Dubai: Lourdes Kanajarians celebrate ’MonthiFesth’ with fervour
By Joy DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Dubai, 18 Sep 2014: Lourdes Kanajarians in UAE celebrated “MonthiFesth” at Winny’s party hall, Dubai on Thursday, September 11 at 9:00PM under the leadership of President Mr. AustinBarboza.
Prayer to worship Mother Mary was led by Mrs. Hilda D’souza and group followed by offering flowers by children, young and elders while singing the hymns ‘SakkadSangathaMellyam’ & ‘MoriyekHogolsiam’. Blessed Novem mixed in milk was served toall.
The program was compered by the duo, Nisha Dsouza and SeemaSequeirawho took charge of the entire proceedings with grace.
A warm welcome was addressed to the gathering by President Mr. AustinBarboza. The cultural programme commenced with a warm-up session followed by dance performance by Calisto Mathias, Seanna D’souza &AlvishaSequeira. Various games for children, elders and couples were organised by Mrs. JulietBarboza. The evening was filled with lots of entertainment and the highlight of the evening was group dance performed by the members of Lourdes Kanajar.
Vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Frank Lobo who thanked every member for supporting and strengthening LKAE and also requested them to continue their generosity in future.
Traditional food (NovemJevan) was served during the occasion by Winny’s Restaurant. The program concluded with the Housie Housie game conducted by Mr. Stan D’Souza&Mr. Lawrence D’Souza. Attractive prizes were distributed to the winners.
All committee members extended their maximum cooperation and support for the success of the evening.