Udupi: Our Lady of Fatima Parishioners of Pernal celebrate Parish Day
By Raphael Pernal
Pics by Lorna & Fr Arthur Pereira
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 15 May 2014: The parishioners of Our Lady of Fatima, Pernal, near here celebrated with grandeur their annual Parish Day on Wednesday May 13.
The parish priest Fr Arthur Pereira welcomed Fr Rajesh D’Souza SVD, who serves in Gujarat and Fr Arun D’Mello SVD who serves in South Africa, both the clergies were the parishioners of Pernal parish.
Fr Pereira concelebrated the festal Eucharistic Celebration along with Fr D’Souza and Fr D’Mello on the occasion.
Fr Pereira released parish bulletin, ‘Fatimacho Talo,’ and ‘Wadduvarant,’ Konkani series of articles on current affairs authored by Pernal parishioner, teacher and Gurkar Alwyn Danti.
Alwyn Danti and his parents were present on the occasion.
The cultural competitions for different wards were held on Wednesday from 3.00am to 6.15pm.
A large number of parishioners both young and old enthusiastically participated in the competitions.