Original St. Lawrence Club Completes 100 years of Service to Community-Centenary Celebration on 27 October 2018
By Dr. Eugene DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Mumbai, 20 Oct 2018: Completing a century in the life of an individual or an institution is a great land mark that calls for celebration and review of the achievements during the past 100 years. It is a matter of great satisfaction and pride that the Original St. Lawrence Club which was later registered as St. Lawrence Association that had its humble origin in 1918 completes 100 years of its service to the community, especially from Belle and surrounding parishes. The club stands out as an example of the efforts and determination of those veterans of Belle who provided for themselves a place of residence, a home in Mumbai far away from their own homes in their villages and left a legacy where thousands of young men who had gone to Mumbai, a city of dreams and luck, to reside while working in different places till they could find their own accommodation. As the Centenary Celebrations of the Original St. Lawrence Club will be held on Saturday, 27 October 2018, it is appropriate to review briefly the history of the club and brief profiles of some of its outstanding members.
At the turn of the twentieth century, as the population of the undivided South Kanara district was increasing and large families had to make a living primarily depending on agriculture, many youngsters decided to migrate to Mumbai, a fast growing city with ample employment opportunities. With the passage of time more and more people began to make their journey to Mumbai.
When the Belle parish dedicated to St. Lawrence was established in 1910, there were a number of Belleans living and working in Mumbai. Among these, eight persons were residing in the association named after Our Lady of Remedy in the Byramji Building at Byculla. However, due to differences of opinion, one of them, Paul Aranha of Belle was dismissed from the association. In order to show their solidarity other seven members also resigned from the association. These eight members of Belle laid the foundation of an association in the name of the patron saint of their parish, St. Lawrence. Hence, the Original St. Lawrence Club was born in 1918 situated in the Old Clock Building at Nagpada. The eight founder members of the original St. Lawrence Club were: Paul Aranha, Casmir Mathias, Nicholas Mathias, Gabriel Menezes, Simon Noronha, Louis D’Souza, Ignatius Mathias and Raymond Rebello.
Casmir Mathias-One of the Eight Founder Members
As the number of members in the club gradually began to increase, they found the space inadequate and began to search for a larger accommodation. Charging each member a contribution of five rupees, in 1920, these members shifted to a larger place on the Sankli Street, Byculla for twelve rupees rent per month, each member paying one rupee per month. Here too the members stayed for two years and in 1922, as the number increased to forty, they shifted to another larger place in the Mubarak building in front of the Sankli Street.
With an assurance of a living place in Mumbai, more and more young people from Belle began to migrate to Mumbai and seek membership in St. Lawrence Club. As the number of member reached hundred, once again the managing committee of the club began to search for additional space and larger accommodation. This led to the shifting of the club to Pestomji Building in 1931 and from there to Ahmed Building in 1932 where the members stayed for seven years.
In 1931, due to differences on certain issues, twelve members left the club and established their own club in the name of St. Lawrence in the Lakshmi Building on the Clare Road, Byculla. Eventually, these two clubs of Belleans in the name of St. Lawrence came to be known as ‘large club’ (Vodlem Kood) and ‘Small Club’ (Dhaktem Kood) respectively.
In order to provided a larger accommodation to the increasing number of members of the original St. Lawrence Club, due to the efforts of Marcel Noronha and Balthazar Martis, the full floor in the Pinto House on the Haines Road at Byculla was acquired in 1939. However, within six months of shifting to this new place, the British authorities ordered to vacate it for military purpose as the Second World War was in progress. Having no other alternative, the club was shifted to the Sajan Building at Nagpada. With the end of the Second World War in 1945, in 1946, the British Government allowed the members to shift back to the Pinto House on the Haines Road. From that time till now the original St. Lawrence Club is situated at this place.
When the Original St. Lawrence Club was shifted back to the Pinto House on the Haines Road in 1946, Marcel Noronha was the president of the club and continued till 1956. During these ten years of his tenure Marcel Noronha worked hard for the overall improvement of the club and led the members by his fine example of sincerity and dedication to work. He passed away on 28 October 1956 while still serving as the president of the original St. Lawrence Club.
