Words are few but gratitude abundant.... A big golden thank you...
Fr. Paul Sequeira
Principal, St. Lawrence Composite PU College
Moodubelle, 02 January 2009: The closing days of the last year (2009), especially 28th to 30th December were the most memorable days in the history of Moodubelle Parish, as St. Lawrence High School’s closing functions of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations were successfully conducted. For the success of all the programmes associated with the Golden Jubilee Celebrations throughout the year, i along with the Correspondent, Fr. Joswey Fernandes, the Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee and all the people of Moodubelle thank the Almighty God for all the blessings. Our gratitude to St. Lawrence, the patron of our parish and the educational institutions, for his intercession on behalf of all of us.
It is my bounden duty to thank and express my heartfelt gratitude to all those persons who were responsible for the smooth conduct and success of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations. First of all i thank Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore for presiding over the inaugural function on the evening of 28th December 2009, Rev. Fr. Wilson D’Souza, Secretary of Catholic Board of Education who was the chief celebrant of the thanksgiving mass and also presided over the morning inaugural function, Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes, Episcopal Vicar of Udupi District who presided over the ‘Guruvandana’ function on 29th December 2009 and Fr. Joswey Fernandes for presiding over the Old Students and Parents-Teachers Association Day on 30th December 2009.
I express my thanks to all the chief guests and guests of honour-Sr. Eugene D’Souza, Commodore Jerome Castelino, Mr. Lalaji R. Mendon, Mr. Manjunathiah, Mr. Gerald Fernandes, Mr. Shahsidhar Wagle, Dr. H.B. Shetty, Dr. B.M. Hegde, Mr. Alban Rodrigues, Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza, Mr. P.D. Kamath, Dr. Lakshminarayana Samaga, Mr. Lakshminarayan Bhat, Mr. Valerian Alva, Mr. William Aranha, Mr. Philip D’Souza, Mr. Henry Fernandes, Mr. Devdas Hebbar and Mrs. Meera Lobo.
Thanks are also due to the president and members of the Old Students Association who not only were generous in their contributions, but also attended the programmes, especially on 30th December 2009 and actively participated in both the morning and evening programmes. I express gratitude to the president and members of the Parents-Teachers Association for their active cooperation throughout the year especially during the three days of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
I will fail in my duty if i forget to thank the staff members, teaching and non-teaching of both high school and PU College who toiled throughout the year in making all the programmes associated with the Golden Jubilee Celebrations a great success.
The students have been involved in the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the high school right from the beginning of the last year. However, their contribution before, during and after the three days Golden Jubilee Celebrations as volunteers and performers in the verity entertainment programmes on the first two days were commendable. A big thanks to these enthusiastic students.
This gigantic task of organizing the Golden Jubilee functions and meeting the targets of the Golden Jubilee Fund, the Fund meant to help the poor students and the Endowment Prize Fund, would not have been possible without the generous contributions of large hearted donors, especially Mr. William Aranha and Bellevision(UAE) for donating substantial amount and also all the other donors who contributed whatever they could in the name of St. Lawrence for the success of the Golden Jubilee. I am eternally grateful to their generosity and pray Almighty God to bless them abundantly.
Finally, i take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Bellevision (UAE), especially to Mr. Valerian Alva, the present president and all the past presidents as well as other members who not only contributed in terms of money but also came down to Moodubelle to attend the Golden Jubilee Celebrations and put up a great show on 30th December 2009 which was appreciated by each and every one.
My special thanks to Mr. Sigfred D’Souza, the Web Master of Bellevision and Dr. Eugene D’Souza for creating and sustaining the spirit of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations by giving wide publicity before, during and even after the celebrations.
Finally, i express my gratitude to all Belleans in Moodubelle and other parts of India and abroad for their unstinted support and good wishes.
May the Almighty God bless all of you for your interest, support and participation in the Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
Wishing you a Happy, Grace filled and Prosperous New Year 2010.
Fr. Paul Sequeira
Principal and Treasurer,
Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee

Comments on this Article | |
Fredrick Fernandes, Moodubelle / Boston USA | Mon, January-4-2010, 8:37 |
Congratulations to Rev. Fr. Paul and to the organising committee of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of St Lawrence High School. You have done a fantastic job. Thanks to Bellevision for the media coverage. | |
Dear Fr.Paul congratulations on the grand success of the events recently concluded in connection of golden jubilee of SLHS.Going through the articles reports images of the functions in the website was a pleasure for all of us who are far away from our native place. Congratulations to you your support team and people of moodubelle. May our Patron St.Lawrence obtain continuous blessings from our Lord | |
Sunil Dsouza, Moodubelle | Sat, January-2-2010, 1:07 |
I was there in Belle to witness to these grand events, what a show and what a celebrations. The cultural events on last day specially the "rasamanjari" by Bellevision and Tulu drama by old students was superb. I have never seen such a grand celebrations earlier in Belle. | |
Fr. Valerian Castelino, Moodubelle/Chikmagalur | Sat, January-2-2010, 6:45 |
As the old student of St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle, i was extremely delighted to have been present on all the three days of the Golden Jubilee functions. All the programmes were organized excellently. Congratulations to Fr. Joswey Fernandes, the Correspondent, Fr. Paul Sequeira, the Principal and all the staff members and students. | |
Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle | Sat, January-2-2010, 6:15 |
It was a great show and great celebrations. Thanks Fr.Paul for your inspiring leadership. |