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Victor DSouza, Moodubelle / Doha
08/05/2010 02:00:42

Surely seems a perfect place for family entertainment. Nice pictures Mr. Manoj DSouza.

Jeorome D Sa, Bethsaida, Moodubelle/Dubai
07/05/2010 13:45:58

It is nice to see all the people specially the elderly. I have know most of them. Thanks to bring those memories back. May the St. Lawrence help all of us to strengthen bonds of friendship and love. Special thanks to Mr. Fernandes (Gurkar) for all his services to his neighbourhood, a man of simplicity yet profound knowledge and wisdom.

07/05/2010 10:34:28

Dear Jillu dattu,

Good luck all the very best. recently when we visited Muscat, we had a such a nice time with you,voni, Josyl Janice. Thanks a lot for everything. We wish you all the success

Naveen Mendonca, Padubelle (Bahrain)
07/05/2010 10:12:00

Dear Sonthu, we are happy to see you in photos read your achievements.may god Bless you your family.Best wishes from - Naveen Mendonca

Victor Dsouza, Moodubelle / Doha
07/05/2010 05:36:53

Best wishes to all the voters in choosing the right candidates.

Victor DSouza, Moodubelle / Doha
07/05/2010 05:22:47

Bicycles remind the good old days when we were riding bicycle to school with friends which was fun. Bicycle is the most efficient form of human transportation. It can combat climate change, ease urban congestion, and build human fitness, as it might just be the most enjoyable way to get in shape. All the very best to Mr. Norbert DSouza in all your activities.

Sathish Nayak, moodubelle / udupi
07/05/2010 04:41:09


Franky, Bangalay gudde
07/05/2010 03:25:26

Congrat all the Students which apprear SSLC 2010 EXAMS .Hats up girls for 100% result. ,

Quincy Long, Wisconsin, USA
06/05/2010 09:35:03

The Trek Bicycle Company is headquartered in Waterloo Wisconsin (USA), not Canada.

prince, podikambla/dubai
06/05/2010 06:21:40

Congratulations guys!!! those who have passed in the exams. Wish you bright ahead and those who have failed do nt worry better luck next time guys!!! And very congratulations to the toppers. Hats off guys...!

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
06/05/2010 06:08:37

Congratulations to the Students, Teachers and Principal on the excellent results. Girls’ passing at 100% rate is great achievement; they have outperformed the boys and contributed in overall good results. The growing reputation of St. Lawrence Junior College has been fostered by good exam results. Thanks to Principal, Fr. Paul Sequeira and Team Bellevision for the quick update.

Shashiprasad, Ankudur/Bangalore
06/05/2010 05:46:17

Good performance from My Juniors..
Thanks to Bellevision for reporting this News, which reminded me my 10th Results..
Spcl thanks to all the Teachers and non Teaching Staffs of My School

Lyret, Udupi
06/05/2010 02:33:36

Superb photography :) Looks more like a poster...

Francis Noronha, Mumbai/ Moodubelle
05/05/2010 15:09:52

It is nice to see the parishioners are joining together during the procession as well as celebration ward fest. St. Lawrence is doing miracles among his devotees.
Good initiative by Fr. Joswey, Pricipal and assistant parish priests as well as sisters.
Let the same spirit continue throghtout the centenary year, thus the parish become a strong family of witnessing the christian faith.

cyril saldanha, kanajar uae
05/05/2010 12:26:00

Good One.Keep it up.

Joel D sa, Moodubelle/Bahrain
05/05/2010 03:04:30

Dear Fr. Baptist (Bauthumam)
It s a proud moment for all of us as you celebrate your 25 years of priesthood. We pray to almighty to shower his choicest blessings on you to carry the mission work, and keep you in the best of health and peace.
Hope to be in person to celebrate your Golden Jubilee celebration of priesthood.
love you with you in prayers
Joel/Hilda/Hazel Jason

Godwin D Souza, Moodubelle / Dubai
05/05/2010 02:33:31

Lancy Bab, you have summed up life in this beautifully writtern poem. May your tomorrow exceed all expectations. Wish you all the best. Keep writing on BV.

Janet Dalmeida and family, Moodubelle - Dubai
05/05/2010 02:17:30

Dear Sonthu Baba , very happy to read your achievements and your handwork. We are very proud of your success. You are the eldest baba (brother) and Winny Voni was loving voni for all of us in Padubelle, till today and will remain forever. We pray to almighty to shower his blessings on you and your family with good health, wealth and happiness always. Best wishes from : All the members from Mendonca family / Padubelle.

05/05/2010 01:59:38

It is the negative approach of Railwy management towards even the most genuine demands of employees that created this situation. Striking employees were trying to be heard for a long time with all availabel ways. But the administration admantly refused to lend an ear. Even the British rspected Gandhiji s non vilont methods of protests, but our modern day government establishment simply ignore them forcing people to turn to more radical actions.