The original St. Lawrence Club got another major jolt in 1959 on the issue of sending donation to the proposed building of St. Lawrence High School at Belle. At the monthly meeting in 1959, the letter from the parish priest of Belle at that time, Fr. Abundius D’Souza requesting donation from the members of the club was placed before the meeting. While the majority of the members approved a proposal to send donation, the vice president and his supporters objected to this proposal and the meeting ended without formally passing any resolution.
The situation in the club became so complex that the members were divided into two rival groups on the new issue of the registration of the club. Eventually, the matter was taken to the court. On behalf of the majority of the members, Isidore Monis, Jerome Castelino and Francis D’Souza filed a case in the court which continued till 1962. In its order of 20 February 1962, the court decided that a general body meeting should be convened on 4 March 1962 and the members should elect new committee of their choice and the members should decide whether to register the club or not. In the general body meeting the members elected Babin Menezes as the president, J.B. Nazareth as vice president and Louis Lobo as secretary.
The new administrative committee issued a notice asking all those members who had not paid rent between 1959 and 1962 to pay the same within the fixed date. However, there were around forty members who were opposed to the new managing committee and they left the Original St. Lawrence Club and started their own club at Kurla, once again in the name of St. Lawrence. This was the third club of Belleans in the name of St. Lawrence.
It was quite a difficult task to normalize the administration of the Original St. Lawrence Club that was shattered during the three years of court battle. New rules and regulations were drafted in 1964 and the financial condition of the club was improved. Membership was provided to a large number of young men who had come to Mumbai in search of employment and the total number of membership crossed 500. However, all of the registered members were not residing in the club. Those who had married and could have their own accommodation did not stay at the club though they maintained their membership and attended regular meetings and paid monthly dues. Those who had retired and came back to Belle or their native villages also continued their membership in the hope of getting the ‘Death Benefit Fund’.
The Golden Jubilee of the original St. Lawrence club was celebrated on 19 January 1969 in the Gloria Church Hall, Byculla. At that time the managing committee comprised of Louis Lobo as president, Lawrence Castelino as vice president, Peter Paul Martis as secretary and Joseph Noronha as treasurer. Mr. Boman Behram, the Corporator of Mumbai Municipal Corporation was the chief guest for the Golden Jubilee function. On this occasion a skit titled “Haum Bomboy Paulom” written and directed by me was presented in which Edwin D’Souza, Joseph Mendonca, Henry Noronha and myself acted. Besides, my poem titled “Ponnas Vorsam Somplim” was published in the Souvenir. According to the list published in the Golden Jubilee Souvenir, there were 495 members enrolled in the club at the time of the Golden Jubilee of the club.
Managing Committee during the Golden Jubilee: Seated From Left- Antony D’Souza(Joint Secretary), PP Martis (Secretary), Louis Lobo (President), Lawrence Castelino (Vice President), Joseph Noronha (Treasurer). Standing From Left- Edward Mendonca, Sylvester Fernandes(Auditor), Emmanuel Aranha, Pascal J Sequeira, Felix Fernandes, Francis Mathias, Marian Castelino (Auditor)
Members of the Club at the time of Golden Jubilee
Cover Page of Golden Jubilee Souvenir
Scenes From the Skit-"Haum Bombay Paulom"
At the time of the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the foundation of the Original St. Lawrence Club, three of its members had become priests: Fr. Sebastian Sequeira of Belle, Fr. Charles Fernandes of Shirva and Fr. Daniel Lobo S.J. of Belle. Three members were studying in the seminary to be priests. They were: Br. Lawrence Lobo S.J. of Belle, Br. Albert D’Souza of Belle and Br. Francis Xavier of Palli. Among these seminarians, Br. Albert D’Souza, son of Emmanuel D’Souza (Monnu Master), who had chosen Lucknow Diocese, first served as a priest and thereafter became the Bishop of Lucknow. Presently, Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza is the Archbishop of Agra. Incidentally, the name of Archbishop Albert D’Souza is still on the list of the members of the Original St. Lawrence Club as the honorary member.
As the years passed more and more young educated boys from Belle who came in search of gainful employment in Mumbai sought shelter in the club. Realizing the need to have proper status for the club, in 1981, the club was registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. Thus, the Original St. Lawrence Club was renamed as ‘St. Lawrence Association of Belle’.
