Saudi Arabia: Ralph D’Souza, Pramila Rodrigues qualify for GVOM-5 finals
Media Release
Dammam, 03 Oct 2016: The semi-final round of the Gulf Voice of Mangalore Season 5 was a total package of fun and entertainment and stiff competition among singers that ended with a nail biting finish. The recipients of the "Voice of Arabia" title are Ralph Paul D’Souza, Milagres Mangalore and Pramila Rodrigues, Udupi. They were crowned by Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Muriel Nazareth. Ralph won the judges and the audience with his song "Angelina" and Pramila with her selection of "Cho’li".
The GVOM 2016 semi-final was organized by Aangann Konknnechem Riyadh on Friday September 30. The winners will now expand their horizon of singing talent and put their skills to test at the grand finale which will be held on 11th November in Bahrain.
Vishwa Konkani Kala Ratn Bab Eric Ozario from Mangalore and Golden Voice Dream Boy Rony D’Cunha from Kuwait were the judges at GVOM semi-finals in Dammam.
The programme was compered by Dony Correa from Dubai, who added much charm to the event with his dashing and enigmatic style, and announced the opening of GVOM 2016 semi-final in Dammam. He made a grand entry to the beat of music, accompanied by a thunderous applause from the audience. The programme began with a welcome dance by Stevina D’Souza, Palimar, Prayer by Richard Cardin and Steevan and Bharatnatyam dance performance by Sharon and Shalom Fernandes Shirthady, Vanessa and Vance sang Konkni Aamchi Maibas composed and tuned by Edwin Pinto Balehonnur followed by a welcome speech by the AKR Gurkar Arun D’souza Palimar.
The Sponsors Kevin and Muriel Nazareth, Vincent Sequeira, Lancy Lasrado from Plan-Tech Arabian Co. Ltd Jubail, Allen and Carol D’Souza and Arun D’Souza lighted the lamp and inaugurated the competition.
The six female contestants were Chinnu D’Souza (Mogarnad), Veena D’Souza (Anjalore), Jacintha Nazareth (Bajpe), Pramila Rodrigues (Udupi), Babitha Rodrigues (Brahmavar) and Gretta Sequeira (Paladka) along with six male contestants Ralph Paul D’Souza (Milagres Mangalore), Valerian Nelson Moras (Milagres), Naveen Lewis (Sastan), Sandeep Vijay Crasta (Siddakatte), Steevan Pradeep Barboza (Loretto) and Gerald Rodrigues (Gurpur) were escorted to the stage by the Vice President Carol and Arun D’Souza of Aangann team along with co-ordinators.
Our Local MC Wilson Crasta introduced the Compere for the evening Donny Correa briefly to the audience and from there on Donny left no stone unturned to keep the audience captivated with his rib tickling jokes and presence of mind. Carol D’Souza thanked all the sponsors and Arun D’Souza honored and felicitated them with a floral bouquet. The judges were also felicitated with shawls and mementos. Contestants were felicitated with certificates and mementos by Judges Bab Eric Ozario and Rony D’Cunha. The compere Donny Correa was felicitated with a floral bouquet and memento by Arun D’Souza.
The competition began with the curtain-raiser song "Gulf Voice of Mangalore". The cultural programme began with a foot thumping dance performance by the talented and enthusiastic Karan Raj and Kiran Raj Nazareth (Udupi), Rishon Fernandes (Shirthady), the sister’s duo Jennessa and Jinnelle D’Souza, Group dance performance by Jishal, Ashmitha, Crishal and Melissa was ecstatic More colour was added by the Riyadh ladies Trupthi, Carol, Celine , Sarala, Fredline and Freeda pumped up the adrenaline as they danced to a foot tapping number "Whistle Mar". They left the audience asking for more!
The crowd went hysterical right from the word go as they watched a comedy show called " Soro" staged by Herald D’Souza (Mudarangadi) and Carol D’Souza (Urva). They left the audience laughing for a very long time adding fun and a dash of happiness inside the hall.
Dony Correa amused the audience with his witty and original jokes. Eric Ozario, Rony D’Cunha, Roshan Rodrigues, Dony Correa and Pride of Arabia Vanessa mesmerized the audience as they set the stage on fire. The atmosphere at the venue changed as they sang melodies konkani numbers that had the audience on their feet. It was an opportunity never to be missed. The lively atmosphere finally dispersed to the dining area where delicious food was awaiting the guests.
On this occasion Lawrence D’Souza’s “Istageeth” Konkani CD was launched by Eric Ozario, Rony D’Cunha, Kevin and Mueral Nazareth along with Arun D’Souza.
Saritha D’Souza of Aangann Konknechem Riyadh proposed the vote of thanks. The programme came to an end with the announcement of the winners of the Voice of Arabia contest. While everyone in the auditorium waited with bated breath for the results, the announcement itself was splendid, not just because of the deafening applause that followed it, but also because of the expression of triumph as well as intense emotion that it brought upon the face of the winners. It was indeed an evening to cherish for a very long time.
The main sponsors for the event were Kevin Muriel Nazareth; Co-sponsors were Vincent Blanch Sequeira, Alphons Lasrado, Plan-Tech Arabia Ltd. Co., Allen Carol D’Souza, Clarence Fernandes and Well Wishers. Music, Sound and Video by Strings Dammam.
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