Moodubelle: Elders’ Day observed on the occasion of the Feast of St. Joseph
By Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
Bellevision Media Network
Moodubelle, 20 Mar 2012: As in the previous years, the Catholic Sabha Unit of Moodubelle observed Elders’ Day on the occasion of the Feast of St. Joseph on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 11 am with a solemn feast Mass concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes, parish priest of Moodubelle and Fr. Maxim Pinto (OFM-Cap) Director of Assisi Nilaya, Kattingeri, followed by programme in the parish hall.
The liturgical readings during the mass were taken up by the elders where as the hymns were sung by the parish choir joined by the members of the Catholic Sabha.
In his homily, Fr. Joswey Fernandes narrated the role of St. Joseph in the lives of Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus as souse and foster father respectively. He also explained the contribution of St. Joseph in the mission of salvation undertaken by Jesus in his life. Pointing out the finer qualities of St. Joseph, Fr. Joswey said that he was just and noble and is role model as the head of the holy Family and an ideal worker who taught Jesus the craft of carpentry. St. Joseph is the patron of the Universal Catholic Church and also that of Mangalore Diocese.
Speaking of the importance of the Elders’ Day celebration, Fr. Joswey said that the elders are the treasure of the parish. They have laid the foundation of strong families and have shown the way for the succeeding generations. He assured the elders of the parish that as they had brought up their children, given education in spite of all difficulties, their children are duty bound to look after them and show them their love and affection. Further he said that while respecting elders, the second generation gives a good example for their children, the third generation.
Following the mass, all elders and members of the Catholic Sabha assembled in the parish hall where a short stage programme was organized. Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes, Fr. Paul Sequeira, Fr. Lancy Saldanha, Fr. Maxim Pinto (OFM-Cap), Alphonse K Alva, vice president of the Parish Pastoral Council, Lancy Martis, president of the Catholic Sabha, Mrs. Wilma Rodrigues, secretary of the Catholic Sabha, Mrs. Helen D’Souza, would be president of the Catholic Sabha and the senior most among the elders-Thomas Menezes (96 years) and Mrs. Veronica Saldanha (95 years) were on the dais.
Charles Quadros compeered the programme. Following the prayer hymn sung by Mrs. Matilda Quadros, Mrs. Anita Alva and Ms. Carol D’Souza, Lancy Martis welcomed the guests and the elders to the programme. On behalf of the elders, Victo Rebello narrated his experience as a teacher in the Church Aided Higher Primary School and St. Lawrence High School and pointed out how hard it was at that time for the students to come to school and work at home. But in spite of all those difficulties they could study well and had a great sense sharing and caring. The students were not only sound academically but also had a good sense of spirituality and prayers and respect for their teachers and elders.
Isac Alva, Mrs. Alice Rebello, Mrs. Severine D’Almeida, Mrs. Lilly Castelino and William Lobo also spoke during this occasion and profusely thanked Fr. Joswey Fernandes and the Catholic Sabha for organizing the elders’ day and giving an opportunity for those who could not come to the church normally, to attend the mass and join in the get-together.
Fr. Paul Sequeira addressing the elders said that they are like a strong trunk of a tree and have been the foundation of the families and the parish. He also sang a folk song along with the elders. Fr. Maxim Pinto, Fr. Joswey Fernandes and Alphonse K. Alva also extended warm greetings to the elders of the parish on the occasion of the observance of the elders’ day in the parish.
Ignatius Monis read out the names of those elderly parishioners who had passed away since the celebration of the elders’ day last year and the entire gathering stood in silence for a minute in their memory.
Edward Castelino entertained the elders with his magic show. Mrs. Wilma Rodrigues proposed the vote of thanks and Fr. Lancy Saldanha recited the grace before the meal.

Comments on this Article | |
Stany Lobo, Thirlapalke/Dubai | Thu, March-22-2012, 4:28 |
Very nice to see senior parishoners toghter. May almighty God give them strength, courage to face whatever problems of old age they are facing. These kind of programs make them feel good . | |
Benedict Noronha, Udupi | Thu, March-22-2012, 12:01 |
A Godly program of honouring the elders by this kind of a programme gathering,praying,meeing and eating together. They feel relaxed for a day and happy. God will also be happy I fee, with this kind of a noble act. Congratulations to Rev. Fr. Joshwey Fernandis and his team My it be an example to other parishes. | |
Philip Mudartha, Qatar | Wed, March-21-2012, 9:35 |
Seeking additional information: a) at which age do I qualify to be an elder? (Senior citizen=60, Privilege Senior=65, Super Senior=80 by government definition, and b) % of elders in parish population and c) rate of increase/decrease in b) above. Our youngsters, especially with one income and two elders to treasure and care for, have a tough job ahead of them..May God bless the young and give them the means shoulder their repsonsibilities. | |
Alphonse Mendonsa, Pangla/Abu Dhabi | Wed, March-21-2012, 2:43 |
Fr. Joswin rightly said: Parents are treasurers of the parish and we must respect them at all times. In the modeern society we see many make mockery of our elders... God bless them all and give them long life and good health. | |
Msgr. Matthew F. D Souza, Nalku Beedi/Washington, DC | Tue, March-20-2012, 3:40 |
"OLD IS GOLD" which is precious and is to be handled with great care! |