Leaders call for action against sand mining, mafia in Pavoor Uliya

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Mangaluru, 26 June 2024: Leaders from like-minded organizations visited the sand mining-affected areas of Pavoor Uliya, where they uncovered illegal exploitation by the sand mining mafia, which has led to significant erosion of the island.


During a press briefing following the visit, Muneer Katipalla openly accused government authorities of colluding with the illegal sand mining operations. He emphasized that even during the rainy season, when licensed sand mining is prohibited; the sand mafia continues their activities unabated in Pavoor Uliya, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Mangaluru police commissionerate.



Muneer Katipalla called for the immediate removal of the Konaje police station inspector and the local Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP). He also urged the deputy commissioner (DC) to promptly visit the island to witness the situation first-hand. He assured that like-minded individuals and organizations would fully support efforts to address the issue and restore law and order.


Roy Castelino, public relations officer of the Mangalore diocese, recounted how the Catholic Sabha had intervened in illegal sand mining activities at Pavoor Uliya a few years ago and brought the issue to the authorities’ attention. However, no substantial follow-up occurred. Recently, journalists Stany Bela and Dayanand Kukkaje visited the site and were appalled by the extent of the illegal sand mining. Through their media platform, Daijiworld, they successfully highlighted the issue. Having now visited the site themselves and understood the gravity of the situation, the leaders are committed to escalating the issue to higher authorities and combating the illegal sand mafia.


Alwyn D’Souza, president of the Catholic Sabha; Stany Lobo, former president of the Catholic Sabha; Fr Manohar D’Souza, parish priest of Pavoor Uliya church; Santhosh Bajal; Sunil Kumar Bajal, CPIM leader; Gilbert D’Souza; Vinod Pinto, president of Focus; and others were present.



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