Udupi, 28 Mar 2024: The word Maundy comes from the Latin ‘mandatum’ meaning ‘Command’. This day commemorates Jesus Last Supper with his 12 close disciples in that upper room, during the meal Jesus washed his Apostles feet and gave them a new commandment: ‘Just as I loved you, you also should love one another..’
At the sunset on Thursday, 28th March, 2024, around 6.00 in the evening the Mount Rosary Church was filled with devout faithful to take part in the Liturgy, as narrated in the brief introduction, ‘today is Holy Thursday, as we commemorate the Lord’s Last Supper. By washing the feet of the disciples, Jesus has shown us the way that we must have a servant’s heart. We are called to serve others, to live with humility and show love in all our actions…. As Jesus has instituted the Sacrament of both Eucharist and Priesthood, on this day, it’s time to pray for clergy and more vocations……’
The Choir team, led by Jovita Fernandes, sung the entrance hymn, to usher the beginning of the Holy Eucharist with the main celebrant Rev Dr Roque DSouza, the Parish Priest, with Rev Fr Vincent Crasta, Director Proclamation & Evangelization Com and Secretary CESU, Diocese of Udupi, and Assistant Parish Priest Rev. Fr Oliver Nazareth entered the well decorated Sanctuary.
“A new commandment I give you, Love one another, as I loved you, By this all men will know you are My decuples, if you have love for one another” – John 13:34-35. While breaking the word of God in his well prepared, to the point homily, Rev. Fr Vincent Crasta highlighted day’s significance both in the life of Jesus, his Apostles and we the followers.
He narrated it was not just a supper but the first Holy Mass celebrated by Jesus with his disciples, and instituted the Sacrament of Priesthood as asking them ‘to do this in memory of me……’ he continued to insist upon the faithful to be collaborators in continuing Christ’s mission of priesthood in them, both by praying and cooperating with them…..Holy Thursday also an opportunity to retrospect and look within us – do we have the thoughts of some of his disciples like – Judas who betrayed Him in exchange for 30 silver pieces, only concerned about earthly things, as ‘he was knowing the price of everything, but know nothing about its value’. Yes, it rightly reminded of the just concluded retreat – on this great day, Jesus changed his Dress, just before washing the feet, changed ordinary people as priests and changed the products….simple bread and wine into His body and blood…’
Immediately after the homily the Vicar Rev. Dr Roque DSouza washed the feet of twelve representatives in the parish, as a symbol of ‘humility, selflessness and service’, what Jesus himself performed on Maundy Thursday – a new commandment to love one another as he loved them…..
Once the Holy Mass concluded, the Blessed Sacrament was taken in a silent procession to the ‘altar of repose’ and Rev. Fr Vincent Crasta led the prayers for the entire parish family. The gist or the essence of the preaching was ‘Jesus washed us from sins, so that we have a share in him’. The holy High Altar, the sanctuary stripped off its ornaments, decorative items and liturgical objects as a symbol of Jesus agony in the garden of Gethsemane, his arrest, whipping and followed suffering on the Cross for the redemption of human kind…. and remain so until the beginning of the Easter vigil.
The day’s liturgy was shared among the representatives’ from different wards and Mrs Daisy Mendonca Convenor of 20 Commissions of the Parish, aptly anchored the proceedings, at intervals by narrating the importance and information. The whole ceremony was concluded around 8.00 pm. however the Church will remain open for private adoration and prayers.