Canada: MAC - Executive Committee 2011-2012
Media Release
Mississauga, 03 February 2011: The Mangalorean Association of Canada (MAC) had a very fruitful 2010. The Annual General Meetingheld in November saw a change of guard with a newly elected Executive Committee (EC). The AGM witnessed a real drive towards unity among Mangaloreans in the GTA and within Canada and a keen passion to keep the flame of our culture and traditions burning brightly especially through our beloved Nativity Feast (Monthi Fest).
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the outgoing President, Maxim D’Mello and EC, who have served the Mangalorean community tirelessly by promoting MAC in the GTA and within Canada. Their dedication to the community has led to the recognition of MAC through Mandd Sobhan. In December 2010, MAC was bestowed an award by the Indian President, Smt. Pratibha Patil for promoting the Konkani culture, language and traditions in a foreign land.
We warmly welcome the new President, Ronald Fernandes who has boldly taken on the challenge to serve and promote the Mangalorean community through the association over the next two years. The new Executive Committee (EC) met to envision the future and dedicate themselves to elevate MAC tonew heights and even greater success.
MAC will continue its commitment to the Mangalorean community with a greater plan to instil a sense of pride in our rich culture, heritage, religion and language. The ultimate goal is to mobilize the torch of our traditions as we have received it and pass it to the next generation. To that end, MAC will continue its tradition of the Konkani mass held on the first Saturday of every month at Sts. Martha and Mary at 6:00pm. We will celebrate the Stations of the Cross in the Lenten Season and the Solemnity of Monthi Fest in September.
In the outreach to the youth - the leaders of tomorrow, MAC will continue to provide a platform for developing leadership through sports, literacy and cultural events. Look forward to connecting with us through Facebook and Twitter in the weeks to come!
MAC encourages you, the community, to participate, get involved and take pride in your roots, your language and your heritage. We look forward to seeing you all at our monthly Konkani mass and the events listed below. Join us in weaving a distinct Mangalorean thread in this multi-cultural tapestry within Canada.
Fr. Edwin D’Souza
The Association is incredibly blessed to have a resident spiritual director, Rev. Fr. Edwin D’Souza. Here is a link to an article published in Bellevision on Fr. Edwin:
Executive Committee 2011-2012
Below are some of the events planned for 2011. Mark you calendars, stay tuned for details:
Family Social:
Date: 28th May, 2011
Venue: Grand Taj Banquet Hall
Date: 18th June, 2011
Venue: Centennial Park, Grounds 6 & 7
Monthi Fest:
Date: 11 Sept, 2011.
Venue: Maxmillian Kolbe Hall, Mississauga
The current Executive Committee Members of the Mangalorean Association of Canada for 2011 – 2013:
President - Ronald Fernandes
Vice-President - Janet D’Souza
General Secretary- Reynold Sequeira
Joint Secretary- Ivan Lobo
Treasurer- Ronald Mathias
Asst. Treasurer - Stanislaus D’Souza
Youth & Sports Coordinator - Charles D’Souza
Cultural Coordinator - Jerry Cardoza
Public Relations Coordinator - Vijay Pereira
Liturgical Facilitator- Merlyn Rodrigues
Web Master - Leo D’Cunha
Spiritual Director- Fr. Edwin D’Souza

Comments on this Article | |
Savitha, Mississauga / Canada | Sun, February-6-2011, 5:35 |
Dear Ronal Mathias Congratulations and Best of Luck in your new Role in MAC Association God Bless You |