The St. Lawrence Association of Belle celebrated Platinum Jubilee on 10 January 1993. During this celebration Remous D’Souza of Padubelle was the president and Wilfred D’Almeida of Padubettu was the secretary. The Platinum Jubilee Souvenir was edited by Samson J. Noronha (Sam Pamboor). In the same year, St. Lawrence Association of Belle became a member of the Federation of all Mangalorean Associations.
Platinum Jubilee Celebration Committee: Seated From Left-Immanuel Aranha, Ligory Saldanha, Samson J Noronha, Remous D’Souza, Louis Lobo, Eric Martis. Standing From Left-Robert Nazareth, Vincent Nazareth, Wilfred D’Almeida, George Cutinha, Louis D’Souza, Pravin Castelino, Richard Mathias, Ronald D’Souza
Cover Page of the Platinum Jubilee Souvenir
By the time the St. Lawrence Association of Belle celebrated its Platinum Jubilee, there were over 1000 registered members in the association among whom more than 300 were working in the Gulf countries. At that time around 80 members were residing in the Pinto House at the Haines Road. In order to facilitate the continuation of membership of those who were unable to pay regular monthly contribution, the scheme of life membership for those who were abroad and native place was introduced in 1992.
Since the Platinum Jubilee in 1993 there had been a gradual downward swing in the number of resident members in the club. There have been a number of reasons for this phenomenon. With better educational facilities available in native place, most of the educated young boys managed to go directly to Gulf countries or other countries where they could get better jobs. Since recent times many youngsters have made Bangalore their destination for employment and residence.
Though Original St. Lawrence Club has lost its relevance as a ’home in Mumbai away from home in native place”, some of the former members who had great attachment to the club decided to keep the club running. Under the leadership of Remous D’Souza the entire club was renovated with generous donations from 52 members totalling Rs.8,72,101.
Presently, there are 462 registered members in the Original St. Lawrence Club. However, only 8 to 10 members are the regular residents in the club. Since a decade Gilbert Nazareth of Kalatthur-Shirva has been managing the club as the President.
Gilbert Nazareth-Present President
It is indeed sad to note that, Original St. Lawrence Club of Belle that had given shelter and security to thousands of Bellenas and people from other parishes as well in times of need in a strange and unfamiliar city like Mumbai has been facing difficulties due to lack of resident members. This is the same case with many other associations and clubs in Mumbai. It seems that these clubs and parish associations that were founded under extraordinary circumstances have outlived their purpose due to various reasons. Time has changed so also the importance and relevance of such institutions. As Original St. Lawrence Club celebrates the centenary of its foundation on 27 October 2018, we should not forget those pioneer Belleans who took initiative and established an association for those young people coming from the native village in search of employment in Mumbai.
Some of the Prominent Members of the Original St. Lawrence Club:
Archbishop Albert D’Souza
Albert was born on 4 August 1945 as the eighth child of late Emmanuel (Monnu Master) and Magdalene D’Souza of Kattingeri. Among a dozen siblings, four brothers including Albert have become priests and among four sisters two had joined religious congregation. Rev. Dr. Alphonse S.J. has been the Bishop of Raiganj in West Bengal; Fr. Edwin, originally serving in the Amravati Diocese went to Toronto in Canada; Fr. Mathew had been the Chaplain in the US Navy and presently is retired. Two of Albert’s sisters-Sr. Lucy and Sr. Eugene had joined the Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod. Unfortunately, Sr. Lucy passed away in 1993 at Thane, Maharashtra. Sr. Eugene was the Superior General of the Congregation based in Geneva, Switzerland.
After completing his high school education at St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle, Albert proceeded to Mumbai in 1964 and stayed at the Original St. Lawrence Club and began to work in a book store which also functioned as a circulating library for few moths where he had ample opportunity to read various foreign magazines.
Having realized that he had a divine call to join priesthood, like his other three brothers, Albert chose Lucknow Diocese and joined St. Paul’s Minor Seminary at Dilkusha, Lucknow in 1965. Following the entire seminary training, Fr. Albert was ordained in 1974.
After serving in various parishes and institutions, Fr. Albert was deputed to Rome for higher studies and research. In 1984, Fr. Albert was awarded the Doctorate by the Pontifical University in Rome. In 1992, Fr. Albert was chosen by His Holiness Pope John Paul II as the Bishop of Lucknow where he served for 14 years. Bishop Albert D’Souza was elevated to the position of Archbishop of the Agra Archdiocese following the transfer of Archbishop Oswald Gracias from Agra to Mumbai in 2007.
