The Catholic Women Council of the Shirva Deanary celebrated the International Women’s Day Celebration on Sunday, 14th March 2010 at the Don Bosco Hall –Shirva. The Parish Priest of Our Lady of Health Church, Rev.Fr.
The catholic Women Council celebrated the International Women’s Day on Sunday, 7th March 2010 at the Don Bosco Hall, Shirva. Rev. Fr. Richard Coelho inaugurated the programme and conveyed the message
The Catholic Women’s Council (CWC)of the Shirva Deanery organised a camp on the Role of Mothers in Bringing up Children in Don Bosco Hall on Sunday, 14th February 2010 at 2.30 pm. The camp was organised under the guidance of Mr.
The Confraternity Sunday was celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm by the parishioners of Our Lady of Health, Shirva on Sunday, 31st January 2010 as a preparation of the annual parish feast that will be celebrated
A conference of the Catholic Sabha of the Shirva Varado was hosted by the Shankerpura Unit in the Community Hall in the Church compound on Sunday, 24th January 2010 from 9.30 am to 1pm. Rev. Fr. Harold D’Souza, the parish priest of
In order to advice and guide the young students to choose their career, the Divo illustrated weekly organized a days seminar on Sunday, 17th January 2010 at Shirva from 9 AM to 4 PM. The aim of the seminar was to recognize,