Moodubelle: Centenary Celebrations conclude with ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ and Tulu Play ‘Aaye Subage...’
By Dr. Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
Pictures by Anil Alva
Bellevision Media Network
Moodubelle, 06 January 2010: The week-long Centenary Celebrations of the foundation of St. Lawrence Parish Belle concluded with ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ (Celebration of Communal Harmony) and a social Tulu play-‘Aaye Subage...’ in the evening of Wednesday, 5th January 2011 from 6.30 pm in the church premises.
The ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ was presided over by Rev. Dr. Lawrence C. D’Souza-Director, St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore. The Guests of honour were: Dr N. B. Vijay Ballal-Dharmadarshi, Shri Janardhan and Mahakali Temples, Ambalpadi, Udupi, Janab Sulaiman Sahadi-Khateeb Rahamania Jumma Masjid, Manipura and Rev. Ivan D. Soans-Pastor, C.S.I. Christa Mahima Church, Manipura. Fr. Joswey Fernandes-parish priest of Belle and Henry Fernandes and Mrs. Meera Lobo-vice president and secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council respectively were also on the dais. Charles Quadros and Johnson Miranda compeered the programme in Kannada.
The programme on religious and communal harmony began with a very meaningful prayer song excellently sung by Brenda Martis, Carol D’Souza and Prima Mathais with Christopher D’Souza providing background music on the key-board.
Fr. Joswey Fernandes, after a brief introduction explaining the reason for organising the ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ on the occasion of the celebrations of the centenary of the foundation of Belle parish welcomed the guests and all the people in the audience. The guests on the dais were offered bouquets as a mark of a formal welcome.
Speaking one after another, Dr. N.B. Vijay Ballal, Janab Sulaiman Sahadi and Rev. Ivan D.Soans complimented the parish priest and the parishioners of Belle on the completion of a century of the parish. They emphasised on the fact that there is complete religious and communal harmony in Belle. Dr. V.N. Vijay Ballal greatly appreciated the prayer song and its universal meaning. He said that all religions preach the same thing but their ways of following the truth and God may be different. Dr. Ballal further said that the roots of Indian culture are very strong with all religious communities living in harmony.
Janab Sulaiman Sahadi, in his message said that organising programmes such as ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ are very important in modern times when the communal tension is being created by selfish politicians. Further he said that Udupi may be the smallest district in the Karnataka State, but in terms of communal harmony it is the largest district not only in Karnataka but the whole of India. He emphasised on communal and religious harmony by quoting shlokas in Sanskrit from the ‘Upanishads’ and other Hindu scriptures. He also quoted the Quran to point out how Prophet Muhammad respected other religious beliefs and had appealed his followers not to harm people who follow other religions.
Rev. Ivan D. Soans said that ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ is the celebration of the unity of Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Quoting from the Bible, Rev. Ivan D.Soans elaborated on the theme of communal and religious harmony and goodwill.
Mrs. Ida Gibba D’Souza and Devdas Hebbar who were elected as the members of the Udupi Zilla and Taluk Panchayats respectively were felicitated by Rev. Dr. Lawrence C. D’Souza by offering them bouquets and mementos.
In his presidential address, Rev. Dr. Lawrence C. D’Souza endorsed the views of the speakers on ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’. He said that since hundred years of the foundation of the parish of Belle many changes and a lot of development have taken place. He further said that irrespective of our religion we are all the children of God and we have to live in harmony. He emphasised on the fact that the first and foremost religion is humanity. He said that first we are human beings, then we are identified with the religion to which we belong and thirdly the position that we hold. Quoting from the Gospels, Rev. Dr. Lawrence C. D’Souza pointed out that helping the neighbour no matter to which religion he belongs is following the teachings of Jesus Christ in true sense of the term.
Mr. Leeladhar Shetty, president of Kaup Ranga Taranga was honoured by offering him shawl, garland and memento. Fr. Joswey Fernandes presented mementos to all the guests of honour who had graced the programme and delivered their messages on the occasion of the ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’.
Following the end of the ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’, at 9 pm, the Tulu play, ‘Aaye Subage...” which is a social comedy was presented by Ranga Taranga of Kaup. The play with social message and comic flavour was written by Shyam Chitrapur and was directed by B.S. Kodagu. All the actors performed very well and the capacity audience that remained till the end of the play at around 12.15 am greatly appreciated the play.
With the ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ and the Tulu play ‘Aaye Subage...’, it is curtain to the Centenary Celebrations of the Belle Parish. The year-long meticulous preparation for various programmes and events associated with the Centenary Celebrations has borne fruit as all the programmes and events were well conducted and were greatly appreciated. The credit for the smooth conduct of all the programmes including the Centenary Feast Mass in the morning and ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ and Tulu play in the evening belongs to the patronage of St. Lawrence, leadership of Fr. Joswey Fernandes and teamwork of his priest colleagues, Parish Pastoral Council, Gurkars, other parish associations including ICYM and above all the parishioners of Belle.
For me personally, reporting all the programmes and events related to the Centenary Celebrations throughout the last and present year in has been a unique experience. I take this opportunity to thank Fr. Joswey Fernandes for his encouragement and support, Anil Alva for his excellent pictures, Sigfred D’Souza, the webmaster for uploading reports and pictures with great care and speed, the Bellevision team, especially Elias D’Souza, Wilfred Menezes, Ronald Saby D’Souza, Valerian Alva and Victor D’Souza for their support. A special thanks to all the readers of for your wonderful response and encouraging comments.