Siyon productions-shirva releases twin Devotional Konkani and Hindi Albums on the Easter eve
Raphael D’Souza
Bellevision Media Network
Shirva, 08 April 2012: Siyon productions, shirva released their first konkani album Veggin Ye Jezu Tun and Hindi Album Chal Mere Sath on the Easter eve. The album was released by Rev. Fr. Stany Tauro, Parish Priest along with the Composer and Producer of the album Albert Dsouza, Shirva residing in Saudi Arabia.
Albert D’Souza composed and arrged tunes for this devotional album and Music Direction by Rajgopal.These albums are in stores for sale. Renowned Singers Nayana Rajgopal, Prajoth Dsa, Vinay Lewis & Robin have rendered their voice to the album. The album has been recorded at CAD Media Centre Mangalore, Programmed by M. Dolvin & Recorded by Shinoy Joseph. Coipies are available at Jerosa Co., GEM & Co. & Pauline Mangalore.

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