Udupi: Year of Faith Concludes with Solemn Mass and Devout Eucharistic Procession
By Dr. Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 24 Nov 2013: In a befitting finale, the “Year of Faith” that was inaugurated on 11 October 2012 by the former Pope Benedict XVI with his Apostolic Letter “Porta Fidei”, concluded on Sunday, 24 November 2013, the Feast of Christ the King. 11 October 2012, the first day of the Year of Faith, was the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) and also the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. During the Year of Faith, Catholics were asked to study and reflect on the documents of Vatican II and the catechism so that they may deepen their knowledge of the faith.
In Udupi Diocese, the Year of Faith concluded with solemn Mass in the Milagres Cathedral concelebrated by the diocesan and religious priests of the diocese led by Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo and attended by a large number of religious sisters and faithful from different parishes of the diocese and a devout Eucharistic Procession from the Milagres Cathedral to the premises of the Mount Rosary Church.
The large number of priests along with the Bishop came in procession into the cathedral and the Solemn Mass began at 3.30 pm. The church was overflowing with faithful and many of them who came late had to attend the Mass by occupying the space in the portico and the premises in front of the cathedral.
Nearly one-third of the church in front was occupied by young altar servers representing different parishes. Religious sisters could be seen in their congregational habits along with the people adding solemnity to the occasion. The choir with a considerable number of singers led by Fr. Mahesh D’Souza enriched the liturgy of the Feast of Christ the King.
In his homily, Bishop Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo explained the background of the declaration of the Year of Faith by the former Pope, Benedict XVI from 11 October 2012 to 24 November 2013. He explained how the early Christian bound themselves by their solid faith in Jesus Christ and were responsible for laying the foundation of a strong church through their continued faith for which many had laid down their lives. The Bishop made an appeal to the faithful to nurture strong faith in Jesus in their daily family life. He also said that while celebrating the Eucharist, the faithful express their faith in Christ. The Bishop further said that the day chosen to conclude the Year of Faith is quite significant as it happens to be the Feast of Christ the King.
Following the end of the mass at 5 pm, the Holy Eucharist was placed in the monstrance (Holy Sacrament) and the grand Eucharistic Procession began with the golden coloured Cross leading the way with the band playing tunes of hymns. The procession moved on the road leading to Mount Rosary Church. Both sides of the road were decorated with coloured paper and coconut palm leaves buntings. Through sound system at regular intervals, hymns were relayed in order to help the faithful to join in singing those hymns. It took nearly an hour for the procession to reach the premises of Mount Rosary Church where arrangements were made for the faithful to sit in front of the stage where decorated temporary altar was erected for the veneration of the Holy Sacrament. The Holy Sacrament was carried by Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo on a boat shaped float artistically designed by the parishioner of Little Flower Church. Kemmannu.
On reaching the Mount Rosary Church premises, the Bishop alighted from the float and carried the Holy Sacrament in his hands as young boys and girls stood on two sides holding the coloured canopies. Ascending the stage, the Bishop placed the Holy Sacrament on the decorated pedestal.
Rev. Fr. Anil D’Souza, Parish Priest of the Holy Rosary Church, Kundapur and Dean of the Kundapur Varado delivered a powerful sermon highlighting the importance of the Year of Faith. He said that after the formation of the new diocese of Udupi, it was for the first time that the solemn Eucharistic Procession involving the entire diocese was undertaken and that too on the Feast Day of Christ the King which coincided with the conclusion of the Year of Faith. Fr. Anil traced the origin and growth of faith in God since the days of Abraham in the Old Testament and said that Abraham is known as the “Father of Faith”. He also narrated various episodes from the New Testament to point out how various people were rewarded by Jesus for their faith by performing miracles.
Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo recited prayer dedicating the entire diocese to Christ the King and prayed for the clergy, religious and the faithful in general.
Following the Sacramental hymn, the Bishop imparted the Sacramental Blessing to the faithful. Rev. Fr. Stany Lobo, Rector of the Milagres Cathedral expressed thanks to all those who cooperated and helped in organizing the solemn mass and the grand Eucharistic Procession. The Bishop also expressed his gratitude to all those who participated in the solemn mass and devout Eucharistic Procession that marked the end of the Year of Faith and said that the faithful should strengthen their faith and be witnesses to their faith in their daily lives.