfy did MBA in the same University during 2000-2001 & I still remember Wilfy was not so regular to classes, but still he could able to secure better marks than many of us in the final exams, which just displays a person’s calibre & lesson to students that practical experiences counts more than any theoretical study, specially in Master Degrees exams.

Later when i got into Banking, as a Corporate lender, & when I learnt that Wilfy was Into his own business, within no time, apart from, we being friends, i connected him as his Banker & developed Banking relationship, where i could guide/ help him to the best of my knowledge on Banking .

Their are lots of golden moments we all shared with Wilfy & his family in Dubai as well as in Mangalore & one such memorable event is the evergreen “Vintage 1968” gathering which will stay into our minds for long time to many of us.

My hearty congratulations to Wilfy for his amazing success story & I am happy that somewhere down the line even i was also a part of his lovely story.

May God blesswith lots of happiness, good health, wealth & prosperity for him & his family & remain as joyful as he is by nature throughout his life.

Ivan, Belle/Dubai
16/10/2018 21:39:57

Dear Joy and family members, Please accept our heartfelt condolences on sad demise of your Dad. May his soul rest in peace Amen.

Ganesh Pai, Mumbai
16/10/2018 09:34:10

Dear All, I Ganesh Pai, am taking pleasure and very lucky to have a friend like Wilfred.

He was a Go Getter and always wanting to do something different but also fast. Therefore he was always on his toes and updating himself regularly.

We both spent a very short time period of 3 years together but these years were quality time spent. We really bonded very well.

A very important gesture of his which makes him stand apart from others was His Belief and Faith in the friends he has been associated with. I want to make it a point to say that when Wilfred decided to start his business, he first called me from Dubai and said Hi, Pai, I am embarking on a new Endeavor, a new business, for which I see and feel that You should join me and I offer you to come here and work with me together and I know you are one person whom I can depend upon.

Yes Friends these words still echo and finally its destiny.

But it s not just destiny for Wilfred, it was his hard working attitude, his determination and his Team building quality which has taken him up soaring High in his Career and Business.

Ganesh Pai, Mumbai
16/10/2018 09:27:24


Never to forget the day I My Wife Archana spent with Wilfred and his Family in His House in Dubai, the warmth, the affectation given to us is Unforgettable and it was a honor to spend this quality time with Wilfred from his Busy Schedule.

Wilfred, Your Achievements have made even my Family Proud and We wish that you continue to execute this God s Wish of Excellent Service to the Society, your Colleagues , your Employees , your Family and all your Friends through the path of your Growing Business. May God Bless You all and Bless Us All to be associated with you for Many More years to come.

Godwin Anita Dsouza, Moodubelle
16/10/2018 08:15:42

Dear Joy, Vikas and family members, Please accept our heartfelt condolences on sad demise of your Dad. May his soul rest in peace.

Godwin Dsouza, Moodubelle
16/10/2018 07:57:37

Deighted to read your success story, Wilfyam! You are truly an amazing personality! You are a man with vision, a man on mission, truly an inspiration to many. May you grow and reach the stars!

Prakash Alva, Moodubelle/Pangala
16/10/2018 07:01:00

Heartfelt condolences to the family members. May his soul rest in peace.

Rakesh D souza, Moodubelle
16/10/2018 00:09:36

Dear Wilfy, No matter how big a crowd may be, a person like you always stands out because of your simplicity humbleness. Your achievement is the result of your efforts. You are the true example of a leader. My friend I wish you all the best for your future, attain new heights achieve every success in your life.”Dreaming is something everyone can do. Working for those dreams

Sudheer Kumar, Udupi/Charlotte NC USA
15/10/2018 23:33:54

Congratulation on your remarkable achievements Wilfred ( Wilfy) .Having vision is the most important aspects in the life but with ups and down that you may have encounter along the path you travel to achieve it is awesome .,it couldn’t have been possible without your dedication and hard work ., very proud of your accomplishment and goodluck and wish you many years of great achievements.

Vincent Fernandes, Moodubelle/Kuwait
15/10/2018 22:58:08

Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.

Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle/ Bahrain
15/10/2018 16:43:12

Heartfelt condolences to the family. May the departed soul rest in peace

Francis J Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain
15/10/2018 11:10:54

Success is not accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most all, love of what you are doing.
Well done, one of the few proud and successful Bellians in the corporate world.
Congratulations! Dear Wilfred Menezes.

