Mumbai: Karnataka Folk University, famously known as the world’s only folk university at Gootagudi, Shiggavi Taluk, Haveri District. Its Chancellor Dr. T. M Bhaskar invited and informed Swastishri Charukirti Bhattarak Panditacharya Pattacharya Maha Swamiji about the various activities of the museum on 21.1.2025 at 3.00 pm.
On this occasion, Dr. Prem, a senior lecturer of the university, Kumar, Dr. Venkan Gowda, Dr. Raja Shekhar, Shahajan Mudha poet, Assistant Professor Bhuvan Akkole were present and along with Swamiji, Somashekhar, Pramod S.D. Yam Ujire College Principal, and Moodubidre Lecturer Mahavir Jain were present. Swamiji discussed with the Vice Chancellor to organize a state-level folk festival at the Dhavalatraya Jain Kashi Trust Ashram in the coming days on behalf of the university. Pujya Swamiji was honored with a shawl souvenir.