Mangalore: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed in Prajna
By John V. Tauro, Mangalore
Bellevision Media Network
Mangalore, 04 July 2012:‘In spite of people being aware of the evil effects of the drug abuse, the number of people falling victims to these have not decreased. Moreover, there are no separate centres to treat the people affected by drug abuse”, said the Director of Prajna Counselling Centre, Prof. Hilda Rayappan speaking at the concluding function of a workshop on this issue organized on the occasion of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in the Prajna Counselling Centre organized on Monday, July 2, 2012.
Prof. Hilda Rayappan said that the youngsters in and around Mangalore city are becoming more and more prone to drug abuse. In order to prevent this menace the NGOs, right thinking people and the police should join hands. In a surprise observation, she said that more and more women are becoming victims of alcoholism and behind every woman alcoholic there is another woman.
Inaugurating the workshop, entrepreneur John V. Tauro said that students should take advantage of such workshops and understand the evil effects of drug abuse and intoxicating substances.
Councilor Anand Kumar said that drug abuse is becoming a dangerous trend in this country especially among the youth. With the advance of science and technology drug abuse has also entered the society causing irreparable damage. If we save these youth from the drug abuse we will be doing great service to the nation.
In this workshop, besides the experienced staff and counsellors sharing their views and observations answered the queries of students who had attended the worskshop. Social worker Hary D’Souza as well the associate of the Prajna Counselling Centre, Felix Vaz were present for the workshop. Dhanalakshmi compeered the programme.