Catholic Sabha Moodubelle Unit observes 35th Anniversary of its Foundation
By Dr. Eugene DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi/M’Belle, 30 Apr 2023: The Catholic Sabha Moodubelle Unit observed 35th anniversary of its foundation on Sunday, 30 April 2023 with thanksgiving Mass and a brief stage programme in the parish hall.
Rev. Fr. George D’Souza, Parish Priest of St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle and Spiritual Director of the Catholic Sabha Moodubelle Unit and Rev. Fr. Pradeep Cardoza, Assistant Parish Priest concelebrated the Thanksgiving Mass at 7.30 am.
Soon after the Mass, a short stage programme was organized in the parish hall presided over by Rev. Fr. George D’Souza. Rev. Fr. Pradeep Cardozaa, Pritish Burton D’Sa-Vice President of the Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs. Ancilla D’Souza-President of the Catholic Sabha Moodubelle Unit and Mrs. Winnifred Fernandes-Secretary were on the dais.
The programme commenced with the singing of hymn devoted to the Holy Spirit and reading of the passage from the Gospel by Mrs. Justin Mendonca.
Following the welcome address by Mrs. Ancilla D’Souza, Ignatius Monis briefly narrated the origin of the Catholic Sabha Unit in Moodubelle. He said that the Catholic Sabha Moodubelle Unit was founded on 29 April 1988, exactly 35 years ago with late Raphael Aranha as its first president. During the past 35 years there have been 17 presidents who rendered good service to the community.
In his message, Rev. Fr. Pradeep Cardoza referring to the theme of the Fourth Sunday after Easter “Jesus is the Good Shepherd” said that the members of the Catholic Sabha should serve the community under the leadership of its president and be fruitful and active.
Speaking on this occasion, Pritish Burton D’Sa said that he has been closely associated with the Catholic Sabha as its auditor and appreciated the good work that is being done by the Catholic Sabha throughout the Diocese of Udupi. However, he expressed his concern over the dwindling number of the members of the Catholic Sabha as the younger generation is more concerned with their own future and migrate to other cities or countries in search of jobs. He hoped that the younger people will take more interest in building and strengthening the organization.
Rev. Fr. George D’Souza felicitated the past and present presidents of the Catholic Sabha.
In his presidential address, Rev. Fr. George D’Souza said that the Catholic Sabha is not a Apolstolic Organization but a secular organization by the laity, of the laity and for the laity. Its work is not confined within the church premises but outside in social and political upliftment of the Catholic Community. He briefly narrated the background of the origin of the Catholic Sabha in the Mangalore Diocese. He said that after the second Vatican council, the Mangalore Diocese gave the desired importance to the laity and was the first Diocese in India to set up the Parish Pastoral Councils. In order to educate the newly elected members of these councils on their mission and to give them the training seminars were held in three batches under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Stanely R. Pereira, then director of the Canara Communication center. 122 representatives from 67 parishes of 13 Varados attended these seminars. One of the things that sprouted from these seminars was the thought to have, like the associations in other faiths, a laity organization in Mangalore. Accordingly a committee named “Navachethana“ was formed to give a definite shape to this thought.
The important decisions taken by this committee were as follows: 1. Christians must take an active part in Politics. 2. Christians must fight unitedly against the hardships and problems that come upon the community. 3. To fight against the Anti-Conversion O.P Thyagi Bill. 4. To convene a laity meet on 29th April 1979 at Udupi.
As per the decision to convene a laity meet on 29th April 1979 at Udupi invitations we prepared and sent to the Parish Pastoral Council members of all the 126 parishes in the Diocese. 180 representatives from 88 parishes attended this Meet. Most Rev. Dr. Basil S. D’Souza, the then Bishop of Mangalore inaugurated this Meet. A decision to found the Catholic Sabha was taken at this Meet and an ad - hoc committee was formed with Mr.Oscar Fernandes as its President and Mr. Alban Rodrigues as the secretary. A committee of six members was also formed to draft the constitution of the Catholic Sabha and an office was set up at the Don Bosco Club, Udupi.
Sr. Irene Viegas, Superior of the Loreto Convent wa present for the programme.
Mrs. Winnifred Fernandes proposed the vote of thanks and Charles Quadros, Secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council compered the programme.