Remous D’Souza
Remous was born on 9 January 1965 as the second among six children, four sons and two daughters of late Immanuel and Mary D’Souza of Padubelle. He had his initial education up to seventh standard in the Government Higher Primary School, Padubelle and high school studies in St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle. He continued his studies in St. Mary’s Junior and Degree colleges, Shirva where he completed PUC and later graduated in Commerce with B.Com degree in 1986.
Having acquired the B. Com degree, Remous decided to build his career in the city of dreams and landed in Mumbai in 1986. For his boarding and lodging, Remous became a member of St. Lawrence Association at the Haines Road, Byculla which had been a home away from home for many Belleans working in Mumbai.
Remous started his career in a slow and steady manner. First he joined the Skypak Courier Service situated at Marol-Andheri where he served for four years. After his regular work at Skypak, Remous rendered his service to Prime Courier at Santacruz as Operational Manager where he worked from 7 pm to 12.30 am for three years.
Having gained sufficient experience and keen insight into the working of the courier service during the four years that he was working for two different courier companies, Remous took the bold step in starting his own courier company-Phoenix Couriers in 1990 in a rented place at Lower Parel. Though he started the new courier company single handedly, gradually with the expansion of the business, Remous started recruiting new hands. Later, the company expanded under the new name of ‘Phoenix Couriers and Cargo Private Limited’. As the volume of the business increased, Remous opened an additional office at Vile Parle and presently he has acquired a larger office space at Andheri.
Remous resided at the Original St. Lawrence Club from 1986 to 1991. During this period, Remous held responsible positions as the Treasurer and later President of the association. The St. Lawrence Association of Belle celebrated Platinum Jubilee following the completion of 75 years of its foundation on 10 January 1993. During this celebration Remous D’Souza was the president and Wilfred D’Almeida of Padubettu was the secretary. In the same year, St. Lawrence Association of Belle became a member of the Federation of all Mangalorean Associations.
Prior to the celebration of the centenary of the Original St. Lawrence Club, Remous took up the lead of renovating the club. With the generous donation from over fifty members the club was renovated,
Wilfred Menezes
Success comes in the way of those who not only dream but also plan their future and work hard to realize their dream. Wilfred Menezes of Moddubelle, who has just completed fifty years of his life has been a fine example of a person who coming from a simple family in a village, acquired necessary educational qualification, planned his future and worked hard and built his own security company in Dubai named Omnitec Group Companies and expanded its operations not only in other Gulf countries but also in India.
This journey of Wilfred Menezes from village to Corporate World was not an easy one. Prior to proceeding to Dubai, Wilfred had to struggle in Mumbai staying at the Original St. Lawrence Club, Haines Road, Byculla. Incidentally, the club will be celebrating its centenary on 27 October 2018. While the club was renovated recently, Wilfred was one of the major donors towards its renovation.
Wilfred has been known for his leadership qualities and organizational abilities. While in Dubai, along with other likeminded persons he was instrumental in organizing Belleans in the UAE through Bellevision (UAE). He was also one of the strong pillars of the web portal bellevision.com.
Being generous in disposition, Wilfred has been contributing whatever he could to various causes such as education, building of the church, renovation of the cemetery and other noble causes. His human touch can be assessed by his broad smile and jovial nature. He would approach anyone and strike a conversation.
Innovation and uniqueness has been the hallmarks of Wilfred Menezes. He celebrated his Golden Birthday with 16 of his friends who were born in 1968 and shared their birthday with him being born in the same year. The celebration was held at Lions Seva Bhavan, Moodubelle on Saturday, 28 July 2018 at 8 pm. This Golden celebration was appropriately named ‘Vintage 1968’.
Wilfred is a family man. Being the eldest in the family, he has been the binding force to keep the extended family united, happy and contented. The patriarch of the family, Casmir Menezes, father of Wilfred is very proud of his children, especially Wilfred who has been a strong pillar of the family.
