Karkal: India is strongest Democratic Nation; Dr Satish
By Pundalika Marate
Bellevision Media Network
Karkal, 27 Jan 2013: The Indian doctors, engineers and scientists who are engaged in international research missions have brought laurels to our nation. India has contributed significantly in surgery, mathematics and over 30 specialized spheres. India has third largest army in the world and we ought to be proud of it and make us more patriotic. India is the strongest democratic country, said Dr Satish, medical officer of primary health centre (PHC), Belman.
Dr Satish was delivering Republic Day message after hoisting the national flag during the celebration held at St Joseph’s education institutions, Belman, near here on Sunday January 27.
St Joseph’s education institutions correspondent and Belman parish priest Fr Lawrence B D’Souza in his presidential address said that Indian culture significant in the world, wherein unity thrives in diversity. Indian democracy is role model to the worldwide countries. It’s the duty of everyone to promote national unity and communal harmony, said Fr D’Souza.
Belman Rotary Club president Suryakant Shetty, secretary Vignesh Shenoy, Belman parish assistant priest Fr Ajay D’Silva, Belman parish council vice president Gregory Menezes, St Joseph’s High School head teacher Renilda Pereira, Primary School head teacher Sr Monica were the chief guests present.
NCC students staged attractive march-fast, the students presented group dance and the celebrations were concluded with patriotic songs.
St Joseph’s English Medium School head teacher Janet D’Souza, the local convent superior Sr Usha Stella was also present.
NCC director Haridas Prabhu, the teacher B Pundalika Marate assisted in the programme.
Sujana Devadiga spoke on the significance of Republic Day. Avita Pinto welcomed the gathering. Merin Melanie D’Mello proposed vote of thanks. Riana D’Souza compered the programme.