Mangalore: JKS to form Committee to take cause of Konkani Language Planning
By Robert DCosta
Pics by Lynet DCosta
Bellevision Media Network
Mangalore, 24 Aug 2014: Jogotik Konknni Songhotton (JKS) in association with Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy organized Global conclave on Konkani language planning at Kalaangann, Makale, Shaktinagar, here on Sunday August 24.
Goa Konknni Academy former president, poet, journalist - MLA Vishnu Surya Wagh was the chief guest of the occasion.
JKS president Dr Thomasino Cardoza, software engineer/Kannada activist Vasant Shetty, JKS general secretary Eric Ozario, Wikipedia representative T Vishnuvardhan, Mangalore University English Professor Dr Ravi Shankar, St Aloysius College (Autonomous) head of department of economics and AMUCT president Dr Norbert Lobo were present at the dais. honor.
The dignitaries inaugurated the programme by lighting tendu leaves from burning charcoal on the occasion.
Dr Cardoza briefed about the programme.
MLA Vishnu Wagh in his presidential address said that Konkani has a rich history; it has survived the times because it was spoken by common folks. The need of the hour is to bridge the gap among Konkani speaking communities mainly in Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and other parts of India. Wagh said, ‘Mandd Sobhann has taken the Mangalorean traditional culture to Goa that has ignited the spirit of unity among Konkani brethrens in Goa. The hit numbers of Wilfy Rebimbus, Cha Fra De Costa became popular among Goans, similarly Goan Tiatr in Mangalore. As the rivers of Mandovi and Zuari confluences with Netravati, there should be free flow of ideas and knowledge for sustenance of Konkani,’ said Wagh.
Wagh urged the Goans to free Konkani from aristocratic domains because lone Konkani daily that has been existent since the past 25 years has never crossed circulation of 5,000 copies, while Marathi daily started in Goa, a few years ago crossed over 45,000 copies, because they have lot of interesting stories for the common man. He said, ‘For the sustenance of Konkani, each group with their unique features should be made inclusive without contradiction,’ said Wagh.
Eric Ozario said, ‘The seed of language planning was germinated by Vasant Shetty during a programme at Kalaangann, here 6 months ago, and the outcome was Konkani language planning conclave, to get inputs from Konkani speaking people from various organizations from across the country and overseas,’ said Eric.
Dr Ravishankar emphasized on the definition of language planning and why its necessary for Konkani to develop long range plans for its sustenance.
T Vishnuvardhan elaborated how technology can enhance the reach of Konkani for sustenance at IT era that has several tools to focus on set objective. He assured to co-ordinate in this endeavor. He further said, ‘Hebrew was developed from scratch and it has become their full-pledged state language with the concerted efforts and selfless service of a few dedicated men,’ said Vishnuvardhan.
Vasant Shetty by means of PowerPoint presentation explained the methodology of language inclusion by working on registry of UNESCO for recognition form government bodies.
Dr Norbert moderated the talk both on morning and afternoon session explaining the key points in Konkani to the gathering.
Goa University department of English Associate Professor Dr Andre Raphael Fernandes during the afternoon session explained the need for language planning. He said, ‘Language is a channel for knowledge; wisdom of the community passed on through intricate of language. It’s inclusive of all cultural aspects. Language is dynamic; language of ancestors,’ said Dr Fernandes through a PowerPoint presentation. He also referred to UNESCO report that Konkani is not on the list of endangered languages.
Eric Ozario announced the proposed plan of action that is JKS will form a Committee and to convene its first meeting by September to devise clear objectives to work in this regard. He further said, two more meetings will be held and next annual meeting will be held on August 23 2015, said Eric.
The conclave was concluded with Konkani Manyata Divas celebrations.
Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy president Roy Castelino, registrar Dr Devdas Pai, Konkani Prachar Sanchalan president Stany Alvares and others were present on the occasion.
All India Konkani Writers Forum® general secretary Guadalupe Dias compered the programme.