Shirva, 28 October 2011: Three day Deepavali celebrations came to an end with the concluding ceremony on Thursday at Bantakal Sarwajanik Ganeshotsav Vedike. The programs were organized jointly by Bantakal Friends, Eleven Star Sports Club and Veera Maruthi Kala Sangha Bantakal. Yati Shri Isha Vittaladasa Swamiji of Shri Kshethra Kemaru Sandipani Sadhanashrama was present in the concluding ceremony.
In his asheervachana, Swamiji said that, the fields which are suppose to build the community, be an example and guide the community are all filled with the corruption today. Political, religious, devotional, educational, medical and social fields are all ruined. The work of building the corruption-free and healthy community should start from home. Mother is the focal point of our culture. Mother’s lap is the centre for refinement. Devotion towards Mother is the best devotion. Mother is the reflection of the society, said Swamiji.
We must understand the meaning of the festivals and then celebrate them. Position, youth, power and wealth are not permanent. The associations should do good works which should touch the people and should be liked by God. The various associations carryout the people friendly activities under the leadership of social worker Madhava Kamath are ideal ones, said Swamiji.
Belman St. Joseph School Teacher B. Pundalika Marathe spoke on the background of Deepavali and the ideal values of Indian culture. Majoor Grama Panchayath President Ganesha Shetty spoke on the auspicious occasion. Swamiji gave away the prizes to the winners of various competitions and congratulated them. Other guests and dignitaries present on the dias were; Shakara Kotyan, Sujit Kumar and Manoj.
Bantakl Sarwajanik Samithi President Madhava Kamath welcomed the guests and the gathering. Manjunath Acharya introduced the winners in the competitions. Heroor Madhava Acharya compeered the program. Dinesh Devadiga proposed vote of thanks. Later Vijaya Artists Kinnigoli conducted the Tulu comedy drama “Janne Jana Encha....?”