Varanasi, 07 March 2011: Varun Gandhi on Sunday tied the nuptial knot with Bengali girl Yamini Roy Chowdhury at a temple on the banks of the Ganges here. Varun (30), who was in a silk ‘kurta’ and ’dhoti’ with an orange ‘angvastram’, got married to Yamini, a graphic designer, at a ceremony in Kamakoti Temple which was presided over by Kanchi Shankaracharya Swami Jayendra Saraswati.
The ceremony took place between 7.30 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. in the presence of a select gathering that besides Maneka included the girl’s mother Aruna Vasudev. However, no one from Sonia Gandhi’s family was present. “The marriage went off very well. I have blessed the couple,” Jayendra Saraswati told reporters here.
The reception scheduled for March 8 in Delhi has been cancelled following the death of Amteshwar Anand, mother of Maneka. The ‘haldi’ ceremony of Varun had taken place at the Kamakoti temple.