Pangla/Shankerpura, 05 Oct 2012: It was a great day for the members of St. Vincent D’Paul Society in Pangla as they celebrated their Patron Saints feast. St. Vincent D’Paul Society is doing a great work since many years and have been a great support to the under-privileged and poor through their various charitable deeds esp. providing food, shelter and medical assistance in whatever capacity they could.
Also been able to generate fund for the education of under-privileged children to continue their education and stand on their own feet and support their families. Despite their busy schedule the members regular visit the homes of poor, sick and downtrodden and support them all the time which is a great gesture and kind humanitarian work only a few could undertake.
To give thanks to their partron saint the feast began with the Holy Mass by Rev. Fr. Leslie D’Souza at morning 7.0am. The hon. General Secretory Simon Danthi read out the annual report and highlighted the various achievements undertaken by the society during the last year and envisaged plan for future activities.
A brief cultural get together was held at 12.30 noon at the parish hall and all members and their families along with a few supporters and well wishers gathered and spent a few memorable moments.
The Hon.President Seema Margarita welcomed the gathering and wished them all a very happy feast. The former President and founders of St. Vincent Paul Society in Pangla Mr. Antony D’sa and John Lobo (retired Head Master St. John’s High-School) gave brief introduction about St. Vincent D’Paul Society.
The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Leslie D’Souza delivered the message on the feast and he was greatful for the members for their dedication and selfless service to the poor people of Pangla which has resulted in see the bright side of the light of many who can stand on their own feet today. He wished all the members a very Happy Feast and requested them to continue with the mission with dedication. He wished God’s abundant blessings and the blessings of Patron Saint St. Vincent D’Paul on them and their family members.
At the end Vote of thanks was propsed by Mr. Simon Danthi and sumptuous lunch was provided and cooked by SVP Members to all those gathered to the feast.