Moodubelle: Kavita Fest 2012 Updates at 09.30 pm – Concluding Ceremony and Cultural program

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By Victor DSouza, Moodubelle
Bellevision Media Network

Kavita Fest 2012: Updates at 09.30 pm – Concluding Ceremony and Cultural program


After the Kavi Gosti, the concluding ceremony was held at 4.30 pm. The guests in the concluding ceremony include Dr. Kiran Budkule, the hosts Bernanrd & Regina D’Souza, the sponsors Lavita & Rohan Montheiro, Melwyn Rodrigues and Kishoo Barkur. Speaking on the occasion Melwyn Rodrigues thanked the hosts, Bellevision and all the sponsors for making this event a successful one.


Shivananda Shenoy was awarded the Prestigious Mathias Family Kavitha Puraskar award for his contribution in the Konkani literature. Shivananda Shenoy thanked the Trust for choosing him for this award. Prizes were distributed to winners in the National level Konkani Poetry competition held for the School children from 6th to 10th standard.



Poetry Collections “Sakshatkar” of Aruna Rao and “Abolim” of Sannu Monis Moodubelle were released on this occasion. These Poetry recitation certificates were issued to all the 18 finalists who participated in the competition. The results of the poetry competition was announced. Shiti Shedrikar won the 1st prize, Rita Kangutekar won the 2nd prize and Jinifer Carol Menezes won the 3rd prize.


Dr. Kiran Budkule in her message said that, she felt happy seeing the arrangements and the celebration of the Kavita Fest. She said the Kavita Fest which was initiated by Melwyn Rodrigues few years ago as a small plant is now grown into a huge tree today. She spoke about the Konkani language and how it is related to each religion and the music.



The architect of this event Melwyn Rodrigues was honoured for being conferred with Sahitya Academy Award for his coollection oof poetry-"Prakriticho Paas" with shawl and garland by Ronald Saby and Elias D’Souza of Bellevision. The citation was readout and presented by Kishoo Barkur on this occasion. Vittori Karkal in his vote of thanks, thanked the guests, Poets, participants, hosts Bernard and Regina D’Souza, members of Bellevision and Kavita Trust.


The entire program was coordinated by Eric Soans Barkur, who conducted the event as per the schedule even though it was a day long programme. On behalf of Bellevision Godwin D’Souza spoke on the occasion and thanked all those who worked hard to make this event a successful one. Meera Lobo on behalf of all the women volunteers and Joseph Martis on behalf of all the men volunteers were honoured with flower bouquets.




After the tea break cultural programs were conducted by Ranjit Gogoi and troup from Assam who entertained the capacity audience who liked their dances which was unique. The daylong event ended with dinner.


An exclusive report of the entire event will be published separately with the exclusive photographs from Anil Alva, soon.


Kavita Fest 2012: Updates at 04.00 pm – Lunch and Bahu Bhasha Kavi Goshti


After completion of the symposium on Poetry and Art & Poetry Recitation Finals, it was time for lunch at 01.00 pm. Delicious vegetarian lunch was served on banana leaves. During lunch various local and outside poets presented their poems.



Bahubhasha Kavi Goshti began at 2.45 pm presided over by Rajay Pawar who briefly introduced the participant popular Poets; Muddu Moodubelle, B.A. Mohammed Ali, Sannu Monis, Botam Boliye, Guru Baliga, Dr. Eugene D’Souza, Shobha Phulkar, P.J. Karugalnade, Kavita D. Fondekar and Milan Vengansar.


The poems presented were in various languages such as Konkani, Kannada, Byari, Tulu etc. Each poems from the poets deeply touching the ongoing life events, which were further reviewed by Rajiv Pawar.


Kavita Fest 2012: Updates at 11.30 am – Symposium on Poetry and Art & Poetry Recitation Finals


At 10.40 am a symposium was organized on Kavita and Kala (Poetry and Art) . The moderator of the symposium was Shridhar Kamath Bambolkar. William Pais and Rakhi Amonkar presented their papers. Prior to the presentation of their papers Andrew L. D’Cunha introduced  Shridhar Kamath Bambolkar. William Pais and Rakhi Amonkar to the audience and Avrilla Rodrigues presented flowers to Shridhar Kamath Bambolkar. William Pais and Rakhi Amonkar.



Finals of the Poetry reciting competition began at 11.45 am, the participants were earlier selected from the preliminaries held in Goa and Mangalore. Melwyn Rodrigues introduced the competitors. Out of many competitors 10 each from Goa and Mangalore were selected for the finals. Rajay Pawar,  Andrew D’Cunha, Fluorine Roche, Awri Rodrigues and H.M. Pernal were the judges for the final competitions. Vittori Karkala was the time Keepers of the session.