In a recent interview with Wilfred Menezes which was published in bellevision.com, speaking about his stay in the Original St. Lawrence Club, he says: “Before coming to Mumbai, I had heard a lot of strange stories of Mumbai life. Hence, I was careful and bit vigilant in every step. On the other hand, living in a in club atmosphere where we had a mixed age group from different backgrounds for few days it was totally strange feeling at the age of 21. But gradually, I understood the culture and rather it helped me greatly especially while I was preparing to apply for my first job. As club members we had a lot of diversity as they were from different backgrounds, right from taxi drivers to cooks, mechanics, waiters, office staff, , etc. This helped me a lot to get the required exposure of Mumbai in few months time as they were really helpful caring.”
“I lived in the Original St. Lawrence Club, for little over two years till 1991. It was a nice experience living at the club. I learnt a lot of new things which enabled me to become strong today. After living there for a short time, I was in love with the place because it taught me great amount of discipline to be better organized with the time in order to get adjusted to the living conditions of the club. During my stay, I had also served for one term as the joint secretary and also had an opportunity to be a part of our Club’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.”
“I still remember some of our senior club member’s (taxi drivers) who helped me during my initial days at the club life to attend my interviews in Mumbai. I used to consult them for the locations while I have to attend the interviews. They used to be my favourite navigators. Especially, I would like to thank few of them such as Ligori’ab who had been a great support during my Mumbai days and a parental figure to me during my stay at the club. Besides Bhotam, Paul’ab, Jemma’ab and others for their guidance at all the times.”
Adv. Clement Lobo
Clement Lobo was born on 8 February, 1946 as the third among six children, five sons and one daughter of late Angeline and late Ligory Lobo of Kattingeri. He had his primary and high school education in the Church Aided Higher Primary and St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle completing SSLC in 1965.
Having completed SSLC, Clement, like many of the village boys at that time made his way to Mumbai and stayed at Original St. Lawrence Club at Byculla where his elder brother was a member.
Before entering the challenging legal profession, Clement worked in different offices such as Qwality Ice-cream and Burma Shell less than one year each, Mumbai Municipal Corporation for two and a half years and Franco-Indian Pharmaceuticals for the longest period of thirteen years.
Realizing the importance of further education and training to improve his career prospects, Clement completed the Diploma in Personal Management and acquired BA degree from Pune University as an external student. Clement’s quest for knowledge and education did not stop with being a graduate. Being attracted to legal profession, Clement successfully completed the legal studies and acquired LL. B. degree from Jeetendra Chauhan Law College (Mithibai College) at Vile Parle.
Clement began practicing law in different courts in and around Mumbai. In the initial years of his practice he associated himself with some of the leading senior lawyers of Mumbai including some retired judges practicing as lawyers after retirement.
Adv. Clement practiced law in various courts depending on the nature of litigation that he had to handle. Thus, he had to represent his clients in Labour Courts, Cooperative Courts, City Civil Court, Small Causes Court, Charity Commissioner, Customs and Gold Control Tribunal and eventually Mumbai High Court. Meanwhile, Clement completed LL.M. Degree from the Mumbai University with specialization in laws related to property.
Adv. Clement took up the initiative to start free legal aid centres in churches in the Western Suburbs of Mumbai in 1987. He has been one of the trustees of the Catholic Bible Institution (CBI) in Mumbai whose chairman is the Archbishop of Mumbai, Rev. Dr. Oswald Cardinal Gracias.
Clement married Rita from Mumbai whose family originally hailed from Kinnigoli. They are blessed with two children. Dr. Allan Lobo who did his higher studies in the University of Pennsylvania and is presently working in New York and daughter Audrey who after completing MCom in Mumbai University has done MS from the Cornell University in the United States and presently works for a corporate company.
John Martis
John Martis, son Late Louis Martis and Late Cosess Martis of Shnkerpura was a member of Oroiginal St. Lawrence Club from 1979 to 1986. His membership number was 735. He served as Honorary Secretary during early 1980s. He coordinated registration of the Association under Societies Act and Bombay Public Trust Act.
Currently, John Martis is working as Deputy General Manager at Syndicate Bank, Corporate office, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru.
Below is a brief article written by John Martis about his experience as the member of the club.
St. Lawrence Association of Belle-My Experience
I am glad to know that the St. Lawrence Association of Belle is celebrating its Centenary on 27.10.2018. On this happy occasion, I heartily congratulate the President, the Managing Committee and all the members who have made it possible. I became a member of the Association in the year 1979 and my membership number is 735. I stayed in the premises of the Association for 7 years, from 1979 to 1986.
