Pangala: Shakarapura Jasmine rate shoots sky high
By Prakash Katpadi
Bellevision Media Network
Pangala, 02 November 2011: With the hostile climate these days, the high in demand Shankarapura Jasmine (Mallige) yield has dropped down drastically and as a result the rate in the market has shot sky high. On Tuesday one big atti mallige was sold for Rs. 1,200 in the market and small atti for Rs. 800. During recent Navaratri festival season one atti mallige sold for record Rs. 2,000 and after that now again the price has increased sharply now.
Even though one cannot see much yield of flowers in Shakarapura jasmine farms the flower business has bright success in the market. Having huge demand for these flowers, now the buyers will have to struggle for jasmine flowers in the coming days for the celebration of occasions. On Tuesday morning at around 11.30 am the rate was Rs. 1,200, which reduced to Rs. 1,000 in the afternoon.
On Wednesday as usual there is less demand for the flowers from Mumbai, so the price might drop down a little, but may not go below Rs. 1,000 opinioned the mallige merchants. On Thursday there are chances of more demand from Mumbai, so price might rise again. Since there are more occasions in the next few days it is expected that the price in the market may go up to Rs. 1,500.
The jasmine farmers are in tension that even though there is very good rate in the market they are unable to supply more flowers to the market due to drop in yield. Now that the prices have jumped up the farmers can directly get Rs. 820 per atti in Shakarapura katte itself. Earlier they used to get from Rs. 220 to 420 per atti. Now the union of the farmers has become strong, so as per the present demand for the flowers they get Rs. 820 rate.