Easter Vigil Mass in Churches Acorss Udupi District
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi: Easter Vigil Mass in Mother of Sorrows Church
By Snehalatha, Udupi
Easter Vigil, also called the Paschal Vigil or the Great Vigil of Easter, is a service held in traditional Christian churches as the first official celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. It is held in the hours of darkness between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Day, most commonly in the evening of Holy Saturday or midnight and is the first celebration of Easter, days traditionally being considered to begin at sunset.
At the Mother of Sorrows Church in Udupi the solemn mass was concelebrated by Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Fredrick Mascaranas together with other guest priests. Christians across the district began Easter celebrations on Saturday April 7 evening, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Week which began with Palm Sunday, culminates with the Easter Sunday. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday marked the passion of Christ and crucification, respectively. The candlelight ceremonies included the blessing of the Pascal candle and blessing of fire and holy water. The church organ, which in the Lenten season was silent, was enlivened by the choirs.
Easter Eve Mass in Holy Cross Church Pamboor
By Josil Errol Noronha & Rolin Shirva
The Easter Vigil Service began at 7pm with the blessing of new fire by Rev.Fr.Charles Lewis and Fr.Dancy Martis. First the fire was blessed outside the church and Fr.Charles lighted the candle and took it inside the church as the congregation lighted their individual candles.
This was followed by readings from the Old Testament, new testament and Gospel. While Fr. Charles was the main celebrant of the Easter Mass, Fr. Dancy delivered the sermon in which he gave the message of the risen Lord Jesus Christ by giving few examples from real life.
Following the Easter Mass, Fr. Charles thanked the parishioners for their support during the Holy Week and wished all a Happy Easter. Fr. Dancy Martis released the parish journal “Khursaacho Taalo”. The Easter service ended at 10pm.
Stella Maris Church, Kalmady
By Sanjay Andrade
Our Lady of Fatima Church, Pernal
Picture By Balcheor mendonca,sooda & Rolin Shirva
St. Joseph’s Church Belman
Photos by Rolin shirva
Our Lady of Health Church Shirva
Pics By Wilson Shirva
Holy Rosary Church, Kundapur
Bernard J D’Costa

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Canute Menezes, Shirva/Mira Road | Sun, April-8-2012, 1:56 |
Nice Photos and good coverage. |