Mangaluru, 07 Mar 2025: Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, a unit of Father Muller Charitable Institutions, has been administering homoeopathic treatment to the patients since 1985. Over the years, the hospital is functioning with out-patient departments in medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics & gynaecology, dermatology, psychiatry, surgery, ENT and 24x7 In-patient department, yoga & naturopathy unit, counselling, physiotherapy, X-ray, laboratory services, specialty clinics, online consultation, health check-up schemes and palliative care centre.
‘Genesis Fertility Clinic’ was flagged off on March 8, 2022, on the occasion of International Women’s Day by Fr Richard A Coelho, director of Father Muller Charitable Institutions, under the leadership of Fr Roshan Crasta, former administrator of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, whose vision and dedication laid the foundation for Genesis Fertility Clinic aiming to assist couples to achieve their dream of parenthood.
The clinic is committed to provide the best possible fertility treatments and today it is completing 3 years of existence and celebrating the success stories with beneficiaries who have conceived with its care and treatment.
Objectives of fertility clinic:
• To provide comprehensive fertility care – To impart holistic health care by timely diagnosis, investigations along with life style modification, advice and counselling.
• Raising awareness and education – To educate the community to realize their dream of parenthood through homoeopathic treatment by competent and well experience medical fraternity.
Every couple walking into ‘Genesis Fertility Clinic’ gets highly personalised homoeopathic treatment under the supervision of our qualified doctors.
On this occasion, the clinic is keen to share the success stories with a total of 91 registered cases and 43 conceived cases.
The Obstetrics and Gynaecology unit of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical college & Hospital is headed by Dr Vilma Meera D’Souza, along with other unit doctors available for consultation from 8.45 am to 4 pm in the outpatient department.
At Deralakatte OPD:
Unit I : Monday – Dr Jenita Fernandes & Dr Adlin Gonsalves
Unit II, V : Tuesday & Friday – Dr Vilma M D’Souza & Dr Sherlyn E Paul
Unit III : Wednesday – Dr Saviona Fernandes & Dr Anila E T
Unit IV : Thursday – Dr Anita Lobo & Dr Adlin Gonsalves
Unit VI : Saturday – Dr Saviona Fernandes & Dr Shainaz
Genesis fertility specialty clinic: Dr Vilma M D’Souza & Dr Anita Lobo
At Kankanady OPD: Monday – Dr Vilma M D’Souza & Dr Anita Lobo
Besides this, many other Gynaecological disorders are also treated such as – PCOD, abnormal bleeding disorders, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, urinary disorders, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhea and leucorrhoea, genital malignancies, breast lumps etc.
For appointments, call or whatsapp: 945956633, Landline: 0824-2203901/2203902
Fr Richard Aloysious Coelho, director, FMCI, Fr Roshan Crasta, guest of honour, Nelson Dheeraj Pais, administrator, FMHPD, Dr ESJ Prabhu Kiran, principal, FMHMC, Dr Satish S, principal, FMCOPS, Dr Vilma Meera D’Souza, vice principal, professor & HoD, Dept of OBG, FMHMC, coordinator, GENESIS fertility clinic, FMHMCH, Dr Girish Navada UK, medical superintendent, FMHMCH, Dr Deepa Pais, deputy medical superintendent, FMHMCH and OBG unit doctors were present at the press meet.