Parish Community felicitates Fr. Paul Sequeira on the occasion of his 51st birthday

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By Dr. Eugene DSouza
Pictures by Anil Alva
Bellevision Media network

Moodubelle, 06 February 2011: Though the 51st birthday of Fr. Paul Sequeira is on 8th Febraury 2011, the parish community of St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle felicitated him on the occasion of the completion of 50 years of his life on Sunday, 6th February 2011 soon after the 7.30 am mass which was offered by Fr. Paul himself.


During the brief and significant felicitation programme, Fr. Arun Mendonca welcomed the gathering and Henry Fernandes, the vice president of the Parish Pastoral Council delivered the felicitation speech. Fr. Lancy Saldanha narrated briefly the life and career of Fr. Paul during the last fifty years.


On the occasion of the completion of the fifty years of his life, Fr. Joswey Fernandes along with other dignitaries on the dais honoured Fr. Paul Sequeira by presenting him a shawl, traditional headgear, garland and a memento.


Speaking at this occasion, Fr. Paul Sequeira thanked God for granting him fifty years of fruitful life. Recalling his service at Moodubelle since 2002, Fr. Paul appreciated the support given to him by the people of Moodubelle in his work as the principal of St. Lawrence Composite PU College. He said that along with working in St. Lawrence Composite, he has been happy to serve the people as a priest. He expressed gratitude to Fr. Joswey Fernandes for the support and guidance, Fr. Arun Mendonca and Fr. Lancy Saldanha for their cooperation and the parishioners for their support and affection.



Fr. Joswey Fernandes in his message said that the life of Fr. Paul Sequeira is quite simple but with ample responsibility. He has been fulfilling his twin responsibility as the principal of St. Lawrence Composite PU College and as a priest helping in conducting religious and spiritual functions in the parish. He wished Fr. Paul Sequeira long and fruitful life.


Fr. Paul Sequeira was offered flower bouquets by representatives of various parish associations, Sr. Vineetha on behalf of Loreto Convent sisters, Fr. Maxim Pinto on behalf of Assisi Nilaya and a number of parishioners.


On the occasion of the completion of fifty years of his fruitful life, it would be appropriate to narrate briefly the biographical sketch of Fr. Paul Sequeira:


Career and Achievements of Fr. Paul Sequeira:

Fr. Paul Sequeira is the third among 11 children-3 sons and 8 daughters of Casmir Sequeira and Cecilia Baretto of Perne Village in Puttur. After completing his primary education up to 7th standard at Perne, Paul continued his education in St.Philomena’s High School at Puttur and passed SSLC in 1977.  Realising that he had a vocation to be a priest, Paul joined St. Joseph’s Seminary, Mangalore and underwent one year of initiation in 1978. Thereafter, he pursued two years PUC studies in St. Aloysius College (1978-80).



While studying in First Year PUC, Fr. Valerian D’Souza was the Parish Priest of the Puttur Church. While studying for the PUC, Br. Paul stood first in the class in the subject of History and was appreciated by the lecturers, seminarians and the classmates for his achievement. This initial success and appreciation from different quarters went a long way in his own self discovery that he had talents and instilling a sense of confidence in him that he could achieve greater heights if he channelized his abilities in right direction.


Following the completion of the PUC studies, Br. Paul had to carry on the study of Philosophy in the Seminary as part of his training to the priesthood. Meanwhile, he also began his studies privately to acquire graduate degree (BA) from the Mysore University. It was chiefly due to his sustained efforts that Br. Paul completed the Philosophy studies and acquired BA degree in 1983.  He was deputed to Padua High School, Nantoor for Regency for one year. Realizing the importance of time and education he also simultaneously did B.Ed. course from the Government College, Mangalore.



While in Seminary, Br. Paul had a penchant for music and was very good in playing various musical instruments-organ, accordion, violin and guitar. Hence, Br. Paul became an integral part of the choir. Fr. Paul is very proud of the fact that on the occasion of the inauguration of the renovated Church of St. Lawrence at Bondel, he had the privilege to conduct the choir. It was chiefly due to this talent of his that Fr. Paul came to the notice of many including the Bishop. As seminarian, Br. Paul visited the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows as Sunday Minister. While in Seminary, Br. Paul also did Scouts and Guides Course from Ujire.



After four years of Theological studies, Br. Paul was ordained a priest by Most Rev. Dr. Basil D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore on 3rd May 1988.  It was the culmination of his long period of training for the priesthood during which he simultaneously acquired necessary educational qualifications so that he could take up the teaching profession as and when required.