Flavy Dalmeida, Dubai
15/10/2018 10:49:19

Congratulation Wilfread!!!!!!! I know Wilfread from 90 s when he was working for first company in Dubai since I was in the construction field since than how he has put his full effort and hard work to come up to this stage is amazing. Hard work always paid off on time. Once again I wish you all the very best for the future keep rocking.

15/10/2018 09:44:34

As part of Omnitec Family would like share few words. You are a perfect boss, leader, mentor and you always believe in working by means of using free mind. You simply know when to lead our team and you never fail us by giving out your perfect performance as a boss. We are so proud of you. Wishing you even greater success in future with your profession and happiness in family life.

Vincent Fernandes, Moodubelle/Kuwait
14/10/2018 23:35:54

Very Nice celebrating Monti
feast. God Bless you all.

Prasanth Padmakaran, Dubai
14/10/2018 22:01:30

I m part of omnitec family and Sir has been truly the captain of the ship and the most hardworking person in the company. No wonder he achieved all this from a humble beginning.He is a visionary Leader and he is very clear about his next 10 years and he has been constantly ticking all those do list to get there. I feel very privileged to closely associate with him in many projects and I have learned a ton for him. May God bless you with good health and I m sure you will do the rest to take Omnitec into further heights.


Dr. Marina Govias, Dubai
14/10/2018 20:15:51

Superb Wilfred
I am highly blessed to be your dentist ..you are such a great personality yet humble and simple ...
May God bless you and your family always. ...
By the way Belated hitting the Half century birthday bet you had a fab time as you had so many of your friends celebrating their bday along with you ..
Where are the sweets for hitting 50

Fr Clement, Moodubelle
14/10/2018 20:14:07

Dear Wilfred congratulations.I read your success story from humble beginnings to Himalayan heights.You are a jewel of Moodubelle.Every adjective that is attributed to you is true.Dr Eugene has depicted your personality truthfully.

St Lawrence Parish is proud of you.

Though you are great you haven’t forgotten the simple people around you which you have manifested during Golden birthday celebration.

Again congratulations

God bless you and your family

Valerian Lobo, Fair Haven, Thirlapalke
14/10/2018 19:09:17

Glad to read about Wilfred s success story in Bellevision. The most important thing I like about him is that, Even though he is successful business man he is very simple, humble and down to earth person, very affectionate towards all. Wishing you greater success in your future endeavors.

Louis Alva, Kattingeri, Moodubelle
14/10/2018 17:15:29

Wilfy, It was really nice to read about your life Journey. No doubt... you are dynamic leader, professional entrepreneur n nice person too. As my classmate and close friend...I wish you more success n blessings in your professional field and in family life too. Stay blessed n keep smiling always..!

Veronica Alick, Moodubelle/ New Delhi
14/10/2018 17:13:21

Congratulations Wilfy. Yes your dedication and professionalism paid you well. Really you are a great role model to all the youth .Your smile makes everyone comfortable and you can be approached easily. Keep it up. Our best wishes to you all...Veronica n family

Geanette Dsouza, Mangalore
14/10/2018 17:09:20

I am proud to know Wilfred and Reena very closely and they both are truly humble people even though they have reached heights. I congratulate them and wish them the very best in all their ventures.

Ivan Sequeira, Moodubelle
14/10/2018 15:36:37

Wilfred Menezes, definitely a very bright shining star of our generation from Moodubelle. In spite of being successful entrepreneur, his feet are firmly on ground. A wonderful human being with unique qualities and always striving to unite people.
Very proud of your accomplishments brother. Continue and best wishes for future.
Liked the vintage photo collection.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
14/10/2018 13:39:36

Wow! Extremely pleased to read about my buddy Wilfyam! Certainly he is a great achiever, loving, affectionate and disciplined personality. He is a strong personality and focused towards modern day challenges in business. I have seen him talking and expressing his opinions in international forms. He has an unique ability of conveying facts in a convincing manner. Im even more proud because he is from our home town and an inspiration to all of us. Keep it up Wilfred!! Wishing you even greater success in future with your profession and happiness in family life.

stan, belle/dubai
08/10/2018 08:55:10

Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.

Francis J Saldanha, Moodubelle/ Bahrain
08/10/2018 08:41:10

Congratulations Shri Francis Lobo on your retirement! Wishing you all the very best for the coming years.

Ivan Machado, Thirlapalke/ Ireland
08/10/2018 00:04:25

Very sad to hear the news. May his soul RIP. My heartfelt condolences to all family members.

Gerald Pinto, Kallianpur
07/10/2018 19:30:16

Happy retired life to Francis

Vincent Fernandes, Moodubelle/Kuwait
07/10/2018 15:28:21

Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.

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