‘Palm Sunday’ celebrated at Mount Rosary Church to mark the beginning of the Holy Week
By Prof. Archibald Furtado
Pics by Praveen Cutinho
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 26 Mar 2024: The parishioners of the Mount Rosary Church assembled in large number in front of the Mt Rosary English Medium School, at 7.30 am, on Sunday, to witness the blessing of palms on 24th March, 2024.
The parish clergy comprising the Parish Priest Rev. Dr Roque DSouza gave a brief of the significance of the day and Assistant Parish Priest Rev Fr. Oliver Nazareth led the ceremony with prayers, reading from the Holy Scriptures and blessing of the palms.
Normally its moveable feast of the community celebrated on the previous Sunday of Easter, to commemorate Jesus triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem. It’s the first day of the forthcoming Holy week especially Triduum – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.
Palms were distributed to the faithful and holding them high in hands, which is considered to symbolize the victory of the good over the evil, as a symbol of conquest, triumph, peace and eternal life………and took a well-disciplined procession, by hundreds of faithful, coupled with devotional hymns led by the vibrant Church Choir and prayers.
Jesus rode into the city on a donkey and people greeted their Messiah in the joyous celebration waving palm fronds, ever since the faithful across the world celebrate Palm Sunday…… Once the whole congregation assembled inside the spacious church, which was unusually full to its capacity, the Holy Eucharist was concelebrated.
After reading the passion of Christ, in his heart touching, well-knitted homily, the main celebrant the Rev. Fr. Oliver Nazareth outlined the distinct and divine identity, personality and significance of Jesus vis-a-vis different people he met on his way of cross to the Calvary.
He emphasized on two scenarios – ‘same people singing Hosanna today and shouting Crucify Him within a span of couple of days – we too are carried away and mislead with false, fake news, coercion, undue influence to harm our neighbour. This is the holy week, let us introspect ourselves and be the truthful followers of Jesus in thought, words and acts…’ he stressed.
The most important season of 40 days Lent highlighted with penance, pardon, alms giving now reached to its glorious holy week which was given a perfect start in almost all Churches in general and Mount Rosary in particular, with the meaningful celebration of Palm Sunday.
The Parish Priest Rev. Dr Roque DSouza gave a brief of various religious ceremonies and programmes set in the Church to have Holy Passion Week starting from 24th March Palm Sunday which culminates with Easter Sunday 31st March, 2024.