The first assignment of Fr. Paul after being ordained a priest was at the Holy Family Church Omazoor (Mermajal) as Assistant Parish Priest where he worked for two years. During these two years, Fr. Paul did journalism course from the journalism institute of Nagarcoil in Tamilnadu. As he was keen in pursuing further higher studies, Fr. Paul began to explore the possibility of acquiring post graduate degree and began preparations in this direction.


The next posting of Fr. Paul was at the Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception at Urwa, Mangalore. When he went to Urwa, the plinth for the construction of a new church building had been completed. During the three years that he had been in Urwa, Fr. Paul acquired MA degree in English subject from the Annamalai University, Chennai in 1991.


Fr. Paul has fond memories of his stay at Urwa and credits his Parish Priest, Fr. John D’Souza with transforming him from an introvert into an outgoing person ready to mingle with the parishioners, especially children. Fr. Paul says that Fr. John was a strict disciplinarian and a perfectionist. However, he was very good at heart and always thought good of others. Fr. Paul considers himself lucky to get a superior like Fr. John from whom he learnt so many positive things that helped him to grow as a person, as a priest and as a teacher. From Fr. John he learnt how to build a parish community and Fr. Paul admits that he began to find joy and happiness in his vocation as a priest.


Following his three years stay at Urwa, which he considers a watershed in his priestly vocation, Fr. Paul got his first teaching assignment at Kulur High School. Meanwhile, he was also assigned the responsibility as the Assistant Parish Priest at the Church of St. Lawrence at Bondel with additional designation as the Chaplain to the Mary Hill Convent for one year. Later, he was shifted to the Kulur Church as a resident priest while continuing his teaching assignment in the High School and was made in charge of the Tannirbhavi parish.


In 1997, Fr. Paul was promoted as a lecturer and was sent to St. Mary’s PU College, Shirva, where he taught English. After one year, he was assigned the charge of the newly consecrated Church of Our Lady of Fatima at Mundkur near Kinnigoli as the first Parish Priest. However, Fr. Paul had to commute practically every day from Mundkur to Shirva to take lectures in the PU College. Meanwhile, in 2002, Fr. Paul acquired the Konkani Diploma from St. Aloysius College after undergoing two years course.


After continuing in the above arrangement for four years, Fr. Paul finally came to Moodubelle in 2002. After working as a lecturer of English for one year, in   2003, Fr. Paul was elevated to the position of the Principal of the PU College following the retirement of John Menezes, who had been the Principal of the PU College for 18 years.


After analysing the causes of the lack of enthusiasm and concentration on the part of the students in their studies and other activities, Fr.Paul thought in terms of providing the students with some kind of refreshment. Meanwhile, the Lions Club of Moodubelle under the leadership of Commodore Jerome Castelino came forward to sponsor the midday meal to the students. The Lions Club provided the midday meal facility for all the students of the high school and PU College for one year. Thereafter, the facility has been managed by the management and the staff of the institution.


With a view to develop the overall personality and value system of the students, Fr. Paul took initiative in introducing Cultural Activity and Moral Science classes, National Service Scheme (NSS) and Eco-Club for the PU students and Scouts and Guide for the high school students. Besides these, Yakshagana training and Yoga classes were also introduced for the benefit of the students. In order to inculcate patriotism and to strengthen a sense of nationalism, Fr. Paul began the practice of celebrating national festivals. In order to develop the writing skill among the students, a Wall Magazine was started in which the articles, poems and drawings of the students were displayed.



In 2006, under the dynamic leadership of Fr. Paul, the Silver Jubilee of the Pre University College was celebrated with great success. As part of the Silver Jubilee celebrations separate toilet blocks for boys and girls were constructed. Other infrastructural developments included resting room for the staff and girl students, library was renovated and additional new books were acquired, demonstration room for science practical was provided, compound wall till the playground was constructed, garden in front of the PU College was laid , the front portion of the PU College was provided with a new facelift and facade was raised in front of the office. As part of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of the PU College, the Science Section of the PUC was started in 2008 with four laboratories for Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Computer Science.



Under the leadership of Fr. Paul Sequeira, a number of infrastructural works have been undertaken as part of the Golden Jubilee celebration that was held on 28, 29 and 30 December 2009. Renovation of the hall of the institution was a significant part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations. In order to provide better playground and promote athletics, field and court games, the existing ground was renovated and expanded and additional space has been obtained.