When I got a job in Syndicate Bank in early 1979, I agreed for a posting to Mumbai as I could stay in the Association’s premises and pursue further studies. Finding an alternate accommodation for the salary I was getting those days was very difficult. The Association not only provided a homely atmosphere but also gave excellent and much needed company of close relatives and friends from native place. As such, I was not missing my native village throughout my stay at the Association. Association also provided me opportunities to pursue higher studies and advancement in my career.
With the active support and guidance from the then office bearers and the managing committee of the Association we registered the Association under the Societies Registration Act and also Bombay Public Trusts Act in the early 1980s and made it a registered body to reap the benefits available for a registered body. This is how The Original St. Lawrence Club became the St. Lawrence Association of Belle. During this period I served as Honorary Secretary. I am grateful to all the then office bearers, The managing committee members and members for their splendid support and guidance.
I have spent my prime youth days in the Association. I have enjoyed the company of people from different walks of life and gained a lot of experience. The stay in the Association also taught us to be self reliant and face difficult times in life. Help, moral or otherwise from the senior member residents, especially in getting jobs to the new entrants was always forthcoming. The fellowship and other celebrations we have had are difficult to forget. During those days, we had homely food for a very reasonable price, a landline telephone and a colour television for a meagre monthly subscription. Above all, we had the much needed freedom at that stage of our life and we could make or mar our life. No doubt, the Association was the only hope of youth of our native place, especially the less privileged, to make it in Mumbai.
I have seen youth from humble beginnings who came to Mumbai in search of a livelihood and stayed in the Association premises rising to take higher corporate positions and travel abroad, especially to gulf countries in search of better job opportunities and prosper in life. Most of them today lead a respectful life due to sheer hard work and the lessons they learnt in their early life. They make others’ life easy and liveable by their generosity. They also acknowledge the influence of their early life in the Association with gratitude.
I continue to work for Syndicate Bank and my present posting is in Bengaluru.
While I remain grateful to the Association I wish the Association a long life and prosperity to all its members. May our patron, St. Lawrence secure the future of the Association!
Alwyn D’Souza
Alwyn Prakash D’Souza, son of John D’Souza and Mrs. Eugene D’Souza of Mallibettu, Kanajar was the member of Original St. Lawrence Club. His father John D’Souza was also a member of the club.
Alwyn came to Mumbai in the year 1995 after completion of Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) from Udupi, to pursue further studies and served as Secretary in St. Lawrence Association for several years during his stay in the association .
During the his tenure in the Association he completed the Company Secretary Course (CS) from Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi in the year 2002 and Bachelor in General Laws (BGL) from Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India in the year 2009.
For the past 15 years, Alwyn has been carrying on the profession as a Practising Company Secretary under the head Alwyn DSouza & Co, Company Secretaries having offices in Kandivali East and Mira Road East.
Alwyn is married to Lind Marai D’Souza and has two children-Angel and Lisa.
Alwyn Leo Castelino
Alwyn Leo Castelino, son of late Xavier and Lilly Castelino of Devaragudde, Moodubelle was a member of the Original St. Lawrence Club from 1991 to 1994. While in Mumbai, Alwyn served as electrician and supervisor in Dheeraj Electricals, Daffodil Electricals and Vidhata Electricals(Godfrey Philips India Ltd.)
Later, from 1994 to 1997, Alwyn moved to Tarapur where he worked as Production Supervisor in Southern Metals and Alloys Private Ltd. Thereafter he served as Works Manager in Vinsons Industries Daman, near Gujarat from 1997 to 2000.
In 2000, Alwyn went to Dubai in search of better prospects and worked as Maintenance in Charge in BT & T Company in Dubai from 2000 to 2002. Later, he worked as Sales Engineer in Al Reem Electrical Contracting Est. at Ras Al Khaimah UAE) from 2002 to 2011. Presently, Alwyn is managing his own business as proprietor of Abdullah Al Nuaimi Building Maintenance R.A.K.
Alwyn is married to Lavina and they have two children, Allan and Alvina.
Sannu Monis
Edward Sannu Monis, populalrly known as Sannu Monis, Boliye was born on 3 June 1971 as the fifth child to late Francis and Florine Monis.
