Udupi: Lions and Lioness Clubs organize ‘Prasoona’-District Level Flower Arrangement Competition
By Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 05 March 2012: It was a competition that excited not only Lioness members but also Lion members of 12 Lions and Lioness Clubs of Udupi Zone who exhibited their talent in flower arrangement in a District level competition appropriately called ‘Prasoona’ (Blossoming) jointly conducted by the Lions and Lioness Clubs of Udupi on Sunday, March 4, 2012 from 10 am to 12 noon.
The Flower Arrangement Competition and exhibition was inaugurated by MJF Ln. Jayakar Shetty Indrali, Lions Governor of District 324-D4 by lighting the lamp and symbolically unfurling the bunch of tender flowers of coconut along with the dignitaries on the dais who included Ln. Indu Ramanand Bhat, President of the Lions Club of Udupi who presided over the function, Lioness Shweta Jayakar Shetty, First Lady of the Lions District 324-D4, MJF Ln. Madhusudhan Hegde, First Deputy Governor and Lioness District Coordinator Girija Tallur Shivarama Shetty.
In his address, MJF Ln. Jayakar Shetty Indrali said that such a flower arrangement competition and exhibition is being held for the first time in the Lions District and complimented the Lions and Lioness Clubs of Udupi for the same.
All the 12 competing teams were allotted 45 minutes to complete the flower arrangement. Each team was to consist not more than six members. All round enthusiasm could be seen as men and women helped each other in their team in arranging the flowers. The Lion and Lioness members of Moodubelle also participated in the competition. While most of the teams had brought exquisite flowers from the market, the team for Moodubelle had hit upon a unique idea and had collected common flowers from domestic gardens and other easily available sources.
At the end of the competition the following teams were declared as winners: Third Prize of Rs.1000/- Lioness Club of Shantinagar ; Second Prize of Rs.2000/- Lioness Club of Belman and First Prize of Rs.3000/- Lioness Club of Mid-town, Udupi.