As part of the Golden Jubilee celebration of the high school, Fr.Paul proposed to set up two funds-one of five lac rupees out of the interest of which the poor and needy students of the high school would be helped and the other, Endowment Prize Fund in memory of each of the Correspondents, Head Masters, Principals and teaching and non-teaching staff.



Fr. Paul feels quite at home in the parish of Moodubelle because of the love and affection of the parishioners who consider him to be one of their own. Whenever there is any need for help, the parishioners are ready to sacrifice for the sake of the institution which had been their Alma Mater and that of their children.


Fr. Paul has a great vision for the future of the educational institution that he heads. He would like to see that the students of the high school who would not be able to continue the normal academic education would be able to continue their studies in Moodubelle itself  in vocational training through Polytechnic.  He also has a desire that all the sister institutions of the parish would have greater cooperation and interaction for homogenous progress of these institutions. In general, Fr. Paul expressed his view that the people of the village should come out of their narrow view of life and acquire proper knowledge and temperament to achieve greater goals for themselves and their children and thus transform the village into a progressive and forward looking society.



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Comments on this Article
Fr. Sunil Monis Ocd, Shirva Mon, February-14-2011, 12:31
Fr. Paul Nice to see u on this block and a great man. hope u remember me. i never knew that u r 50. u look like 20. Praise the lord for the mervolous person to the chuch of God. Praying for u
Ronald Dsouza, Moodubelle/Dubai Wed, February-9-2011, 8:15
Dear Fr.Paul, Wish you many many happy returns of the day. May lord Jesus shower his abundant blessings upon you and your future endeavors.
Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle Tue, February-8-2011, 12:10
Happy Birthday to you Fr. Paul, and wising many happy returns. You are Gods gift to our Parish. The standards and discipline installed in our institutions is amazing!! Your preaching for happy and challenging moments are simply out of the world. You are a friend and well wisher for all the communities in our Parish. We are proud of you!!
Alban D souza, Kunthal nagar/moodubelle Mon, February-7-2011, 1:29
Dear Fr. Paul,manny manny happy returns of the day..
Therese dalmeida, Moodubelle/Doha Mon, February-7-2011, 8:23
Dear Fr. Paul,Wish you many many happy returns of the are a blessing for our parish and high school.May God Bless you with good health and happiness.
Arun Steevan Sequeira, Mattar/Dubai Sun, February-6-2011, 11:38
Dear Fr. God bless you in a special way today for the love and concern with which you minister to all those entrusted to your care. May your life be filled with God’s good gifts, abundant joy and heaven’s peace. Happy Birthday!
Vijay dsouza, Moodubelle/Bahrain Sun, February-6-2011, 10:30
Dear Fr.Paul many happy returns of the day. May god bless you all your drems come deserve a lot of credit for where our institution is standing today. All the best Fr.
Joel Dsa, Moodubelle, Bahrain Sun, February-6-2011, 10:24
Dear Fr.Paul Many Many happy returns of the day. We are proud of your achievements and thank God for sending you to our Belle parish, so that we could flourish under your able leadership. You have changed the look of our St. Lawrence Junior College. I am sure, with your positive vision, we are moving ahead in the right direction of practicle learning. Hats off to you and good luck for your future assignments. You bet our support will always be there. Joel D sa Bahrain
Peter F Mendonca, Moodubelle/Alain/Uae Sun, February-6-2011, 10:23
Dear Fr.Paul Wishing you many many happy returns of the day.
Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore Sun, February-6-2011, 8:58
Wish you a very Happy Birthday Father...
Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain Sun, February-6-2011, 7:49
Dear Fr. Paul Congratulations on your birthday. Many many happy returns of the day. wish you Fr. best of health, happiness and long life.
John Peter Fernandes, Moodubelle/Nottingham U.K Sun, February-6-2011, 5:52
Dear Fr.Paul we wish you Many many happy returns of the day. May almighty God bless you and give you good health and fullfill your all wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best Wishes From, John,Flossy,Hailey n Freya Nottingham U.K
Fr. Matthew F. D Souza, Kattingere/USA Sun, February-6-2011, 5:28
Congratulations, Fr. Paul and many, many happy returns!
Wilfred Menezes, Moodubelle Sun, February-6-2011, 4:33
Wishing you many.. many... happy returns of the day.
Victor DSouza, Moodubelle / Doha Sun, February-6-2011, 2:46
Dear Fr. Paul, Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day.
Fr.Valerian Castelino csc, Moodubelle Sun, February-6-2011, 2:20
Wishing you very many happy returns of the day....May you live up to a double century and more...
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