Mumbai, 22 Sep 2013: ‘The idea behind forming Indian Bunts Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IBCCI) is to promote business and industrial activities among community members. This forum would help the community to discuss issues, problems, challenges and prospects of present day business and industry. In the era of globalization, its need and importance is more than ever before. The community members have already sufficiently demonstrated their entrepreneurial skills in multiple fields of the economy. While giving further push and fillip to the existing business and industrial activities, it is also important to support and encourage upcoming entrepreneurs of the community. Thus, there is an imperative need for a vibrant and dynamic body to serve the cause of community professionals and entrepreneurs and in this context; IBCCI would be of great help to community members.
After taking over as the chairman, the main area to be addressed was the completion of the office premises of IBCCI. This has been achieved through the membership collections made during the year. Without the relentless efforts of S B Shetty and chartered accountant Shankar B Shetty, the completion of the formalities of the office premises would not have been possible, I would therefore like to make a special mention of the efforts taken by them to clear the maintenance dues, stamp duty payment and have the registration completed. The board of IBCCI planned to spread awareness and gain momentum through various activities, to become service provider for employment of community professionals. We will be coming out with a journal which will provide information about the professionals from the community. This will highlight the areas of their expertise and provide the relevant information so that those looking for professional services can contact them directly. Felicitate those, who have achieved outstanding recognition in their respective area of work. There is a plan to organize seminars and invite prominent speakers/experts from different fields. A special acknowledgement is due to all our patron members whose contribution towards IBCCI has helped us achieve our targets. On behalf of the board of directors and managing committee, I would like to acknowledge the co-operation and contribution of the entire workforce. I hardly need to add that all this has been possible only due to your unstinted support. I look forward to maintaining and strengthening this invaluable relationship at all times,’ said IBCCI chairman Nagriguttu Vivek Shetty.
Vivek Shetty was speaking after inaugurating seventh annual general body meeting of IBCCI at Sun City Hotel banquet hall, MIDC, Andheri (East) here on Friday September 20 evening. Vivek Shetty also acknowledged the contributions of the Past presidents S.M. Shetty late V.K.Shetty, and B.D.Shetty on the occasion.
Indian Overseas Bank Chief Regional Manager R.K.Shetty, Standard Chartered Bank officer Denphry Brand were the specially invited guests offered information on banking services.
IBCCI vice president Kutpady Chandra Shetty, joint secretary Karunakar M.Shetty, joint treasurer Pandurang S.Shetty was present at the dais. The honorary chief secretary S.B.Shetty presented the annual report. The honorary treasurer chartered accountant B.B.Shetty presented annual accounts.
IBCCI directors, the chartered accountant – Bombay Bunts Sangh president Shankar B.Shetty, Tonse Jayakrishna A.Shetty, Ratnakar Shetty Morla, Ramesh U.Shetty and other office beares were present on the occasion. Mathrabhoomi Co-operative Credit Society honorary president Ratnakar Shetty Mundkoor and others were felicitated during the programme.
Chandrashekar S.Shetty, Yaja Sooda, Jayaram N.Shetty (Regency), Srinivas Shetty, Prakaschandra Hegde and others offered valuable suggestions for the success of IBCCI. Jaya Sooda rendered the prayers. The director C.V.Shetty welcomed the gathering and compered the programme. The joint secretary D.P.Rai proposed vote of thanks.