Dos and Dont`s this Diwali
Diwali, 25 October 2011: Here are some tips on how to celebrate a safe Diwali this year.
1. Buy crackers from only licensed shops, avoid Chinese products.
2. Keep fireworks in boxes, away from children.
3. Burst crackers in open spaces like parks.
4. Maintain a two-foot distance from the crackers.
5. Keep blankets and buckets of water ready.
6. Keep regulators of gas cylinders off, protect curtains from stray rockets.
7. If your clothes catch fire, drop down on the ground and roll.
8. Wear fitting cotton clothes.
9. Pour water in case of burns. Do not smear ointment, butter or any other oily substance on wounds.
1. Don`t cover crackers with tin containers or glass bottles for extra sound.
2. Always take a candle to the cracker for lighting, never do the other way round.
3. If someone gets burnt, don`t remove the clothing (unless it comes off easily).
4. Ensure that diyas or earthen lamps are not near any flammable material like wood, cloth or paper.
5. Decorative lights and electric lights should not be tied to metal poles.
In case of injuries
1. Splash tap water (not ice water) on the affected area. Repeat the process till the burning sensation reduces. Rush the patient to the nearest hospital.
2. If fingers or toes are burned, try and separate them with dry, sterile, non-adhesive dressings.
3. Cover the burnt area with moist sterile bandage (do not use blanket or towel).