Udupi: Good Friday Observed by Moodubelle Parishioners with Live Enacted Way of the Cross
By Dr. Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 18 Apr 2014: The parishioners of Moodubelle observed the Good Friday service with great devotion and reverence by enacting live the Way of the Cross in St. Lawrence Church premises. Around 75 parishioners actively participated in the Live Way of the Cross as actors, narrators of the scene depicting the Stations of the Cross, readers of meditation and prayers, choir singing the intervening hymns and volunteers who worked in the background.
The Live Enacted Way of the Cross began at 3.30 pm starting from inside the church where Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes carried the Crucifix as Ignatius Monis read the opening prayer. Thereafter, 14 Gurkarns of different Wards carried the Crucifix flanked by two candle-bearing altar servers from one Station of the Cross to the next one. The scenes of the Stations of the Cross were enacted on the make-shift platform of a truck which moved from one spot to the other marking the Stations of the Cross as the actors enacted the relevant scene which was animated by Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto, Miss Rinol Rodrigues and Mrs. Justine Mendonca. The meditation and prayers for each Station of the Cross were read by two readers each drawn from different Wards.
The entire Live Enacted Way of the Cross took around one hour fifteen minutes. Soon after the Fourteenth Station Sr. Irene, Superior of the Loreto Convent carried the Crucifix back to the church where the concluding prayer was read by Mrs. Meera Lobo.
There was great reverence and silence as the actors enacted the scenes and the narration, meditation and prayers were read. The Live enactment had great impact on the large number of parishioners who had assembled in the premises of the church.
The unique method of conducting the Live Enacted Way of the Cross was possible because of the initiative and encouragement of Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes and support from Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira. The script, meditation and prayers were compiled by Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto. He also trained and directed the actors to perform their role in perfection.
The following actors performed different roles according to the Way of the Cross: Charles Quadros-Jesus; Mrs. Jacintha D’Souza-Mother Mary; Pilate-Ronald D’Mello, Simon of Siren-Victor Martis, Veronica-Mrs. Sobina Martis; St. John the Evangelist-Elias Lobo; Mary Magdalene-Mrs. Emilia Noronha; Joseph of Arimathia-Joseph Martis; Nicodemus-Ignatius Monis, three soldiers-Robert D’Souza, William D’Almeida and Frederick Mendonca and Women of Jerusalem-Mrs. Wilma Rodrigues, Mrs. Helen D’Souza, Ms. Theresa Lobo and Mrs. Gracy Rebello.
Besides the actors, a number of volunteers helped in putting up the scenes. These included Vincent Fernandes who had lent his truck for the make-shift stage and was instrumental in erecting the Cross for the Twelfth Station. Clement Castelino helped in putting up the shamiana and providing curtains for the same scene. Elias D’Souza who got the backdrops for the scenes on the truck and Clifford Martis, Alphonse K. Alva and Gerald D’Souza.
Following the end of the Live Way of the Cross, the Good Friday liturgical service began exactly at 5 pm that continued till 6.30 pm.
At the outset, Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira, Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes and Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto as cheeif celebrant entered the church accompanied by the Altar Servers and prostrated in front of the bare main altar.
The Good Friday Liturgical Service was divided into four parts-Liturgy of the Word, Prayers for the intentions of the Church, Veneration of the Cross and the Holy Communion.
In the first part passages from the Holy Bible were read followed by the Passion of Christ according to the Gospel of St. John.
Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto in his homily narrated the role of different persons in the Passion of Christ such as St. Peter, Judas Iscariot, Simon of Siren, Veronica. Women of Jerusalem, Pilate and Jesus and highlighted the relevance of their role in the lives of the people.
Thereafter, prayers for the various intentions of the Church were recited.
Veneration of the Cross was the next part and one of the most important parts of the Good Friday service. Rev. Fr. Joswey Feernandes brought the covered Crucifix to the main altar where Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto unveiled the Crucifix in three stages. This was followed by the veneration of the Cross by the faithful who came in queue to kiss the Crucifix.
The Holy communion was the last part of the Good Friday Service which ended at 6.30 pm following which all the faithful dispersed from the church and went quietly to their respective homes to return tomorrow for Easter Vigil and celebration of the triumph of Risen Christ.