The participants presented their poetry sharing the knowledge, thoughts, passions and emotions through their poetry which received huge applauds from the audiences. The venue had all the classical atmosphere needed for the occasion, as the place surrounded with the lush greenery of areca nut trees, coconut trees, banana plants, palm trees providing natural inspiration to the budding poets. Besides this a Pan-Beeda shop had everything from Pan to Beedi and Gutli soda to Bonda the tender coconut. A Symbolic Toddy shop was added attraction.


Kavita Fest 2012: Updates at 10.30 am – The Grand Procession and inauguration


Representatives of Kavita Trust and Bellevision received the guests and dignitaries at Nalkubeedi in a most traditional way. The guests were then taken in a grand procession from Nalkubeedi to the venue at the Courtyard of Monnumaster. Both women and men wore traditional sari and dhotis. The procession was led by the women classic chande.


As the procession arrived to the venue fire crackers were burst, the guests were received by the host’s representative Gurkar – Gurkarn (Ivan and Sushma Menezes) with traditional Panpod – Water. The program began with the prayer song by Godwin D’Souza, Lorryn Alva and Carol Sonia D’Souza with Chrstopher D’Souza on the keyboard. After the guests were seated the program began with the attractive Marathi dance wearing costumes, who were then honoured with Panpod and rice. 



Melvyn Rodrigues, Kishu Barkur and Ronald Sabi escorted the inaugurator of the event Ramesh Veluskar an eminent poet to the dias. Kish Barkur the Secretary of Kavita Trust welcomed the guests, dignitaries and the audiences, who also gave an introductory note of the event. The event was inaugurated by Ramesh Veluskar by tossing the flower petals into the air.


Basti Vaman Shenoy, Walter Nandalike M.D. and Editor in Chief of  Daiji Dubai, H.M. Pernal, Elias D’Souza, Dr. Eugene D’Souza other guests and dignitaries were welcomed into the dias. Before taking up their seats, they showered the flower petals from the cane baskets resting on rice muda into the brass kadai filled with water.


Speaking on the occasion Ramesh Veluskar appreciated the organizers for arranging this event which he said that he has never seen before. He traced the origin of poetry in general and Konkani poetry in particular by giving various examples of folk poetry and explained its meaning. He appealed the budding poets to study the earlier Konkani poetry and produce something special of their own. He also called upon all the poets to encouraging them showcase their poetry in the programs which will be on stage very soon.


Moodubelle, 08 January 2012: Kavita Fest 2012, Updates at 09.00 am


The long awaited day has come, Kavita Fest 2012 is above to begin as the organizing committee led by Melvyn Rodrigues, Ronald Saby, Elias D’Souza, Meera Lobo are giving the finishing touches to the arrangements. The delegates, guests and dignitaries began arriving yesterday evening to this auspicious event. The stage has been decorated beautifully with banners and traditional rice mudo, areca nuts, ‘gumat’ etc.




As the guests, dignitaries and audients began arriving to the venue as early as 7.45 am, the registration counters led by Anita were open at the entrance for the recordings of their names and details. The breakfast is being served from 8.00 am and now everyone is getting ready to go to Nalkubeedi to receive the guests.



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Comments on this Article
Philip Mudartha, Qatar Fri, January-13-2012, 12:39
I thoroughly enjoyed this gala event. The sights, sounds, food and drink seduced me totally. I found every poet at his best, yet, recitals by Richa, Rajai, Muddu and Mohammed Ali entertained me most. The BV team led by Ronald Saby spared no effort and expense to pamper us no end, even bringing out the best toddy..
Melwyn Rodrigues, Karnataka Wed, January-11-2012, 11:26

ಮ್ಹಜೆಲಾಗಿಂ ಉತ್ರಾಂ ಉಣೆಂ ಪಡ್ತಾತ್. ಕವಿತಾ ಫೆಸ್ತ್ ಮೂಡುಬೆಳ್ಳೆಂತ್ ಆಸಾ ಕರುಂಕ್ ಬೆಳ್ಳೆವಿಶನ್ ತಶೆಂ ರೊನಿ ಸ್ಯಾಬಿಚ್ ಕಾರಣ್. ಆನಿ ಆತಾಂ ಹೆ ಏಕ್ ಫೆಸ್ತ್ ಚರಿತ್ರೆಂತ್ ಉರ್ಚೆ ತಸಲೆಂ ಜಾಲಾಂ ಜಾಲ್ಯಾರ್, ಹಾಕಾಯ್ ಬೆಳ್ಳೆವಿಶನ್, ರೊನಿ ಸ್ಯಾಬಿ ಕಾರಣ್. ಸಗ್ಳೆಂ ಶ್ರೇಯಸ್ ಹಾಂವ್ ತಾಂಕಾಂಚ್ ದಿತಾಂ. ಹ್ಯಾ ಎಕಾ ಫೆಸ್ತಾವರ್ವಿಂ ಬೊಳಿಯೆಗಾರ್ ಆನಿ ಕವಿತಾ ಮಧೆಂ ಜಿ ನವಿ ಸೈರಿಕ್ ಘಡ್ಲ್ಯಾ, ಹೆ ಸೈರಿಕೆ ವರ್ವಿಂ ಫುಡಾರಾಂತ್ ಅದ್ಭುತಾಂ ಘಡೊಂ - ಅಶೆಂ ಮ್ಹಜಿ ಆಶಾ.

