Why there is no end to this sea erosion?
Why there is no end to this sea erosion?

It is time now for the quarry owners to prepare and keep the huge 1 – 2 quintal size rocks. The rain has already started, so the sea erosion will also be ready to start. In Udupi and South Kenara districts, like every year the rocks are required to place them at the locations of sea erosion and as

Belle-Manipura Road Widening: Executive Engineer of PWD Responds favourably
Belle-Manipura Road Widening: Executive Engineer of PWD Responds favourably

‘Merit is to be appreciated so say seniors and seasoned management experts’. Similarly, prompt response to certain queries is to be lauded. Hence, I personally take this opportunity to appreciate and place on record the prompt action taken by

Udupi: Hamister Rats as pets, a new craze
Udupi: Hamister Rats as pets, a new craze

In early days there was custom to verify Vastu Shastra while building the houses. In recent days whenever if the Vastu is not right then the practice of keeping Chinese products in house started. Also there is publicity on looking after live fish at home or grow plants to correct Vastu of

Moodubelle: Ankudru Vented  Dam-Prompt Action by the Zilla Panchayat, but still much to do......
Moodubelle: Ankudru Vented Dam-Prompt Action by the Zilla Panchayat, but still much to do......

The road through the Kabyady paddy fields is done by laying large pipes so as to allow the flood water to flow and prevent breach of the road by rain water. However, road at the river edge is required to be done after the floods recede following

Udupi: Mansoon Problems in Kudru’s (Islands)
Udupi: Mansoon Problems in Kudru’s (Islands)

Coastal people who are burning in this scorching sun are looking forward to the rain to come, but there are also some people who curse the rain saying why this rain is coming. The life of these people cursing the rain becomes pathetic once the rain starts coming. Their children will be

Air India Express Crash: One year passed, but pain and sorrow still persists...
Air India Express Crash: One year passed, but pain and sorrow still persists...

It was exactly a year ago in the early morning on this day (May 22, 2010) a terrible air tragedy at the Bajpe Airport snapped the lives of 158 passengers and crew of Air India Express Flight No.812 whose flight had originated in Dubai and

Udupi: Enthusiastic participation in Konkani Folklore awareness programme and Voviyo competition
Udupi: Enthusiastic participation in Konkani Folklore awareness programme and Voviyo competition

The Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy and Konkani Sahitya, Kala and Sanskrutik Sanghatan, Udupi District in association with the Catholic Sabha of Udupi Province organized a twin programme of Konkani Folklore awareness and Voviyo competition

Osama Bin Laden: A bad way has bad end
Osama Bin Laden: A bad way has bad end

On May 2, 2011 the world’s most dreaded terrorist and Al Qaeda chief- Osama Bin Laden was killed in ‘Operation Geronimo’ by the US forces in Abbottabad near Islamabad. This ultra modern Commando action seems to have sent Bin Laden to his desired destination-Jannat

Speaking about Bribing
Speaking about Bribing

Recently we had observed a nationwide awareness initiated by Anna Hazare and activists against corruption to pressurize the government to initiate and pass the Lokpal bill in order to prevent corruption and punish the corrupt government officials and politicians who take bribe from the people in order to get their routine work done

Renovated St. John the Evangelist Church, Pangala was blessed by the Vicar General
Renovated St. John the Evangelist Church, Pangala was blessed by the Vicar General

The renovated St. John the Evangelist Church, Pangala was blessed by the Vicar General of the Mangalore Diocese, Msgr. Denis Moras Prabhu on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 11 am followed by the solemn Thanksgiving Mass and felicitation function

Moodubelle: Easter Vigil observed with significant liturgical services and Solemn Mass
Moodubelle: Easter Vigil observed with significant liturgical services and Solemn Mass

Prior to the solemn Easter Mass, the most important moment of Holy Saturday is the Easter Vigil which is also known as the Paschal Vigil or the Great Vigil of Easter which is usually observed prior to the solemn Easter Mass. The Easter Vigil Liturgy in the

Easter celebrations at Moodubelle - Photo Album
Easter celebrations at Moodubelle - Photo Album

Prior to the solemn Easter Mass, the most important moment of Holy Saturday is the Easter Vigil which is also known as the Paschal Vigil or the Great Vigil of Easter which is usually observed prior to the solemn Easter Mass. The Easter Vigil Liturgy in the Roman Catholic Church is the most beautiful and meaningful.

World’s tallest statue of Jesus in Swiebodzin, a western town in Poland
World’s tallest statue of Jesus in Swiebodzin, a western town in Poland

People in Swiebodzin in Western Poland boast that the statue of Jesus Christ with outstretched arms appropriately referred as "Christ the King" is the world’s largest such statue even surpassing the height of “Christ the Redeemer” dedicated in 1931

Career Planning – The Need of the Day
Career Planning – The Need of the Day

Our life involves a series of decision making, which again is full of choices. However a close look into our life reveals that, on some matters we have no choice at all. On others we have a wide choice. In matters having choice, once chosen, that particular choice or decision

Like a Phoenix from Ashes
Like a Phoenix from Ashes

The 2011 Christchurch earthquake with 6.3 magnitude that struck the city and the surrounding regions of New Zealand at 12.51 pm on 22 February 2011 local time caused widespread damage and multiple fatalities. The earthquake was centered 2 kilometers west of the town of Lyttelton, and 10 kilometers  south-east of the centre of

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