Mangaluru, 20 Jan: At the meeting of the newly-elected managing committee of Konkani Natak Sabha (KNS), held at Don Bosco Hall, here, on Monday, January 20 to elect the new office bearers, Floyd D’mello from Cascia was elected vice-president for the term 2024-2026. Floyd also served as an assistant secretary for one term between 2018 and 2020 and General Secretary for 2 terms between 2020- 2024.
Pamela Santos from Jeppu was unanimously elected as the general secretary of KNS.
Jerome Moras from Angelore, was chosen as asst secretary, Moras had also served as an assistant secretary for one term between 2004 to 2006. while Ivan Dsilva from Urwa was elected as treasurer.
Konkani Natak Sabha president, Fr Rocky D’cunha (OFM Cap) conducted the elections. The charge was subsequently taken over by the newly elected office bearers.
KNS office bearers for term 2024-2026
President - Fr Rocky D’Cunha
Vice president - Floyd D’Mello
General secretary - Pamela Santos
Joint secretary - Jerome Moras
Treasurer - Ivan D’silva