After completing his education in Moodubelle, Sannu went to Mumbai and worked in Mumbai while staying in the Original St. Lawrence Club, Byculla.
Sannu Monis is an artist par excellence. He has been a dramatist, compere and an accomplished poet.
With inspiration from friends, Sannu started his literary work at the age of 16. His poems and articles have been published in periodicals such as ‘Amcho Yuvak’, ‘Jhelo’, ‘Divo’, ‘Rakno’ and ‘Kutam’ and literary portals like kavita.com, maibhaas.com and daiz.com. ‘Tafavat’is his first poem written in 1988.
The contribution of Sannu Monis in the field of Konkani theatre has been quite significant. He was not only an experienced actor but also an effective director. He had acted and directed plays which were staged in Mangalore and Mumbai. Besides he is also a good makeup artist.
Sannu Monis has been a prominent artist who has been keen in promoting Konkani folk culture. He has been experimenting with ‘Gumta’ folk songs and has presented his talent at various places.
The collection of poems by Sannu Monis titled ‘Abolim’ was published in 2012.
In 2000, Sannu Monis married Lavina Mendonca and they have a son named Shaun.
After working in Mumbai for several years, Sannu Monis is currently working for a reputed company in Dubai .
In spite of his busy work, Sannu continues his interest in writing poems and acting and directing Konkani plays. Currently he is the editor of website ‘ankri.com’ which supports budding poets.
Sannu Monis has been an active member of the team that is planning and organizing the Centenary celebration of the Original St. Lawrence Club. He is the editor of the Souvenir of the Centenary Celebration.
John Fernandes
Born on 9 September 1966 as the fourth among six sons of Late Joseph Fernandes and Lilly Fernandes, John Fernandes completed SSLC in St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle in 1985, PUC in St. Lawrence PU College in 1987 and BCom in St. Mary’s College, Shirva in 1990.
Soon after graduation, John moved to Mumbai in 1990 and became a member of St. Lawrence Association. He started his career as an Assistant Accountant in a Pvt. Ltd Textile Company. Within a year he shifted to a Finance Company as an Accountant.
In 1992, John joined as Deputy Accounts Manager in a Multinational Information Technology Company. He was promoted as Manager to look after Imports/logistics /finance independently where he gained good knowledge of Imports and Finance almost for 7 years.
In 1999, John joined new IT Company giving Service and Solutions to customer. Having gained sufficient experience in IT Technology, John started his own technology Company named Domach Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd. In 2002 with head office in Mumbai. Presently his company is providing Networking IT solutions and services for some of the major prestigious fortune 500 companies.
The company founded by John have branches at Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Kolkatta and Delhi with total staff strength of 80. The company was awarded in 2009 and 2010 as the Most Valuable Company in 100 SME sector. It was also awarded Best System Integrator by Principal Vendor Company by Asia Pacific Level.
In 1997, John married Wilma Fernandes, a teacher, teaching in Our Lady of Nazareth School, Bhaynder. They have two children, Jasson studying in Third Year Mechanical Engineering from Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Kurla, Mumbai and younger daughter studying in the First Year Commerce in Divine Child Jr. College, Andheri.
Antony George Alva
Antony George Alva is the second among 10 children, five sons, five daughters, of Late Robert and Teresa Alva of Moodubelle. After his graduation in 1972, George went to Mumbai and within short period he got employment in the Food Corporation of India where he served for 32 years. During his service in Mumbai, George stayed at the Original St. Lawrence Club. He spent 17 years in the club and most of the time he was one of the members of the Managing Committee. He contributed in terms of forming rules and regulations, registration of the association and improving amenities and overall betterment of the club. In all his activities, Remous D’Souza supported him whole heartedly.
In the year 1992, George shifted to Bengaluru and continued his service in the Food Corporation of India. In 2004, George took voluntary retirement from his service. Earlier in 1989, George has purchased a property in the Electronic City and developed it as a poultry farm and later he converted the same property into apartment project by constructing building known as Emmanuel Meadows. George still runs his poultry business under the business name of ‘Alva Poultry’ in Kammasanda Village near the Electronic City in Bengaluru. He has a plan of constructing an apartment building in Moodubelle by the left side of the main road leading to Moodubelle Township.