ಬೊಳಿಯೆಚ್ಯಾ ಯುವಜಣಾಂನಿ ಹ್ಯಾ ಫೆಸ್ತಾಥಾವ್ನ್ ಉಮೆದ್ ಜೊಡುನ್ ಕವಿ ಜಾಂವ್ಚೆ ದಿಶೆನ್ ಮೆಟಾಂ ಕಾಡ್ಲಿಂ ತರ್, ಆಮ್ಚೆಂ ಹೆಂ ಪ್ರೇತನ್ ಚಡಿತ್ ಜಾತಲೆಂ ಯಶಸ್ವಿ ಅಶೆಂ ಹಾಂವ್ ಲೆಕ್ತಾಂ. ಕಾಂಯ್ ಫುಡಾರಾಂತ್ ಆನ್ಯೇಕ್ ಪಾವ್ಟಿಂ ಬೊಳಿಯೆಂತ್ ಅಸಲೆಂ ಫೆಸ್ತ್ ಆಸಾ ಕರ್ತಾನಾ, ಹ್ಯಾ ಪ್ರೇತನಾಚೊ ಫಳ್ ಆಮ್ಕಾಂ ಚಾಕೊಂಕ್ ಮೆಳಜಾಯಿಚ್.

ಬರೆಂ ಮಾಗೊನ್ ಮೆಲ್ವಿನ್ ರೊಡ್ರಿಗಸ್ ಅಧ್ಯಕ್ಷ್, ಕವಿತಾ ಟ್ರಸ್ಟ್

CGS Taccode, Mangalore Wed, January-11-2012, 12:10
Kavita Fest looked like a world class event.Thanks to the young,energetic,dashing and dynamic teams of Kavita Trust and Bellevision.People had enjoyed Kavita Festa Jevonn at Mudartha Nagar.Salam salam to Melwyn Rodrigues,Ronald Saby and their entire team.No doubt, Melwyn Rodrigues is a Missionary of Konkani Kavita and Ronald Saby is a Visionary of KOnknai Janata! Jai Konkani,Jai Moodubelle(vision)!
Alban D souza, Kunthalnagar/moodubelle Tue, January-10-2012, 8:17
Congrtulations To melwyn Rodrigues and all organizers for orgnizing such a wonderfull and great event "KAVITA FEAST" in moodubelle.Really happy to see the big event thats also in belle.My heartiest congratulations to Sannu Monis all the best for his book "Abolim".My request to the bellevision and Kavita trust to continiue the same in coming years encourage the new genration towords Konkani literature...apriciate the good work by belle people ..Its a great team work
alphonse mendonsa, Pangla Mon, January-9-2012, 8:20
Dear Melwyn, Elias and the entire Bellevision team, Congratulations on successful complition of Kavita Fest 2012. It is indeed a great Kavita feast and everyone attended enjoyed it thoroughly. It was also exhibition of our tradtion, culture and konkani roots. the arrangements were super, the stage management was excellent and above all Kavita competition was really good and enjoyable. HATS OFF TO ALL THOSE INVOLVED IN ORGANIZING SUCH A GREAT GRAND EVENT AND WISH EVERY YEAR THE TRADITION WILL CONTINUE.
Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle Mon, January-9-2012, 12:05
Great job Victor, your timely updates have helped us to understand this great event. Thanks for all your sacrifice.
Benedict Noronha, Udupi Sun, January-8-2012, 9:54
It was a grand feast of scenes and poetry in the back drop of a rural village house and forestry surrounded recollecting the village life. Very artistic and beautiful in all respects. I congratulate the organizers and look forward to more such events of various fields , in the days to cocme. This is only a glimpse of the report and more will have to be followed I think, so also my comments on them to follow. Keep watching these pages and you will be gaining more and more information and knowledge of Konkani literature.
joel dsa, moodubelle, bahrain Sun, January-8-2012, 1:04
Dear Kavita fest 2012 organizers, many many congratulations on organizing such an megha event. we at Bellevision, Bahrain wish you all good luck and pray for the success of this event. may almighty bless you all. Hats off to you. from Bellevision, Bahrain
Wilson Dalmeida, Kuwait Sun, January-8-2012, 12:35
Great job Team Bellevision. Please publish more photos of the event as its a great feeling to read the reports and updates away from home country.
Valerian Fernandes, Abu Dhabi Sun, January-8-2012, 12:12
All the very best for the Kavita Fest 2012
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