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
05/05/2010 00:05:39

Great pics Norman, keep sharing more pics

Vijay,Prema,Neil and Nicholas, Manipura
04/05/2010 18:20:16

Dear Padrabmam ,
congratulations on you 25 years of selfless service. we are all very proud of you.We always remember your kind, selfless, friendly and very simple nature. You always keep others happy and go out of the way in helping them. we are very sad we could not attend the function, but you are always in our prayers.
May almighty God bless you with good health and happyness.
God Bless and we all love you.

loving Neice Prema, Vijay , Neil and Nicholas Dante s, Canada (Moodubelle )

deog, moodubelle,camp:miami
04/05/2010 18:19:59

Congratulations Fr.Baptist on your silver jubilee of Priestly mission.We pray Almighty to give you strength and courage to continue your mission in the days ahead.
Thanks Eugine for your beautiful report

Mark D Sa, Miami,USA
04/05/2010 18:03:43

Dearest Mam,
Congratulations on completing 25 years in the Priestly mission.We are very proud of you and pray that the Almighty gives you strength to carry on your mission.We couldn t be there physically but were there in thoughts.We all love you very much.

dhananjay, karwar
04/05/2010 14:44:04

my birth place is verry good place ilove karwar

Robert vas, Mangalore
04/05/2010 12:49:45

Very good poem Mr Lancy Pinto Nayak. Your are used beautiful minimum konkani words to express maximum meaningfull theam.
I like it very much.
We want more poems and articals from use.
If possible pls publish ur novel BOARDING.

joel mendonca, kodangala
04/05/2010 08:38:56

Congrtulations to the sriram cricketers. Thanks to Anil Alva for the report and good photographs.

Ronald Sabi, Udupi
04/05/2010 07:07:25

This is a meaningful poem on reality aspects of life. The more you read it, the tastier it is. Lancy Pinto Nayak’s poem has made Konkani column of Bellevision wealthier!

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
04/05/2010 06:55:57

A friendly person to all Belleans in Dubai and at native. Finest friend indeed whenever you need his help!

Rail, Bilaspur
04/05/2010 04:51:27

Drivers are getting much more than other poor hardworking railway employees like gangman, patrolman, signal staff. There is no reason for strike.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
04/05/2010 04:48:55

All the hard work and land sacrifice will be nearly a waste if missing link is not attended seriously. This is going to be a fantastic connectivity between Moodubelle and Manipal. A dream development for Moodubelle and specially to the students, with strategic access of roads. Moreover, looking at the pictures, a treat to the commuter through the beautiful and green country side road. Hence the missing link should be preferably a bridge that can allow two vehicles to cross each other comfortably through the new access. Since we have capable youth political leaders, it is not an impossible task to succeed. End of the day, government is by the people and for the people. Government will and should support the projects those are going to help common man. There is a need to attend existing two vented dams for obtaining optimum benefits considering the dwindling water table levels. It may not be an easy task, however a lot of focus is needed to get the work done.

Valerian Alva, Moodubelle / Dubai
04/05/2010 02:30:37

Santhan Alva is one of the finest businessman in Dubai who believes in social responsibility. He is the person who will never say no to anyone who asks his help. I have personally seen him helping many needy people. Today he supports Konkani language and culture by allowing many organisations and groups to hold meetings, functions in his restaurant. May God bless him and his family always.

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
04/05/2010 02:23:47

Lancy sir, what a meaningful poem. Happy to read your poem on bellevision. Looking forward to read more such poems and articles from you

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
04/05/2010 01:38:20

The issue of land acquisition is a very sensitive one, with 65% of Indian population dependent on farming. Acquiring a small portion of big land for something like road is understandable. But acquiring the entire land against the wishes of the farmers will affect their life as they depend on agriculture, which is their traditional livelihood. Authorities should look for alternative sites instead of acquiring fertile lands in the area or provide proper compensation. Farmers should not be victims of industrialization. They should be partners in the process.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
03/05/2010 15:28:48

Very quick update of the news in Bellevision. Really appreciate Dr. Eugene, Mr. Anil, Mr. Sigfred and BV Team for covering a broader range of issues and events, update of reports more often and providing local context and perspective to national and international news. Hats off to you guys.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
03/05/2010 14:54:20

Thanks to Mr. Mario Wilson Mathias, Syndicate Bank Moodubelle for the timely information. I am sure readers of Bellevision will make use of this important information and will make their pan cards well in time if already not made. Please do continue regularly with such informative reports and articles in Bellevision Mr. Mario, especially on any new Bank schemes, revision of deposit / loan interest rates, etc. which will be quite beneficial to all of us.

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
03/05/2010 13:08:01

Congratulations to Mangalore Cricket Club (MCC), Doha on comprehensively winning the prestigious Qatar Airways trophy. Thanks to Qatar Cricket Association and Qatar Airways for conducting this exciting tournament which had great competition from all the teams. Fantastic accomplishment by the President and Executive Committee of MCC, as MCC has been amazing in Doha not only winning the trophies in cricket, other sports and cultural events, but also has been successfully organizing the cultural shows bringing many reputed artists from India to the shores of Doha and providing a much-needed avenue of entertainment to the Mangalorean community.

Thomas D Sa, Moodubelle/ Dubai
03/05/2010 09:24:25

Santhanaab is popular personality among Konkani speaking and other communities in Dubai. Very jovial, knowledgeable, loving and helping man. Whenever we want to have some gathering, meeting or any other occasion first persont comes to our mind is our loving Santhanaam.
May god Bless you and your family always with success and happiness.

Benedicta Lobo, Udupi/Dubai
03/05/2010 04:33:46

Dear Baoji,
What is the recipe for successful achievement? There are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, Give it the best there is in you, Seize your opportunities and be a member of the team. I believe all these four qualities are in you which helped you to achieve success in your chosen field. You provide food that customers love, day after day after day, people just want more of it, that is the ladder of your success. Lastly, behind every successful man there is a woman who is my dear sister Winnie who stood by you in every single step you took and the support from your lovely children Sohan Ashley. We are proud of your success. As you both celebrate your 25th silver wedding on 7th May we pray Almighty to give you good health and may you celebrate many more in your married life. God bless you.

GS, india
03/05/2010 02:45:43

May almighty God grant him eternal peace.May his soul rest in peace. We will miss you

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
03/05/2010 00:45:20

Really appreciate the writer for sharing the experience of this safari which seems unique and can only be possible in Dubai. The desert dune drive, the camel drive and the belly dance seems exciting.

Benedict Noronha, Belle /Udupi
02/05/2010 23:12:42

Dear Mr Santhan Alva,
seeing the photos my mouth Watered. Seeing you I felt if closeby to kiss you in appreciation for the wonderful success you have achieved. May god Bless you and your family always with success and happiness, for you love to serve and are loved.

Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
02/05/2010 11:28:39

This is a horrible barbaric heart breaking brutal murder, a unarmed old retired helpless priest brutally murdered, what a shame so far nobody knows who is master minded this cold blooded murder, It is very hard to come up as priest never the less they have to study theology for 11 years sacrifice their youth and dedicate their whole life to our saviour Jesus christ to serve as priest, poor helpless priest may be he has only weapon to depend him self is the rosary I dont think anything else. May almighty God grant him eternal peace May his soul rest in peace. Thanks Ancy for the pictures and reports. God bless you.

prince, podikambla/dubai
02/05/2010 09:21:16

Mr Santhan Alva, happy to read your achievements,your hardwork and dedication paid off for your succes.Wish you future prospects and succes in all your endeours

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
02/05/2010 06:03:45

Best wishes to all People living in Maharashtra, Happy Maharashtra Day.

Jerome D SA, Bethsaida, Moodubelle/Dubai
01/05/2010 13:51:48

Dear Santhan Alva,
I wish u all the best for what u are. I remember when I freshly landed in dubai, u took your precious time to take me for interviews to the various schools that u knew. I am grateful to u for this....the fact is that I am no one to u but u took the cause of humanity and did for me. I ask the almighty to shower u with health, wealth and happiness so that u may reach out to many more youngsters and support them morally and economically.

yohana, india / london
01/05/2010 13:10:37

its very sad n shockin to hear about the priest whom i have met personally.He was a gr8 hepler to everyone who came to him.The people who have done such a thing to him are worse than animals.They are the greatest cowards in the world who could not fight a 74yr old,weak priest in light.They did such an act in darkness .May Fr Peter Bambocha`s soul rest in peace RIP.

Francis L.Lobo, Belle
01/05/2010 10:08:05

Those who did for this priest are the worst cowards in this world and they are the enemies of the entire human mankind.May Fr. Peters soul rest in peace.Catholics from Vasai should take action on this serious matter and bring the culprits to the justice.

Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
01/05/2010 09:35:18

Oh Dear Jillu, I haven t seen you or your picture nearly thirty years Your brother Mark is my class mate but I know you very well and your dads restaurant famous with fresh chuckuli s, sevu bajeel really I miss these local traditional snacks. Thanks John you work hard and founded B/V it is a great achievement we all proud of your achievement. God bless you and wish you good health and long life and success in future mission.

John J. Lobo, Moodubelle
01/05/2010 06:48:51

Hi Vitor,
Very good article and photos. I understand one photo you missed out where the pigeons sits on the A/C cover outside, whereby they exactly come in right time to spoil our sleep (afternoon!!). Am I right?

Victor D Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
01/05/2010 02:03:23

Article gives important message. I liked the picture Pyramid of Capitalist System, which says it all. It is a picture for many of the governments in the world, especially the poor countries. They are all one and the same. Capitalism results in an unequal distribution of wealth. Communism results in an equal distribution of poverty. I think the common problem is corruption.

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